New Year’s Resolutions and cleanses and all that nonsense have always held absolutely no allure for me. They don’t last, and the people who seem to espouse them the most are the ones who deny ever saying such tripe by the time February ends. This year, however, I’m trying my hand at a bit of a cleanse, and a booze-free January. In truth, I started before last year ended, so technically it’s not a New Year’s resolution. Maybe that’s why is hasn’t been that difficult to do.
Despite most outward appearances, I’m a pretty disciplined person. This blog hasn’t received daily updates from a slacker for the past fifteen years. When I set my mind to something, it gets done. For the past few weeks, that’s been about getting in better shape and making it a dry January. Each feeds into the other, so it’s been working out well, and perhaps I’ll carry it forward into February as well. (I’m not going to lie: I really just want to fit into my former pants because I have too many to afford going up another waist size.) But I do also want to get a little healthier. The body doesn’t bounce back like it did in my 20’s. Or even 30’s.
Luckily, a healthier lifestyle will also inform a new project, which is in its earliest embryonic state. A complete turnaround from the PVRTD project of last year, it’s going to be a doozy of a different feather. But that’s far, far in the future. The task at hand is a combination of better eating habits, more exercise, and some meditation both mindful and mindless. That’s enough for now.