Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

My whole life has been one big ‘felt cute, might delete later’ moment.


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Rainy Day Frag

My cologne preferences are largely influenced by season and atmosphere. Of late, I’ve had to delve deeply into the rain fragrances. For the spring/summer season, on those days that get a little wet, I’ve always preferred the Hermes Jardin scent ‘Un Jardin apres la Mousson‘ – loosely translated as the garden after a monsoon. It’s sweet and light, when you need something brighter to cut through the humidity, but nothing too heavy and cloying that might linger and erupt beyond its intended effect.

With all the rain lately, these little olfactory accessories prove one way of injecting some brightness and happiness into the otherwise-drab days. If we’re going to be locked in a cycle of bad weather, we might as well smell good when dealing with it.

These droplets of water captured on the car window do have a certain prettiness to them. This water of life is also giving our gardens a good start. After the rainstorm is not an entirely-awful place to be.

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Tiny Threads: An insignificant Series

Flippant work comment: “She’s been new for a long time.”

Yeah. I said it.


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More Florals for Spring

Rooty-tooty, fresh & fruity, dare we say spring is on the actual horizon?

Did we see a glimpse of the elusive sun at long last?

I’m not saying anything, lest we jinx anything and scare the sun away.

Fickle heavenly bodies are too easily spooked.

Leave the celestial beings to other realms.

Give me the flowers and the dirt and the crumbled stone of the earth.

The ground beneath my feet.

The solid-as-a-rock bed upon which we walk.

I’m already too prone to flying away.

Here are a few more floral scenes for spring.

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

When life becomes a production, shut it down. 


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Balls, Balls, Balls

Where is the guide to all things balls? Here’s all I’ve got:

Football ~ you kick it off with your foot.

Basketball ~ you try to get the ball in the basket.

Volleyball ~ you volley the ball back and forth.

Baseball ~ you try to get around the bases.

Kickball ~ you kick the ball.




One day I will throw a ball… and it will be Glamourball.

Or Glitzball.

Or Princessball.

Or Sassyball.

Or Assball.

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

An excess of friendliness, especially when forced upon another, is rude.


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A Lilac Winks Through the Rain

Shaking off her wet drooping head, she smiles at me with her sweet perfume, giggling in spite of her wet environs. An extended rainy spell has left us all hungry for Spring Proper. Let’s be fair, we deserve it after winter, but it hasn’t rally happened yet. All we’ve had are all-too-infrequent glimpses of where we should be. Yet this happy lilac provided the smile and the happiness I needed to make it through yet another rainy day. 

For whatever reason, the scent of lilacs recall childhood memories for many people. How did we all come upon this shared fragrance trigger? I’m not sure. Maybe it’s because I’m surrounded by people born and raised in the Northeast, where lilacs find their desired atmospheric conditions. I don’t know and I don’t particularly care – I’m just happy that it’s so. I wish you could smell these. It eases a rainy morning. 

PS – More lilacs are on the way

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With Repetition, A Recap

In real life, this past weekend was spent in New York City with my Mom, for our annual Mother’s Day weekend Broadway excursion. Online it was spent recounting an anniversary weekend in Boston with Andy, so when we all meet up at times like Monday, I’m a bit of a confused mess. Don’t let that deter you from making the rounds of what went on here last week. In short, a recap of what happened online for the last week:

It started and ended with posts of the Hunk of the Day, featuring Farad Z and Rhys Kosakowski.

These #TinyThreads unraveled and rewound. 

Cole Porter sang our anniversary soundtrack

It all began in Boston

Beside the harbor, with a derby or two

Starting the day with European flair

A museum visit graced with Frida Kahlo and Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Of tulips, squirrels and Eggs Florentine

In the cocktail hour, some flashy fashion power

Dinner tradition in a new restaurant

When traditions get a surprise twist

The tale of a lion’s tail

Closing out our Boston anniversary with portals of prettiness.

Bonus: Shawn Mendes got into his Calvin Klein undies again. 


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Even More Shawn Mendes in His Underwear

The Calvin Klein underwear campaign featuring Shawn Mendes just kicked into high gear, finding Mr. Mendes in his boxer briefs with even more explicit photos as seen here. It seems as good a way as any to start off a rainy Monday morning. We could use a little pick me up. To that end, check out this Shawn Mendes shirtless post, wherein he was crowned Hunk of the Day. And then this Shawn Mendes showering post, since water seems to be in store for us. And of course this epic underwear post, where Mendes debuted his campaign with Mr. Klein. And this shirtless Sunday post just for shits & giggles

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The 9th Wedding Anniversary Recap





What a wonderful weekend we had celebrating our anniversary! This online world needs more happiness, love, and beauty- a little niche of giddy escapism, where the adventures of two not-so-young gents sharing a Boston weekend get recounted and added to my memory bank. When the winter rages and the snow returns, and when I need to be reminded of the comfort and warmth that is sometimes part of this world, I will revisit these posts and memories. The older we get, the more difficult it is to remember. This blog is the diary I keep so when such happy days start to fade and get fuzzy, I’ll bring them back with a click… and a smile. Though we are saying goodbye to Boston for the moment, we shall return again soon…

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Portals of Prettiness, Promise of Return

Boston in full spring bloom is an astonishing sight to behold. Even beneath an overcast sky, one that constantly hinted at rain and occasionally spit some out, the blossoms carried their beauty through the universe. As we closed out our 9th wedding anniversary in the city where it happened, we slowed our steps to savor every last moment.

The flowers seemed to join in the celebration as well, nodding their droopy Sunday morning sleepy-heads with the merest rustling of a breeze. The tulips here were at their peak ~ further along than their more exposed Public Garden counterparts. These isolated microclimates of little front yards warmed by the sun and buffered from the wind are often ahead of their brethren. They also sustain more delicate species, sometimes allowing for an extra Zone of hardiness.

Through the frame of a glossy black iron gate, portals of floral majesty deceptively hint at expansive meadows of wildflowers. An optical trick, it’s a nifty way of making a tiny space seem larger: a pocket of beauty held in a single gaze, multiplying into a thousand levels of memory.

Beneath the tulips and bleeding hearts was a groundcover of Vinca, in purple pinwheels of bloom. When the bulbs die back, this ground cover will sustain the space through the summer, its handsome dark green foliage backing the occasional re-bloom.

Still, nothing will compare with this stellar spring show, the first flush of the season when we need it the most.

My love of tulips has been constant since I was a little kid, yet I don’t plan them that often at my own home. Probably because they are so fleeting and unreliable when compared to more stalwart perennials and shrubs. Tulips are better admired in large public beds, or in the smaller private gardens of someone else, where they can decide whether to simply pull them up when the show is over or attempt to get another year or two out of the bulbs. I’m not emotionally ready to make such decisions if it’s at all possible to avoid them.

I have similar issues with pansies – I love to see them in these early cool days of the season, but I’d never plant them in my own garden, as happy and bright as their faces may be. Perhaps one day I will appreciate the temporary beauty they provide and embrace what we know will never last. There is charm in that, somewhere, and I will seek it out one day.

For now, I will lift my eyes to the cherries – we have a Kwanzan in our backyard that is also in full bloom, and it’s glorious. Bridging Boston and upstate New York with the beauty of their pink blossoms, these exquisite pom-poms are the perfect bookends for an anniversary weekend.

We made it to Braddock Park, where the fountain was running for another season. It trickled the soothing sound of water all the way up to the second floor window. As soon as it got just a little warmer, we would open it up and listen to the tranquil song – a song of spring, of summer, of love.

{Continued from here.}

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Sunday Brunch & The Tail of a Lion…

Lions are all over Boston, something I never really noticed before and now notice everywhere. From the emblem and icon of the Lenox Hotel, to the guardians and entrance-greeters at the Capital Grille, to the grandiose pair lounging by the interior staircase of the Public Library, these felines regally pose around every corner of the city. (I think there’s also a prancing one atop the Old State House or some similarly historic building). Playing into that theme was our last culinary exercise of the anniversary weekend: brunch at the Lion’s Tail.

We arrived just as they were opening, passing a few smartly-planted pots of spring flowers spilling all their glory onto the sidewalk. (Andy tried to steer me clear of the dog pee that had just been sprayed near one of the pots because that’s what a good husband does.)

Located well into the South End, this is one of the relatively newer restaurants that is bringing the area further into gentrified popularity. While its menu was whimsically filled with a long list of cocktails (picture an adult fairy tale with fanciful drawings to match) they also serve food, including Sunday brunch.

Fresh roses filled small vases, while a large lion head roared from the back wall. The BLT Benedict I ordered came with thick slabs of bacon, while Andy’s French toast (somewhat lacking in batter and on the dry side) had an abundance of fresh berries. It felt like their specialty was cocktails, and no one should be faulted for that.

They were kind enough to bring out a plate of ice cream sandwiches for our anniversary, which was a sweet touch, and a sweet ending to our Boston meals. (Not that we needed any more sweetness ~ the bulk of a Chocolate Tower Cake was already boxed up for the ride home).

Our umbrellas must have acted to ward off the rain, as we began making a leisurely walk back with a couple of stops along the SoWa Market. Sad to see that Bobby’s is no longer in its original location, and the whole market isn’t what it used to be since moving into that basement area. Boston changes, as we all do ~ sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. A row of Kwanzan cherries was in magnificent full bloom, and beauty seemed to be following us, or vice versa. We took our time, winding our way through the South End, closer to Copley, and closer to the end of our trip…

{Continued from here.}

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An Old Routine, A New Twist…

In almost every relationship that has lasted for nineteen years (while this is our 9thwedding anniversary, we’ve been together for a decade more than that) there comes a point when routine overtakes everything and there seems to be nothing new under the sun. This doesn’t bother or frighten me anymore ~ it’s more of a comfort and source of contentment. That takes a while to grow into, and not everyone does. We reached that point a long time ago, and the companionship, friendship and love that we share has been more resonant and lasting than either of us might have expected.

However, there are moments when your husband still has the ability to surprise in wonderfully unexpected and unplanned ways, like when we were finishing up dinner at Nahita. Uninspired by the dessert listing and perhaps missing one key component of our very first wedding weekend, Andy mentioned the Chocolate Tower Cake at the Four Seasons. We recalled the lunch we had there (thank you Aunt Elaine) right after our ceremony, and how scrumptious that towering cake had been. At first it was just a nice memory, then we both looked at each other and sort of dared the other to suggest it without even speaking.

Realizing we were just around the corner from the Four Seasons, we got the check and made our way to the Bristol Lounge. One Chocolate Tower for two (actually listed as serving five, ahem) was about to arrive.

It was just as we remembered it ~ decadent, extravagant, and sky-high. For five it would be an overindulgence. For two it was utterly ridiculous, and just what we wanted. It arrived to the stunned onlooking of the table near us ~ a rowdily fun group of five who were at the tail-end of their meal and looking for something more. They asked what it was, so I showed them a slice and extolled its virtues. Hooting and hollering, they said they were going to order one, and a few minutes later they were digging in. (Andy jokingly asked the waiter for a cut of his tip since we’d added on such a big item.) We were there to spread the love ~ love of cake, and love of love.

Filled with both, we boxed up the remainder and tried our best to walk off everything we had eaten. There was still no rain. The walk was wonderful; the company was better…

{Continued from here.}

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A New Restaurant, An Old Routine…

While waiting for the Uber, we stood on Braddock Park on a perfectly glorious evening and watched the world go by. Dog-walkers were strolling along Southwest Corridor Park, and one particularly friendly gentleman walked by and smiled. He looked us both up and down, then addressed Andy: “You need to up your game!” I thanked him and busted out laughing. (For the record, Andy looked quite dapper in his new Brooks Brothers jacket, and was far less amused than I was by the comment.)

It was a short drive to Nahita, which was as beautiful in real life as it looked in all the write-ups I’d seen. There was still some light in the sky when we sidled up to the handsome bar. Filled with tropical plants and high windows, it was an antidote to the gray weather and a lovely setting for a Saturday night dinner.

We carried on with our cocktail hour, having arrived earlier than our reservation for precisely this purpose. It’s the best way to make a dinner with a loved one last a little longer, and extending a wonderful time seemed to be one of the themes of the weekend. With the stresses of work and home-ownership, and the expanding difficulties of staying healthy and mobile, such breaks feel fewer and further between one another. We cherished our evening together, much as we held on to our recent Savannah adventures. Maybe we just need to take more vacations while we still can.

As different as we are (see wrist exhibits above) we get along surprisingly well, because for all our outward differences we share many underlying traits. I thought of this as our appetizer of octopus arrived. It was in Boston where we first tried it a number of years ago ~ at Cinquecento as Andy reminded me. That’s the beauty of a history together ~ it keeps building on itself, layers and layers of memories, shared moments, laughter and tears and all the best parts of life.

We also talked about what we might do for next year’s 10thanniversary celebration, and that was worth a raised glass…

{Continued from here.}

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