Raindrops on Roses (The Real B-Day Suit)

Seeing as how it’s my supposedly special day, it seems a fine time to focus on the frivolous bits of flotsam and jetsam that populate my scanning interest these days. Each one is a category on this blog because I post so much about them that this makes for easy organization. Such was the intent of early blog ambitions – these days if I want to seek out a specific post I simply type a keyword into Google, followed by ‘Alan Ilagan’ to see what exactly I wrote since the search engine here is broken. 

Anyway, here are a few favorite topics and the links to their respective collections. The great revamping of 2012 obliterated most posts prior to that year, though a few choice ones have been saved that go back to 2009. After 2012, however, almost every post is still up and online here. It makes for a large body of work, because seven years of anything – especially when there are three posts a day – results in a vast collection of words and pictures. This is the modern-day diary, a virtual throwback to the little Garfield diary I once filled out in 7thand 8thgrades, that came with its own lock and key. Diaries are funny things. Blogs are too. Both feel a little antiquated, a little quaint, and more than a little necessary for those of us who feel the need to express things or burst. But it would be foolish to pretend that either a diary or a blog is entirely without guile or underlying purpose all of the time. We all wear disguises, even and sometimes especially when we purport to be naked. Veils of veils and shadows of shadows, the trickery of light at perpetual play – these are the subtle shifts of an online persona. The voice you hear now as you read these words is probably not mine. But I digress, entirely too much, particularly on such a fun day. Let’s keep it light and whimsical, like the very best notions that accompany one’s anniversary of birth.

And the categories are:

In addition to those main categories, there are a few silos that have more than hay in them:

Wild geese that fly with a moon on their wings…

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A New Birthday Suit for My Birthday: #44

When you’ve shown your ass to the world for the last sixteen years that ALANILAGAN.com has been around, it’s a bit of a relief to put all your clothes on and celebrate in a new kind of birthday suit. Hence this birthday post. Suited up in the post-coital garden of Adam and Eve, the only cup you will see here is in the cup plant behind me. (My junk is buried deep in the archives so you’ll have to search to find it.)

As for birthday wisdom this year, I’m feeling a little drained. This isn’t some grand post with multi-layered levels of meaning. This is me at 44 not giving a shit because I’m pretty happy with where I am right now. But there’s still some bitter to go with the sweet, so let’s have at that. 

Forty-fucking-four, and I feel every second of it. Not always in a bad way, in fact usually not in a bad way. I earned all the gray hairs, laugh-lines and frown-creases I’ve got, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I traded them happily for knowledge and a certain amount of wisdom. I also bartered for patience and a bit of apathy, because in the not-so-distant past I cared a little too much. Better to let things go, better to let others get bogged down with semantics and the eternal quest for what’s right. It’s ok to be wrong. It’s ok to make mistakes. I don’t have to like it, I just have to be ok with it, and I am.

44 has a nice smooth edge to it – two even numbers divisible by 2 and 4 and even 11. Not one to get into numerology, I still hope that 44 brings about luck and fortune. I’™m more into astrology, which has me on the Leo-Virgo cusp, with a distinctive preference toward the latter. And second only to Virgo regarding annoyance factor may be Leo, which is why I’m so often such an insufferable dominatrix of sorts. (It also means that it’s much easier just to do as I say from the beginning because I’m going to get my way in the end. Why must it be so much work for everyone?)

Sorry, it’s my birthday, so I get to be a little insufferable. (And having just re-read these last few sentences I am roaring with derisive laughter. Leos roar; Virgos deride. This is my sweet spot.)

Birthdays sometimes turn into an opportunity to indulge in a little nostalgia, but this year I’m not feeling that. We will look back another time. Right now I’m worlds away, floating on a cloud of musical theater, traipsing through streets of storied beauty, and thanking my maker for keeping me ticking another year.

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Bulging with Hunks

When a little (big) bulge ignites the internet, it’s time for a proper look at our past Hunks, and a tease of future ones to come. As we head into my birthday weekend, I’m pre-programming a few fun link-filled posts for your viewing pleasure. Sometimes we miss the hottest posts in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Here’s a chance to go back and correct it. 

We begin with Chace Crawford and the bulge that rocked the internet. Real or photoshopped is beside the, err, point. Check out his Hunk of the Day crowning here and let me know if we should feature him again. 

Up next is recent Hunk of the Day Jacob Elordi, who has been making his own splash on ‘Euphoria’ and causing emotional outbursts of the same name. Here he is modeling Calvin Klein underwear. [See also Salomon Diaz,  Shawn Mendes, Noah Centineo, and Nick Jonas… and Nick Jonas again.]

Ginger firecracker Race Imboden recently kneeled for a medal-winning rendition of the National Anthem, because our youth are the ones who have the strength and courage to stand up for the oppressed these days. That’s enough to remind me of why he was Hunk of the Day in the first place: it takes hunkiness and heart.  

‘Million Dollar Listing’ poster boy Ryan Serhant will do anything for a sale, including getting into a skimpy Speedo for a hot-tub demonstration, and that’s why he was a shoo-in for Hunk of the Day. He also featured in some nude shower GIFs for a naked male celebrity post like this one

Not to be outdone in the male gratuitous nudity category, here is Nico Tortorella baring his backside for a cheeky summer sun-tanning shot. Nico took it all off here and here too. (He was so good at it he earned a second Hunk of the Day honor here.)

The hairy-chested male gets plenty of attention in these parts, though maybe not so much lately, so let’s rectify that with this reminder of Bryan Greenberg and his turn as Hunk of the Day. Bryan also lent his body to hunk recollections like this one, and some sexy wet shirtless GIFs to this one

Cristiano Ronaldo has been in way too many posts to recall them all here, and you probably have link fatigue already, so here’s one of the most recent. oh, all right, here’s another. And one more for the road. Next to him is a newcomer, male model William McLarnon, who gives us some nude male celebrity street cred

Slightly less naked is Michael Campayno, who made his Hunk of the Day debut here


The grand finale to this post is brought to you by yesterday’s Hunk of the Day George Hill. This will likely not be the last you see of Mr. Hill, so relax and enjoy the ride.

And if that’s still not enough to stir up your psyche and stimulate your libido, check out this monster hunk post from 2018

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

There’s a hidden idiotic frat boy in me that insists on coming out sometimes.

Like when I’m washing cucumbers.


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It may well be that we will have to repent in this generation. Not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, “Wait on time.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Let’s play a game. Go to the 7th most recent photo on your phone – no cheating! – and delete that stupid thing. I’m guessing it sucks.


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Luscious Lavender

It hasn’t been the best year for our lavender plants. A couple of them barely survived the winter, and only one produced a decent flowering way back in June. This week there were only two stems that took part in the re-bloom, but all I needed was one to garnish the lavender martini seen here. It’s the first time I’ve made one this season, being so preoccupied with the Southern Sweet Peach Tea that took us all by storm.

This is a simple recipe, and the lavender syrup it requires can be made and kept in the fridge for several weeks – it also works quite well in a non-alcoholic lavender seltzer if you’re trying to be a little healthier. (Be sure to use culinary lavender – not the decorative kind, and certainly not something you’d find in a potpourri sachet.)

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

What needs to be done to bring about a proper honoring of the siesta in this country? We are all too run-down to function effectively.


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Clouds Not In My Coffee

The drama of a summer sky as seen from a parking lot can be a beautiful thing. When the mundane meets the magnificent, something magical happens. Here, in the midst of an errand, I paused to examine the sky – all beauty and prettiness and painted by the hands of God. How else to account for such majesty? Maybe God is Mother Nature. Or vice versa. Regardless, the entity responsible for this has much mad respect.

These particular cloud formations erupted one night when the atmosphere turned itself upside down, threatening tornados nearby, and shattering the summer sweetness with some driving rain, ending as soon as it began. Volatile stuff, more fun in retrospect than in the moments fraught with potential danger. The sensations of worry become more pronounced the older we get.

As soon as they formed, they dispersed and dissembled. I could barely get these shots in time before the beauty passed. That lends another layer of meaning to them. There will never be another time when the sky looks exactly like this. It was, and will forever remain, a once-in-a-lifetime image.

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A Pre-Birthday Recap

The week of my birthday begins with a not-so-nostalgic look back. Let’s get that over and done with so we can focus on this coming Saturday… and what better place to begin than with this year’s birthday wish list!

A summer gathering with extended family proved good for the heart and soul.

Dinner and a show with immediate family is pretty good too. 

Alan vs. Allen vs. Allan.

A lobster roll in downtown Albany.

Southern Sweet Peach Tea: a summer cocktail recipe. 

This is where I hang in the summer

A PSA from my workplace

Madonna celebrated her birthday, because August babies are the best.

There was also a new Madonna Timeline: Batuka.

Once upon a promise kept: a new project goes online

Mmmmm, grilled cheese.

The sexiness of Simon Dunn on full display.

Dress for the job you want. 

A little frond for a little vase.

I love that Betty Buckley is in Boston as we speak, and that I get to see her on my birthday this Saturday!

Hunks of the Day included Erwan Heussaff, Danny Walters, William McLarnon, and Rome Flynn.


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The Breathtaking Ms. Buckley

Breathing new life into a theatrical bastion is no easy feat, but all reports and reviews have Betty Buckley’s performance in ‘Hello, Dolly!’ further solidifying the legend that this Broadway icon has already etched in stone. Currently at the Boston Opera House (where we’ll be seeing her on my birthday) this is the production that Bette Midler revived, in all its gloriously sumptuous form. The world needs this more than ever right now, and I intend to sit back and let the love and the light wash over us.

Ms. Buckley has provided a bright spot to my world whenever it threatened to go dim, and her artistry at every turn of her career has been an inspiration to better myself in whatever road I was taking. Hers is the stuff of hard work, grit, studied determination, and a talent honed from years of exertion and practice. Beneath the steeliness, however, lurks a compassionate human being, whose love for animals and fellow humans rises to the surface in her generosity to an audience. She gives the best of herself in every performance, tackling each show as if it’s her first, last and only. That kind of resilience and infectious exuberance is the key to becoming Dolly Levi, and I cannot wait to see her this Saturday.

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The Littlest Fern Held by the Littlest Vase

One doesn’t necessarily need to go big if you’re already home, and sometimes the littlest things are the most beautiful. This simple ‘bouquet’ is created from the smallest vase in our home (a whimsical work of shell-like grace, procured from Faddegon’s a couple of years ago) and a single frond from a Japanese painted fern (which had sprouted up via spore beside our pool heater). The impossibility of all those elements coming together and forming a rather hardy bouquet makes it extra appealing.

Ferns have proven to be tricky things in arrangements. Sometimes they last for weeks, other times they wither in the span of minutes. There’s nothing consistent about it, as both results have been gleaned from the very same species, clipped at the very same time, and given the very same treatment. Ferns can be finicky.

The variety of Japanese painted fern seen here has generally proved to last more than a few days, particularly if cut early in the morning after a damp night. Coupled with this wonderfully-ribbed off-center vase, it makes for a striking visage, and has me completely rethinking my outdated notions of perspective.

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Dress for the job you want, not the one you have.

[Cut to me lounging in a velvet robe with an ostrich feather collar, languidly lifting a martini to my lips.]


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The Sexiness of Simon Dunn on Full Display

Globe-trotting, galivanting Simon Dunn has made his way back to Australia, where he is offering training for anyone looking to get in better shape. There’s no better billboard for his training program than his own body, and that canvass is looking stellar these days. Mr. Dunn made an Olympic splash before branching off into other areas of fitness, including a recent stint for Attitude magazine in which he gives training advice (and looks ridiculously good demonstrating things). He’s also been a role model for LGBTQ athletes, living as an openly gay athlete years before it was as talked-about as it is today.

He’s graced this website in a number of posts, starting with his very first Hunk of the Day crowning. There was this fun snow-inspired shoot, and this furry exploration of some salacious tan lines. He bottomed out here in the best possible way, and tipped his bulge here. Hopefully he’ll get back in the Snooty Fox swing of things as their work together provided some scintillating images. In the meantime, feast your eyes upon all that he still has to offer, and set up some training sessions if you’re lucky enough to be in his vicinity.

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