Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

How could I be mad at a mosquito at this tender time of the year?


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One Dozen Years on FaceBook

From what I can tell, September 25, 2007 marks the date that I joined FaceBook. Back then our posts were written in the third person, a tactic I loved and still miss. It’s just so much easier to deal with myself in the third person. Crazy people do that, some say. [Alan shrugs.] As for the rest of FaceBook, I’ve taken part and engaged in it mostly on my own terms. Even when they censor my ass – or my dick as is more often the case – I still do exactly what I want within the scope of its admittedly-limited parameters. (I let all of it hang out on this website, so you’ve come directly to the source.)

Twelve years of anything is a substantial chunk of time, and in social media time it feels even longer. There was a time when FaceBook provided a destination and diversion unto itself, particularly in the early years, and a nifty way to cross-promote online projects and such. (To this day, its main function, for my purposes, is to alert people to a new blog post here.) For those without their own personal website, it also could act as a sort of mini-website, where photos and notes and communications could eventually come to coalesce into a monument to oneself. A repository of items that, taken together, comprised a body of work that stood up as some Frankensteinian effigy. Everybody could be a star. Yet in the very egalitarian act of allowing each of us a platform, it worked to negate itself. Everyone was still no one, we just all had bigger megaphones to shout about ourselves. Still, substance and consistency would win out in the end, and quality users who maintained a modicum of originality and interesting content have sustained themselves.

At this point, my use of FaceBook is somewhat limited. I always enjoy seeing what my real-life friends are doing or planning or thinking. In an age where phone calls long ago died out and face-to-face meetings are a quaint thing of the past, FaceBook is where most of us go to keep up with friends and family who have found their way to the periphery of our lives. (And a very welcome reminder of when everyone’s birthday is – the most life-saving feature of FaceBook.) With other social media diversions such as Twitter and Instagram taking up my time – both of which require far less concentration and follow-up – I’m no longer quite as engaged on FaceBook as I once was. That sort of ennui actually bleeds into all of online life of late, which is a much healthier stance, and makes for a much happier countenance. It’s also a sign of summer, when outdoor enchantments take precedence over a computer screen. Fall will shift that a bit, so perhaps it’s time for a FaceBook Renaissance. And perhaps it’s not…

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

How do they gauge the winds of a hurricane? Are there planes in it? I’m serious. A bit stupid in this topic, perhaps, but serious.


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The Hot Dog & Peanut Butter Taste Test

If it’s good enough for Food & Wine it should be good enough for me.

Such was the challenge put forth by this article on the hot dog and peanut butter craze that ran wild a couple of years ago. I just happened upon a post that showed a sad hot dog smothered in peanut butter and someone proclaiming it was time for their yearly treat. Aside from the poor manner in which it was photographed, I was intrigued.

When it comes to food, I’ve always had an open mind. Maybe it traces back to a visit to the Philippines wherein I ate goat bile soup, snake blood, and balut. (And didn’t hate any of them – well, ok, the goat bile soup was a bit tough to stomach, but I held it all down.) Since then, the occasional oddball recipe is usually met with curiosity and, at most, a dramatically arched eyebrow, before I dig in.

The peanut butter and hot dog idea was actually not that surprising to me. Peanut butter has been making appearances on hamburgers in all sorts of restaurants. (At least those that feature a bar scene.)  I also grew up on peanut butter and bacon on an English muffin for breakfast – which is still something so simple and miraculous that I urge everyone to try it, even if you can’t stomach the whole PB and hot dog scene. And if you can’t, you are not alone. No one I work with thought it sounded good. But let’s take a moment to think about this rationally and with some reason. I know a bunch of people who love hot dogs. I know a bunch of those people also love peanut butter. And I’m almost positive that 99% of those people love bacon. But that does not necessarily mean that those items will go together, because I also know people who love chocolate ice cream and blue cheese dressing and I don’t think they would work together. However, at the core of this is a question of compatibility.

When you have a hot dog, what do you like on it? Mustard? If so, is it the savory aspect of those two items that works well together? Some people like sweet relish on their dog. In that case, it’s about the combination of sweet and savory then? Which is not far from where peanut butter is coming from. And bacon, well, almost everything goes with bacon, even ice cream. (Think of the miracle that happens when some of your pancake syrup finds its way to the bacon on your breakfast plate.) So what is it that’s so polarizing? Open the mind. Open the heart. Open the mouth.

Food & Wine added bacon and shallots to their version, and this sounded good. For the first endeavor I grilled the hot dog and buttered roll, slathered it with creamy peanut butter, and sprinkled it with bacon and chopped shallots. On one hot dog I added some shredded cheese (a cheddar combo). I went in expecting to experience an unstimulated oral orgasm and was profoundly disappointed. It was all right, but nothing I would call amazing. It tasted decent, but nothing I would attempt more than once. Once again, the build-up did not live up to the result.

I didn’t understand why everyone loved this – and why I didn’t. The individual ingredients were favorites (with the possible exception of the hot dog) and I thought for sure I would enjoy them together. It was the sharpness of the shallots that pushed it into a territory that I didn’t love. In the same way I’m not find of raw onion, these were overpowering the rest of it for me. Purely personal preference, but that’s what food mostly is.  I waited a few days and worked up the appetite to try it again, this time with scallions in place of the shallots, and the difference was dynamic. Suddenly, I could see a glimpse of the glory, I could taste a hint of the awesomeness, and I could experience what all the fuss was about. Is it a game-changing dish for me? Not really. Would I try it again when a hankering for a hot dog comes up once every six months or so? Perhaps. Did I convince my husband to try a bite? Not a chance.

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

I wish we could see the FaceBook peeps who temporarily stopped seeing our posts for 30 days. I feel like they would be my people, my flock. I’ve always loved the ones who want nothing to do with me.


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Ghost Objects

Most people don’t pay much attention to the litter on the street, but that’s where I find a lot of inspiration. At least some fodder for imaginative yarns and make-believe stories. We’ve all seen the errant hair extension or sock, and the other day I found this echo of a shoe in downtown Albany. What is the story behind it? Where did it come from and how did it happen to be in such a state of degradation? What its abandonment intentional or accidental? Ghost items bring up all sorts of deep questions – that’s part of why they fascinate me so much.

As for this shoe skeleton, the merest hint of its structure whispering of pedestrian tales and travails, I wonder at its origin. I’d like to think it was the result of excessive decadence and debauchery, the proof of an evening of glamorous impiety. Yet I fear (desire?) a more sordid and sad tale of hard-won dilapidation. Some sort of fight, some sort of drama – something to make it worthwhile. Something that would have made the life of a shoe matter. Something to mark its expiration with a memory.

So little lasts… least of all a forgotten shoe, no matter how many tales it has to tell.

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Shake out your freshly-cut bagels before putting them in the toaster for fewer burnt crumbs later. #FuckingVirgos


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After the Finches Depart

At the other end of this day, a storm moves in. Bands of dark gray move toward the backyard and the wind picks up. Undersides of leaves on distant trees flutter and reveal their lighter color. The goldfinches of the still morning have disappeared. Other birds are restless, and a group of crows appears briefly, high in the sky, swirling in the clouds before shrieking and escaping.

I take refuge beneath the canopy. It will be the last year for this one – it’s tattered and torn and had a good run. Not unlike the end of summer. We’re all a little bruised and battered. Work hard, play hard, die hard, and hopefully we are better for it. Summer can be exhausting – the heat, the fun, the activities – and it sometimes seems to go against its own rules of relaxation. There is effort in constantly trying to be lazy.

And so I welcome the storm. The rain begins and the wind picks up. Suddenly the air is cooler. Though the summer wasn’t a lengthy scorching one, it is a slight relief. The garden needs its rest. To ask for it to keep up a continual show would be to ask for too much. And really, I’d appreciate it far less if it did this the year-round. 

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

The middle-of-the-day lull in a single post.


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A Morning Visitor, or Three

Some mornings are made out of stillness. In the hour before I have to step into the shower and begin the regimented routine that will run like clockwork and ultimately deposit me at the office, I sit in the dining room and stare out the window at a scene made mostly of this stillness. Without even a breeze, not a single leaf moves, not one blade of fountain grasses twists in this silence. Then a happy commotion: a trio of goldfinches alights on the cup plant, disrupting the eerie scene with happy abandon. They are there for the seedheads which are finally beginning to ripen and fall. I pause to watch the three of them there, their bright-yellow feathers accented with splotches of black, almost like a mirror and camouflage beside the similar color scheme of the fading flowers.

All the beauty of the world, right there in my backyard.

A breeze picks up and the grasses begin to sway. Still, the finches peck away at their breakfast, the towering stems of the cup plant moving gently with their weight and the arrival of wind. I thought it was going to rain today, but it hasn’t started yet. Taking in the moment is nourishment for the soul.

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Maluma & Ricky Martin: Hunks Squared

This song was on my summer playlist and it’s a fun little bop. Better than that, it’s a duet with two hot guys. I’m guessing they’re singing about girls, but who knows with Mr. Martin. He is pairing up with Maluma, and together it’s some sweet music. 

They add to their hot factor with this lovely summer-sounding duet. It joins ‘Medellin’ as a Maluma-inspired summer track, and it sounds really good. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: summer is not over yet. The bulk of this month is still within its province. Celebrate the sun (and Ricky Martin’s moon) until the very last day…

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Recap of Labor

The unofficial demise of summer is said to be today, but screw that – summer has a few more weeks yet. Let’s not rush it off so quickly, let’s hold onto its warmth for as long as possible. It never lasts long enough… whatever enough may be. Rewind to the week before, in this hopeless endeavor to perpetually repeat a summer that I am loathe to leave. 

The cry of these summer trumpets was angelic to say the least. 

A letter of love to Betty Lynn Buckley

Who will win this race?

More first world problems for those of us in the first world. 

Grandstanding like the old man I am

Sunny surprise

Happy ending, fig-style. 

Cuckoo, cuckoo

18 years ago I was just getting started.

When the truth stings

My birthday took place in Boston this year.

(And it was pretty splendid.)

Finally, my naked ass, set to beautiful words. 

I can stop traffic!

Hunks of the Day included Travis Wall, Blake McGrath, Chuando Tan, Richard Fleeshman, and Roberto Bolle

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Why yes, I have stopped traffic!

Usually it’s in a crosswalk, but still.


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September Summer Nakedness

The book that is seeing me through the end of the summer is a delightfully decadent Italian romp that melds fact and fiction from the life and times of Tennessee Williams. ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani weaves real and imagined yarns of the writer’s life, and the circle of lovers and friends around him, while touching on the changing social structure of gay life then and now. It’s an entertaining read, but goes deeper too – a treatise on how we age, what becomes of our youth, and how we face – or don’t face – the passing days. I like a summer book that acknowledges and explores the darkness while putting on a glittering facade. Coupled with a few photos from my summer pool days of 2019, here are a few favorite quotes from the book, because Mr. Castellani is better with words than me.

Of all the desires, curiosity is the only one capable of keeping a person alive. ~ from ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani

Perhaps these were the two types of men in the world: those who kept trying to save you, and those who would forever test you. ~ from ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani

To be a romantic was to be seduced as easily by a beautiful boy as by a room full of jowly stonemasons passing around jugs of cheap chianti. ~ from ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani

By now, he was used to it all. And to be used to someone, to settle into his moods and demands and affections, wasn’t that something? Wasn’t that the best you could hope for, even when sometimes what you wanted most of all was to make love on a boulder for an audience of strangers, and to come back to the boulder every night at sunset to find that same man waiting there? Wasn’t that, possibly, everything? ~ from ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani

He came for someone else, but I was the one he chose. They are different things: being loved and being chosen. Being chosen is the more powerful drug. It enslaves you. And what you miss when it ends is not the man who did the choosing, but that rush of having been seen by him, and then plucked from the weeds, and then gathered up and hoarded and, yes, owned by him. These desires are out of fashion, but that does not make them any less true. I am sorry to be speaking in generalities. I am not trying to be elliptical. I am trying to tell you, in case you do not already know, that you will be loved by many men but chosen by only a few, and that knowing the difference will save you from making a fool of yourself. ~ from ‘Leading Men’ by Christopher Castellani

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