For Mother’s Day breakfast, I booked us a table at the nearby Norma’s. (I wish I’d thought to do so last year when we were still on a Norma Desmond ‘Sunset Boulevard’ high.) We enjoyed it now, walking through the impressive lobby of the Parker Meridien into a cozy corner where other mothers were enjoying an early celebration of their day. Since I was actually spending the weekend with my Mom instead of merely writing about her, there was no Mother’s Day post, so this will have to suffice.
We’ve been doing these Broadway weekends for several Mother’s Days now. I think we each enjoy them for different reasons, as they afford us an uninterrupted bit of quality time with one another – not in serious, sustained conversation all the while, but in simpler, quieter moments. We make good travel companions because despite our appreciation of style and elegance, we’re both pretty low-maintenance. The pacing is easy, and no one gets riled if plans morph into something slightly new and unexpected.
We also get to reminisce and remember the people we love, and some of whom we have lost. They show up in surprising ways – a dachshund to remind us of Gram or a dinner dish to remind us of Aunt Luz and Uncle Roberto. Of course we also reflect on those still with us (but I’m not about to dish on all that). It’s good to have a designated long weekend to allow for such sharing, and it has become an important tradition for both of us.
This year was a good one, and looking back on the weekend it was practically perfect. This may have been the most consistently-great set of shows we’ve seen in years, and it will be difficult to top them. That doesn’t mean I won’t try next year…
{And here’s a bonus look back at our first time at ‘Sunset Boulevard, circa 1995.}