

Truth, Beauty, Freedom and Love

One of the best parts of not having to host 1st Friday anymore is the freedom to see any and all of the shows that go on every 1st Friday in Albany. Today, that means getting to take my time and peruse the Upstate Artist Guild’s ‘Skin Show’. It is especially fun for me as the featured artist will be none other than one of my favorites, Newbold Bohemia, and his allegorical figure photography, which must be seen to be believed.

Check out his website at http://www.newboldbohemia.com/, where a more descriptive analysis of his work is explained:

For Newbold Bohemia, an image is not captured in an instant, it is cultivated over time. While other artists exploit the documentary nature of photography, Newbold subverts reality by creating falsified and forged documents. His images are openly staged and/or manipulated after being captured.

“Photos are just a material like paint, wood, or clay,” says Newbold. “I plan, create, and capture images in my studio or in the field. I color them, paint them, and combine them — either physically or digitally — to create something new. I try to create not only an image, but an entire world within my image,” explains Newbold, “a world that is fictional but hopefully truthful. As Emerson said, ‘Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures.’ ”

Even the name Newbold Bohemia is a fabrication. The name reminds Newbold to create art dedicated to the four pillars of Bohemian society — “Truth, Beauty, Freedom and Love.”

The Skin Show, with featured artist Newbold Bohemia, will be on display today at the Upstate Artist Guild, 247 Lark Street, Albany, NY 12210, from 6 to 9 PM. 

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