

Send in the Clown

The ever-eloquent Steve Barnes may have put it best: “You’d be hard-pressed to explain it to someone else, because you’re not quite sure what you’ve seen, but you know you’ve seen something worthwhile.”

Indeed, that may be the best way to encapsulate the raw yet carefully-calibrated brunt of ‘This Is Not A Test’ – the current theatrical event put forth by Marquise Productions and running until October 8, 2017 at the Arts Center of the Capital Region. A one-clown show starring Aaron Marquise, it may be impossible to explain, and it’s one of those things that must be seen and experienced first-hand to be appreciated.

Don’t be fooled by the lack of a clear-cut narrative – this is about more than that. It’s an immersive, occasionally-interactive piece of powerful performance art. It rests squarely, and quite luckily, on the ultra-expressive shoulders of Mr. Marquise, whose physicality manages to convey trepidation, glee, anxiety, and longing in the span of a single minute. Somehow, despite the odds, he conjures the emotional heft of a full-blown show, bringing that non-descript narrative into a keenly-focused emotional pinpoint with the simple donning of a mother shoe and a father shoe, and this universal touchstone rings with pathos and funny fury.

At a time of conflict, when the threat of worldwide apocalypse hangs a little closer than anyone thought possible, this may be the only way out. Sanity through removed reality. Comfort through discomforting entertainment. As Billie Holiday coos plaintively over the scratchy victrola, our clown fades into blackness, bringing with him the light, the energy, and the magnificent madness of a world not for long. The best works of art leave the audience in wonderment – enthralled and perplexed, and always questioning what the hell happened. See ‘This Is Not A Test’ and decide for yourself – you will not go away unmoved.

{The next run of shows is slated for October 6, 7 and 8; tickets may be purchased here.}

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