

Dazzler of the Day: Dr. Angela Y. Davis

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” ~ Angela Y. Davis

Dr. Angela Y. Davis lifts the entire concept of Dazzler of the Day into something more noble and powerful than I could have envisioned, and so it is with grave humility that I offer this little bit of honor that any human can bestow upon another in my admiration and appreciation for the work and courage and defiance she has used to push forward the rights of everyone. Dr. Davis also attended Brandeis University early in her educational journey, something that told me it was a very good place to matriculate. Rather than expound upon her brilliance in my limited ability, I’m relieved to let her words speak her truth – a universal truth that some are only just beginning to realize. 

“Sometimes we have to do the work even though we don’t yet see a glimmer on the horizon that it’s actually going to be possible.” ~ Angela Y. Davis

“Everyone is familiar with the slogan “The personal is political” — not only that what we experience on a personal level has profound political implications, but that our interior lives, our emotional lives are very much informed by ideology. We oftentimes do the work of the state in and through our interior lives. What we often assume belongs most intimately to ourselves and to our emotional life has been produced elsewhere and has been recruited to do the work of racism and repression.” ~ Angela Y. Davis

“In a racist society it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.” ~ Angela Y. Davis

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