
All Lives Won’t Matter Until #BlackLivesMatter

I have a huge problem with people who write ‘All Lives Matter’ in response to or even in conjunction with ’Black Lives Matter.’ First of all, all lives won’t matter until Black Lives Matter. Second, that’s like responding to a ‘Save the Whales’ comment with ‘Save All The Animals’. It’s dumb and completely misses the point. As for the #BlackLivesMatter movement, it is very much needed, and will be for quite some time. History has shown it, and the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor continue to show it.

“People still get shot because of their color – people still get mistrusted because of their religion – people still get sneered at because of their gender and sexuality. Does this look like a civilized world? We may have the tangible brain capacity to build a civilized world, but we are not there yet, and we are not going to reach that destination any time soon. However, the work must begin now.” ― Abhijit Naskar

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