

Year of the Woody

While I’m tentatively putting out feelers for a new car (apparently the one I’ve had for over a decade is on its last legs – the CD player just burned out, the rust is spreading, and weird lights blink on and off whenever I drive it now) – Andy is talking about old cars on the radio. He recently made an appearance on HomoRadio to discuss the 50th anniversary of the Mustang, and other car-related topics. Since it means so much to him, this may be the year I muster up the courage to get into the Woody and allow him to take me for a spin. (And it’s already been requested as a Pride Parade vehicle by one of my favorite drag queens.)

In the meantime, I’m listening and heeding his advice on looking into new cars. My heart is set on an Ice Blue Mini-Cooper, but that looks increasingly difficult to find. If you know me, though, you know that won’t much matter. The heart wants what it wants, and there’s very little to be done in the way of changing that.

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