Given our advancing age and fading memory, I’m grateful I had the sense to put it all down here (and in a wedding book) so the details and little nuances of our wedding ceremony will be forever on hand should we wish to reference happiness.
For this morning’s wedding anniversary, I’m going with the highlights that come to mind eight years after we officially tied the knot:
There was the beautiful suite at the Taj Hotel, looking right over the Boston Public Garden.
There was the order of sidecars we enjoyed before the rehearsal dinner.
There was Michelle Kwan at the table across from us at Top of the Hub!
There was laughter and silliness with Suzie and Chris during my last minutes as a bachelor.
There was the bouquet of white peonies.
There was the hug of Andy.
There was the sky-high chocolate cake at our wedding lunch.
There were peonies and cherry blossoms everywhere.
There was a bow tie in a tiny train case.
There was a pair of swans, nesting in the Public Garden.
And at the end of it was my husband, driving us home, continuing our journey.
{Recap of the year’s anniversary festivities coming later this week…}