

Our Wedding Anniversaries… Thus Far

Every year at around this time, Andy and I have made our way back to where we got married to celebrate our anniversary in Boston. This year we are unable to do that just yet, so we will put a rain-date on the calendar for a 10th anniversary celebration in the (hopefully near) future. In the meantime, here’s a link-filled journey down memory lane, in which we recount the wedding day, and some of the anniversaries that followed. A few things remained constant (that chocolate cake at the Four Seasons was a decadent mainstay) while other things evolved and turned into brand new fun. I don’t typically like to look back, unless it’s about things like this. Indulge us for the day.

The Wedding ~ 2010

Part 1: The Arrival & Accommodations

Part 2: The Rehearsal Dinner

Part 3: The Last Call of a Bachelor

Part 4: The Dawn of the Wedding Day

Part 5: The Ceremony

Part 6: The Perfect Day in the Park

Part 7: The Wedding Lunch

Part 8: The Wedding Dinner

Bonus Post: The Residual Glow of Marriage

Our 2013 anniversary came on the sad heels of the Boston Marathon bombing, but we made the most of it. The Public Garden was also in full fragrant bloom, lending to our celebratory vision. For the first few years I didn’t do many blog posts about our anniversary adventures because it was enough simply being in Boston and re-treading our happy tracks. We made it a point to get our wedding rings washed at the place where we got them, which became a ritual, as did a burger or some sort of mid-day event at the Bristol Lounge where we had our wedding lunch (thank you Aunt Elaine!) And always we found a way back to the Public Garden for a brief stroll through the place where we were married. 

It wasn’t until 2017 that I started documenting our new anniversary expeditions in detail. Like, major detail. I’m talking nine-part detail. Observe:

Boston Wedding Anniversary #7: 2017


The following year, 2018, we returned to a sunnier situation (and I edited it down to just seven parts, so you’re welcome).

Boston Wedding Anniversary #8: 2018


Last year we reverted to a rainy start, but even a bit of dampness couldn’t dampen our spirits. In fact, it reminds us of our early days vacationing in Ogunquit, when for a good five-year stretch we had nothing but rain almost every day we visited. I’m told that rain is auspicious for wedding days, so I’ll take it without complaint. 

Boston Wedding Anniversary #9: 2019


All these happy memories beg the question of how we will celebrate our tenth anniversary. As with many hyped-up events super-hoopla days, I think we will swerve into the unexpected lane by keeping things quiet and simple for now. When the world around us shifts to shaky, uncertain ground, it’s enough just being together in our backyard, underneath a cherry tree in beautiful bloom. We’ll take a rain check and return to Boston with a chance to start a whole new adventure…

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