
Our 24th Anniversary

Andy and I met 24 years ago tonight, and we’ve used this as our real anniversary because for many years it wasn’t even legal for us to get married. (And it may not be again if we have a Republican President, so vote accordingly.) At the 24-year mark, we pause in quiet honor and gratitude for making it all this way – we’ll go all-out for #25 next July. For now, it’s a typical summer day – perhaps it will rain, as it did on the day we met. The rain that day proved quite fortuitous, which is something I keep in mind whenever I get down about a rainy day. 

We’ll go out for a quiet dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, and I have a special gift that will come to fruition next month, but otherwise it will be just another lovely day with Andy – the sort of happy life that whispered to me all those years ago, and that we have both worked to build for ourselves and our little family of two. 

Happy Anniversary Drew – I love you. 

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