

My Husband’s Birthday

Today is Andy’s birthday, the photo at the end of this post was taken during his police officer days. (Hot, I know.) He’s comes a long way since then, and for the past decade I’ve been lucky enough to be along for the ride. There’s no way to put into words what this guy means to me, but here are some of the best things about him.

He is kind and compassionate to everyone and everything, especially animals (even the chipmunks that are over-running our backyard).

He is able to change and grow (when we met he had never tasted Thai food, now he makes his own chicken yellow curry that rivals the best restaurant).

He knows cars (and when such pesky items as gas and registration renewals are needed).

He still misses his Mom.

He is generous with his cooking and baking, always making an extra batch for family or work.

He loves to laugh at comedies that I sometimes find funny (Carol Burnett) and comedies that I don’t (National Lampoon’s Anything).

He is always up for a Broadway musical.

He wears cashmere sweaters, which makes it extra fun to hug him in the Winter.

He is always a gentleman, but not afraid to ‘Get Wicked Tonight’, even in front of my parents.

He treats my family like his own (because they are).

He’s not big on going out, but always has a good time when we do.

He has the integrity of a cop, without the power-trip attitude.

He is never ashamed to be seen with me, even when I look like Mrs. Peacock.

He’s a good guy. It sounds so simple, but it means so much, and these days they’re not easy to find. Come to think of it, they never were, and that’s why I’m the luckiest husband in the world.

Happy Birthday Andy ~ I love you.

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