

Long Ago, Not So Far Away

How do you measure almost ten years together? And how do you find perspective on that time? I’m not one to look back very often (though this website is where that usually happens), so it’s difficult to encapsulate the time that Andy and I have been together in one post, or even a year of posts. But I was just thinking about all that has happened since we met, and that gives a brief hint of our time together. Here’s a list of some of those markers:

I met Andy before I got my first digital camera (he’s actually the one who gave it to me).

I met Andy before the World Trade Center was attacked.

I met Andy before he lost his Mom.

I met Andy before I lost my Uncle and Grandmother.

I met Andy before I got my first cel phone.

I met Andy before George W. Bush became President.

I met Andy before I met any friends (or anyone for that matter) in Albany (he introduced me to many of them).

I met Andy before the Red Sox ended their World Series drought.

I met Andy before I had a car.

I met Andy before ‘N Sync and the Backstreet Boys had disbanded, back when they were selling millions of albums.

I met Andy before you could send photos on your cell phone.

I met Andy before the iPod was released.

I met Andy before YouTube was created.

I met Andy before American Idol began airing.

I met Andy before Wicked debuted on Broadway.

I met Andy before any of my friends got married.

I met Andy before any of my friends had children.

I met Andy before Madonna released Music in 2000.

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