

Happily Ever Andy

Only Andy and I, and a few select Audi associates, will ever truly understand the epic failure and subsequent journey that was undertaken and endured to reach this smiling point of happiness with a vehicle. As any regular reader will tell you, Andy is all about his car. He has a photo album of every car he’s ever owned or leased, like a proud parent or grandparent, and he religiously researches and keeps up to date on all the latest news about whichever model currently occupies the garage. It’s his passion and his hobby, and one of the three things I looked for in a mate all those years ago. (When we were young and foolish enough to demand such things in a partner, one of the things I wanted was someone who was passionate about something – it didn’t need to be anything that I liked or enjoyed, it just had to be something about which they were excited and knowledgable about – and in Andy’s case that was cars. I still get a kick out of watching him peruse his car magazines and figuring out which car package would work best in any given situation.) 

His last Audi was a lemon of the most sour variety – you couldn’t eve make lemonade with how dangerous it was getting. (The automatic correction thingie almost smacked us into a truck on the Mass Turnpike.) Luckily, he reached an agreement on a new car with the local Audi dealership, so for now things are looking up after a year-long nightmare. His smile says it all, and I have a sleek new ride to work.

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