

Another Birthday for Andy

While he’s never been one for fanfare and flare, a birthday is more than enough reason to celebrate Andy on this blog for this day (and any day for that matter). He is the unsung hero in my life, and as we get older I realize that more and more. Without parents, a birthday becomes a bittersweet reminder of those we no longer have with us, and I know he misses his Mom and Dad more than usual at such times. I try to be a little kinder and quieter then, to give him the space and peace he needs to honor them, and then to celebrate his day in whatever way he deems fit.

It’s also a good day to look back at some photos, not something in great supply, as Andy is notoriously difficult to capture in any habitat, eschewing selfies and photos after decades of my photographic agitations. (I don’t think he’s ever forgiven me for capturing a botched bright blonde hair-dye experiment gone awry.)

Anyway, he always looks good to me, and on his birthday he’s getting this celebratory post to honor the day he came into world, and made so many of us better for it. Happy birthday, Drew! I love you.

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