

Andy’s Ongoing Audi Odyssey

Nobody loves automobiles more than Andy. His love for cars is akin to my love for Madonna. Each borders on obsession, but each has its limits and is bound by what is more or less reasonable. His latest Audi is his favorite, but it’s come with its own set of issues – some easily resolved, some not so easily resolved. We are currently awaiting word on whether one of the bigger changes (of a transmission no less) will work out. 

I’m hoping it does, because a happy Andy makes for a happy household, and there’s nothing I enjoy more than seeing him content with his car – it is one of his favorite passions and I love seeing him excited about something. He tells me this dealership has been very good to him, it’s just been a series of strange setbacks the past few months, which is an apt metaphor for life in an upstate New York winter. Stalls and setbacks are par for the course – our success depends upon how we react and deal with them. Andy is doing his best, as frustrating as it can be.

No matter what happens next, at least we know we’ll always have the Woody. 

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