

Andy & Automobiles & Auto Erotica

Today, right after this is being posted in fact, Andy will be on the radio again with his friend Dr. Ray Werking talking about their upcoming marathon appearance on WRPI 91.5 FM this Tuesday, from 4 PM to who knows how late/early, entitled â€œEverything You Always Wanted To Know About Cars and More”. That’s quite an impressive endeavor, but they will veer into all sorts of interesting avenues on automobiles and beyond, and always worth a listen. As I said, it’s scheduled from 4 PM until midnight on Tuesday, January 9, 2018, but if they’re into their car groove they may extend it into the wee hours of the night. Tune in to WRPI 91.5 FM – The Upstate Underground – to hear all about the cars and automobiles and moving vehicles their hearts desire. 

Also check out the rare photo below, in which a youthful and mustachioed Andy stands beside his 1988 Ford (Fox Body) Mustang LX 5.0 – the 5 speed manual in Bright Regatta Blue. Not sure what I just wrote (it was copied down from something Andy printed out for me) but it sure sounds auto-erotic. (I will address his pants privately.)




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