

Underneath the Linden Tree

This is the week when it happens: the unseen blooming of the linden trees. They are everywhere in downtown Albany, but their blossoms are subtle and go largely unnoticed. It took me several years to figure out that the sweet perfume that carried over the streets at this time of the year actually belonged to these trees, so insignificant were their blooms (which are lime green and similar to a maple tree’s flowers, if you’ve ever noticed those). What does make an impact is their fragrance. It is so sweet as to be almost cloying, but I cannot get enough of it. I even have a bottle of linden shower gel that roughly mimics the scent.

It is one of the fragrances that signals summer to me – more than most colognes even – and it’s the last wave of spring scents to leave such an olfactory impression (after the lilacs and peonies). From this point the next major fragrance producer is the similarly unassuming privet, which brings to mind Provincetown and summer vacations.

For now, the linden trees sprinkle their intoxicating magic over my lunch-time walks and evening strolls, carrying pleasantly on the breeze, reminding all to slow down and breathe in the arrival of summer.

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