

Snow Comment

Yeah, we got some snow.

For the first time in my sixteen-year career, the governor closed state offices for non-essential workers.

(Yeah, I’m non-essential.)

Then when New York City and the coast didn’t get as much as anticipated, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, while those of us in the Capital District got pounded with more and more white stuff. The more that people called the storm a bust on social media, the more snow seemed to fall in Albany. In fact, as of this writing it’s still snowing here. There’s about two feet of snow on the ground now, and counting.

I took advantage of the day off to try out our new deep fryer (I made frites!) and do some cleaning for a special guest this weekend (and a dinner party tomorrow). I also read a bit, tucked into a nook of the conversation couch that looked out into the dim white blanket outside.

Andy took the photos you see here, saving me even the trouble of heading out to snap a few pics. All in all, it was a very good day.

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