

I Love A Little Fussy

One man is trying to change the face of the Albany Food Scene. His name is Daniel and he writes one of the most intelligent and erudite food blogs out there, FUSSYlittleBLOG. For obvious reasons, I can’t help but love a guy who embraces his fussiness. And I’d love to see this year’s Times Union Poll  break out of its mainstream monolithic rut. For the longest time, the same places dominated that list, and in an effort to shake things up, Mr. Fussy has devised a plan to democratically prove that Albany is more than The Olive Garden or The Cheesecake Factory.

He proposes the following choices for the ballot, and if we all take a minute to vote for these spots his theory is that it may make a difference. While part of me has a bit of an issue with voting for places I’ve never tried myself, I do see his point. If we scatter our votes then the same hum-drum places will win year after year as defaults and nothing will ever change. Is it more than a little manipulative? Absolutely. But that’s the democratic process of this country. Until I read a more persuasive argument for any other choices, this will do. (Besides, he has always had impeccable taste.) Here are his recommendations:

Dining (20 Selections)
1.  Best Restaurant to Open in the Past Year – Charles F. Lucas Confectionery & Wine Bar
2. Best Family Restaurant – Jumpin’ Jacks
3. Best Fish Fry – Off Shore Pier
4. Best Hamburger – Max London’s
5. Best Pizza – Defazio’s
6. Best Sandwich Shop – Andy & Son’s
7. Best Chinese/Japanese/Korean – Ala Shanghai
8. Best Indonesian/Thai/Vietnamese – Kinnaree
9. Best Indian/Pakistani – Aashiana
10. Best Mexican/Central/South American – Mr. Pio Pio
11. Best Italian – Cafe Capriccio
12. Best Ice Cream – The Ice Cream Man
13. Best Hot Dog – Famous Lunch
14. Best Sports Bar – Graney’s
15. Best Coffee Joint – Caffe Vero
16. Best Diner – Bob’s Diner
17. Best Barbecue – Capital Q
18. Best Restaurant for Outdoor Dining – Dinosaur Bar-B-Que
19. Best Restaurant for a Romantic Dinner – Lark Street Wine Bar
20. Best Restaurant in the Capital Region – New World Bistro Bar

Foodstuffs (9 Selections)
1.  Best Local Grocery Store – Niskayuna Co-op
2. Best Wine Store – All Star Wine & Spirits
3. Best Beer Store – Hoosick Street Beverage
4. Best Bakery – Mrs. London’s
5. Best Italian Market – Cardona’s
6. Best Ethnic Market (not Italian) – Asian Supermarket
7. Best Farmers Market – Troy Waterfront Farmers Market
8. Best Health Food Store – Healthy Living Market & Cafe
9. Best Standalone Butcher – Roma, Latham

Media (2 Selections)
6. Best Website – All Over Albany
7. Best Local Blog – Daniel Berman http://www.FUSSYlittleBLOG.com


Now, those last two choices may seem odd. I mean, this thing you’re reading right now is my own blog. And everything that surrounds it is my own website. By egotistical rights I should be inserting myself into these categories, and once upon a time I would have. But aside from that ‘Best Dressed Man’ nod a number of years ago, I don’t stand a chance in hell winning anything in a Times Union Poll, so I’m lending my support to the above. The world needs more fussiness.

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