

Going to War For Lunch

Quiet Fridays in downtown Albany are a secret, almost-enjoyable, aspect of summer that I’m hoping to keep mostly to myself, so don’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you. My preferred method of working at the office involves as few people as possible, as quiet and peaceful an atmosphere as possible, and the least bit of trouble and interaction as possible. It makes sense then that one of my favorite days to work is the day after Thanksgiving, when almost no one else is at the office, and I can catch up on things that have evaded me for the previous eleven months.

On a smaller scale, Fridays in summer afford the same absence of people and activity in downtown Albany, and we had a peek of that yesterday, when a delightfully sunny and perfectly 71-degree day afforded me an opportunity to walk up the hill (State Street) and try out the Albany War Room Tavern for the first time. Renowned Executive Chef Yasuo Saso makes a welcome return to the Albany restaurant scene, and was the main draw for my lunch-time journey.

From their social media pages alone, my mouth has been watering whenever I happen upon a post featuring some gorgeous sushi or steak creation, and after hoofing it up State Street I was hungry and ready. “Peace, Love & Sushi” glowed in neon writing above the sushi station, while Chef Saso could be heard methodically chopping up all the delicious goodness that was in my immediate future. The sound had a calming effect – something soothing and consistent in the midst of what can often be a hot and harried downtown Albany scene.

Framed memorabilia of political and historical figures reminded of all that has gone down in this 1890’s brownstone building, but, warring political factions aside, the lunchtime vibe was calm and cool, and the two rolls I ordered – an Authentic Spicy Crab roll and a Spicy Devil roll of tuna and caviar – made for a light yet filling lunch. I would have gone for a third, but I’d have had to roll down the hill to get back to work. Two were just enough for lunch; we’ll be back for a full dinner soon to try out more indulgences. For now, this was the perfect entry into what may become a Friday afternoon summer tradition.

{The Albany War Room Tavern is located at 42 Eagle Street – check out their website here.}

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