

Albany at the Break of Dawn

My love/hate affair with Albany has been on the lovey-dovey side of late and that continues with this ode to the beauty of a Capital Region morning. As we enter the final stages of winter, the light begins to get brilliant. One of the only benefits of the dark season is that with the bare branches of stripped trees, nothing blocks the sun, when the clouds are away, from shining in all its splendor. Rooms and nooks that are otherwise shaded by leafy canopy are brighter than they are at the height of summer. It’s a small recompense.

Here, we witness the striking rise of the sun, and the amber glow of a city awaking to a bright and sunny day. Ordinary buildings turn extraordinary in the golden first light. It happens quickly, and soon the warmer palate is hardened into something bright and unforgiving. But for this first instant of the day, we have beauty. Delicate, fiery and fleeting beauty.

If we’re lucky, the day will end in the same way.

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