
Fall Floating Crown

A floating crown made of oak and cherry leaves swirls in the pool as we near October’s end. When the sun shines on a fall day, and the forest is lit with a multitude of fluttering lamps, I take in the beauty and the moment, mindful of the gratitude, grateful for the present. We have had a beautiful autumn season. Some years it’s already done by now, but this season has decided to linger, acting as a balm for all that’s wrong with the world these days. That’s quite a charge, and I’m not sure it’s fair to put the weight of such trauma all on these fragile days of fall. But that’s when you put your crown of fallen leaves upon your head, tilt it just so, and in just such a jaunty fashion, then make your way into the deeper forest of autumn. Tread lightly upon wet leaves and moss, listen carefully to the signs and the way the wind rustles through the lanterns still lit, and inhale the earthy life that is all around us. 

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