
Missing Mothers

Three mothers of friends I know have passed away in the last month, making this a somewhat sad fall. There’s no balm for losing a mother, I would imagine. Andy still feels the loss of his Mum, and I think of her whenever I see cardinals. A few have been visiting our backyard over the last few weeks, and we find comfort in this, as if she’s nodding at us, saying hello on these sunny fall days.

The weight of the world is on our mothers. Many of us don’t realize this as we’re growing up, and we take them for granted or treat them with less kindness and care than they deserve. Seeing my friends lose their Moms makes me treasure mine a little more.

There is so much loss in this world, so much pain and heartache, and whenever it feels unbearable I tend to turn to my Mom for comfort and solace. I can’t imagine the loneliness for those who aren’t so lucky.

Apologies for this maudlin post. We shall return to our regularly scheduled frivolity shortly. Some things just merit a moment. Some days are about contemplation, not celebration.

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