
The 1st of July

The random nature of this blog is about to get even more-so, as project work keeps me busier than a privet-drunk bee. There’s just not enough time, and too much to do. When that happens, we like to go a little crazy. Vainglorious, ridiculous and fabulous thoughts that cross the weary mind…

On decadent nights or rainy days, I like to wear ‘Un Jardin après la Mousson’ by Hermès.

The most important items you wear may be your socks.

Mistakes make the world perfect.

Remember that time Zac Efron grabbed this guy’s crotch?

I get high off linden trees. (And the aforementioned privet. I just do.)

Smells like skunk.

Go on and beet it. Just beet it. Whoo!

And then make a change.

To this one, for Michael.

No, Michael.

I said Michael!

Not that one, this Michael!

No, I’m not high now. Linden, privet or brownie-wise.

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