
The Last Minutes of Vacation

Unlike myself, my niece and nephew would rather spend their last moments of a trip in the hot tub, and I really can’t blame them. It was one of their favorite haunts on this vacation, so that’s where I found them when I was finishing up my packing and getting ready to roll out of Cape Cod for this season.

For my last hurrah, I indulged in this decadent breakfast cupcake at Buckie’s, a caramel almond concoction that was worth however many cavities it gave me. It was the sweetest ending to a very sweet vacation. (And ok, maybe it wasn’t technically a “breakfast” cupcake, but I ate it as such and feel better when it’s designated accordingly.)

A wistful look back over the last few days would have to see Andy and me through the ride home.

Remembering the splashing in the water, the way the sun felt on my shoulders, and the sand on my feet

Remembering my family on the beach –  the entire family – for the first time in almost three decades…

Remembering Andy posing in front of this car…

and playing miniature golf like it was baseball, and eating this ice cream…

… and not wanting to say good-bye.

Let’s do it again next year.

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