
Windy Vintage Shot

This is one of those photographs that can make me smile and lift the darkest mood, at least when it’s not cracking me up out loud as I recount the circumstances under which it was taken. The year was 1994. The setting was a cruise ship somewhere south of Florida. And the night was… windy. Very windy. Like, no-other-fools-were-on-deck-windy. And Suzie and I were trying to pose and keep our clothes on while our Moms snapped pictures. I think by the time this one was taken we were both laughing so hard and fighting against the wind so badly that it’s a miracle we were even upright. Suzie is clearly terrified that her peasant dress is going to fly away and my two-sizes-too-large gauze shirt from International Male is hanging on by a button and a prayer. And yet it remains one of my favorite photos ever taken.

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