It is entirely possible to inadvertently go commando. Let me explain by going over a bit of my daily routine. Every night, before I go to bed, I lay out whatever outfit I’m going to wear the next day. This saves time in the morning, and makes for better decisions. (Here’s a helpful hint going out to several of my co-workers: if you pick out your outfit in the light of the previous day, it saves so much heartache. For all of us. Especially those that have to look at you. I can’t tell you how many people apparently get dressed in the dark. Navy will never go with black. Ever. Personal opinion only.) But I digress…
When the morning comes, and I head into the bathroom for a shower, I bring in the outfit for the day and set it down, closing the door behind me and jumping into the shower. If I have forgotten to put a pair of underwear in the pile, I am always – always – too lazy to go across the hall and find a pair, so I simply go without. That’s how I end up going unintentionally commando now and then. Sometimes, it’s a nice change-up.
It’s the little thrills that matter.
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