

Midway Through Life: Shades of Gray

~ ~ ~ O C T O B E R   2 0 0 4 ~ ~ ~

“Perhaps you enjoy chasing squirrels, there is great pleasure in the quest of the unattainable. You and I know that wonder is the secret of bliss and that with reason comes the death of the beautiful.” – Okakura Kakuzo, in a letter to Isabella Stewart Gardner

Is this the very beginning or the very end?

Has the story been told, or is this the start of the telling?

It is the indefinable in-between – the latest of winter and the earliest of spring – the dying days of summer melded with the first flush of fall. 

   the shaded region between right and wrong

   the gray area

   in the middle

   where artists dwell, and some intellectuals too.

There is no beginning.

There is no end.

There is just.


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