
The Night Before a Harvest

Whispers of the full Harvest Supermoon had grown over the days leading up to it. I actually avoided much of the talk until the insanity of work and the idiocy of the drivers on the road made me wonder whether something was astrologically afoot, at which point I asked Andy and he confirmed that a supermoon was on the way. 

I’ve never done well with super moons. They’ve resulted in some vicious arguments, some semi-intentional accidents, and some dastardly set-backs over the years. Only recently have I begun to embrace them, turning that lunar insanity from chaotic lunacy into focused moon energy, trying to harness the power and the pull of our nearest heavenly body. Tonight’s blog post will reveal how I literally did that.

For now, these blurry shots of the moon were taken the night before it went full and super and eclipsed. There is often magic and madness in the lead-up and lead-out of a full moon moment. Such energy is too great to be contained in a single night, and the universe doesn’t like to put too fine a point on such things.  Come back tonight to see how the actual Harvest Moon played out

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