
Painted Ladies

A certain femininergy is coming to the blog this fall, as we look to right the world with the hope of women, because men seem to do most of the fucking up these past few centuries. To that end, look for a celebration of the female here, and a celebration of everything divine. That began in no small way with my friend Suzie who was kind enough to drive me out to Vermont for this rollercoaster of a day trip. She reminded me of the difficult balancing act of being a mother. That’s never been lost on me, as complicated as things may occasionally be. Yet let us also remember the words of Leo Tolstoy in the epic ‘Anna Karenina’: “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

I would go further to say that every family has their secrets, even and especially the happy ones.

But that’s all for fall – we are still in the throes of the final days of summer, so we take it all with a laugh and lilt and a humorous peek at some of the ladies we happened across during our day in Vermont. A little spooky, a little kooky, and maybe just a little bit coquette. Summer exits with dramatic flair and ghostly sighs

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