
Garden Perfume By Way of Korea

Many a previous post have extolled the fragrant virtues of the Korean lilac, and it’s in full bloom now (at least, it was at the time of this writing before all the 90-degree days). Such hot weather spells a fast wilt-and-fade-away process for these delicious blooms. One of the penalties for the warmer weather. 

This is one of the greatest garden plants, as it works on so many levels. With proper pruning (which should be done immediately after this first fish of blooms) you can keep it a manageable size – or you can let it grow into a sizable shrub, upwards of ten feet high and round. Its foliage is beautiful, and stays green and free from most powdery mildew even in our humid summers. Its flowering season is usually later than the American lilac, offering an extended season of good scents in the garden. All in all, it gives and gives and demands just some manure every spring, and a few deep soaks if the weather is dry for a while. Highly recommend. 

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