
Happy Mother’s Day 2024

This Mother’s Day marks our first without Dad, and it finds my Mom and me in New York, resuming our Broadway tradition in bittersweet style. I was sort of dreading the day when we would be able to do this again, because that would mean Dad had gone. Attempting to accept that, we return to the city as my gift to her for Mother’s Day, and we find joy in the little things, the way Dad would want us to go on. 

For all of my life, she has been the family member who has kept us all together, expanding our ranks to include Andy, the twins, Jaxon, and Landrie, and forming the stable core around which all our lives revolve. That’s not always easy – and Moms probably have the toughest job in the world – but she has done it with love and care, and our family is intact today because of her. 

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom – thank you for all that you do. Here’s hoping you have a wonderful day – and a better year ahead. I love you. ~ A. 

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