
The Annual Pussy Drop

Earliest harbingers of spring, pussy willows make their annual appearance in this blog post, paving the hopeful path for spring weather and fun-in-the-sun to come. As much as I enjoy these fuzzy fellows, I don’t bother with a pussy will tree in the yard – they demand too much water and this is their only big show – the foliage that follows is basic. Still, I love finding them in the market at this time of the year, along with all the forced daffodils and hyacinths and tulips. 

Andy has already been talking of opening the pool come next month – as we have bumps dit up into April over the past few years – a happy extension of pool season when it’s usually too fleeting. Last year I didn’t spend much time in it, so maybe it’s time to get back into the wet swing of things… and these pussy willows would more than likely agree.

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