
A Christmas Week Recap, A Day Late

Given that Christmas fell on a Monday this year, the typical Monday-morning weekly recap we do here has been postponed until today. So while I’m going into the office to resume the work-week (why put it off any longer?) you can snuggle into your bed and your phone and scroll through all the posts you’ve been ignoring until this very moment. 

It began with a tiny thread and an insignificant post

Christmas comes with a deliciously scary side and her name is Fanny Cradock.

A salacious bit with some naked and semi-naked male flesh.

Forget eight, three is enough.

Albany’s Nipper pukes a rainbow! (There, I feel better!)

The world needs more biblical humor, especially this week.

The final day of fall reprises a found song.

The first day of winter sings with a whisper.

Put it in your hands and keep it there.

The Madonna Timeline returned with ‘God Control’.

An underwear-clad David Beckham by Victoria Beckham.

The Scotch tape conspiracy

Every season is Ford season.

Christmas brotherhood.

Mercury is in retrograde until next year. Fuck me hard.

A Christmas Santa Baby wish from Madonna.

A Christmas Safari thirty years in the making.

A Christmas visit to the cemetery.

Christmas counterprogramming.

Dazzlers of the Day included Morgan Spector and Ashlie Atkinson, because it was a celebratory week for ‘The Gilded Age’.

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