
Summer Teasing

Summer teases and summer takes away – and this summer has brought much of each with the crazy weather we’ve had and the rise of the results of global warming (yeah, it’s real, get over it and do something). The weather app is largely useless – telling me it will rain and storm only to have hot and sunny weather, or, much worse, telling me it will be lovely out only to end in a deluge of rain and wind. Sometimes the storms come up out of nowhere, wreak havoc (like a two inch waterfall in ten minutes) then disappear as if they were never there – except for the flooding that remains. We live in meteorologically tumultuous times. 

The lesson I’ve gleaned from this is to take any sunny moment as it comes, and embrace and appreciate it. Gratitude can be had and found from minute to minute. As someone who is accustomed to, and enjoys, planning and preparation, this can be a difficult lesson to learn. That means it’s a valuable one

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