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March 2019

The Recap of a Lost Hour

We gave an hour for a little more light, and it was a sacrifice we were happy to make. Spring is on the way – it has to be. I’m working on a new project, and thus have no time for grandiose intros. On with the recap:

The week began in colorful fashion

The #TinyThreads category kept growing.

The Annual Ass Wednesday post. 

What kind of fuckery is this?

Pillow by Target.

Daffy is not just a duck.

Sexy Sunday studs.

Hunks of the Day included Jason DominoKeegan Michael Key, Brian Justin Krum, Keegan Whicker, Cameron Hawthorn, and Kris Boyson.

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Thoughts turn to betrayal when I see the snowplow guy servicing other driveways. This isn’t Sister Wives.


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Sexy Sunday Studs

Wilson Lai kicks off this sexy collection of gentlemen who have graced this site in various photos over the past several months (years?) Mr. Lai is currently stealing focus from the grand dames of RuPaul’s Drag Race, which is no easy feat, thanks to shots like these.  

Zac Efron may be one of the few people on earth who can make a wetsuit and a onesie look sexy, though most would prefer him out of both altogether

Shawn Mendes wears the Calvin Klein underwear crown for the moment, and while some say he’s not equipped, he appears to be doing just fine


Boris Kodjoe has already been a Hunk of the Day, and he too may be ready for another close-up. 

Gus Kenworthy has made several splashes on this site, including this memorable naked post, and this nude one

Posing in his underwear is but one of the talents that Antoni Porowski has demonstrated on this blog, as in his Hunk of the Day crowning, and this sexy follow-up

Finally, and fittingly, bringing up the rear of this post is Jack Mackenroth.

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Speaking solely for myself (who else can anyone speak for?) I’d rather be selfish than selfless any day.

And every day.


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Daffy But Not A Duck

The jonquils have started appearing at local markets – a sure sign of spring just around the corner, even if it’s a big-ass corner that it feels we’ll never quite round. Take solace in little gifts like this – they make the day prettier. The scent – delicate and ephemeral and never quite captured by any perfume thus far – is divine. Tom Ford tried with his Jardin series (Jonquille de Nuit) but the line was almost sickly sweet, with nothing to balance such potent floral notes. Sometimes less is more, as in this simple bouquet.

There is just enough green from the stems to offset the bright canary blooms, and for the first bouquet of the season it’s best to keep things simple. Like those first Technicolor films, when audiences weren’t quite used to so much color after so many years of sepia, we ease into it, stepping gingerly into the land of Oz from our basic Kansas beginnings.

Personally, I can handle more, but it’s good to refine the eye and gently coast into the riot that is spring. We will have more than enough opportunities for color explosions come later in the season. It is, after all, still winter. 

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Political posts may be polarizing but I put cilantro on almost anything because I love it so much.


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Pillow Target Practice

This beautiful pillow, which goes so well with my Grandmother’s tufted green velvet couch, was procured at Target of all places. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, I’m not a complete label whore, and I enjoy a bargain and a well-lit mainstream store as much as the next person. (I still have a gorgeous Marimekko for Target beach bag that personifies summer living and summer fun.) Their clothing has not quite won me over just yet (I don’t care if Isaac Mizrahi once played a part in it or not), but this pillow is stuffed heaven. 

I like its multi-textured surface, along with its riotously-jarring collection of colors. There’s a remotely 60’s vibe to it as well, with a little garishness thrown in for good measure. It goes well with Gram’s couches. 

Strong, vibrant color makes all the difference in a dismal day. 




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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

Pet peeve: when someone monopolizes a hashtag on Instagram.

Like me.


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Bunny Fuckery

What kind of mad, life-sized fuckery is this bullshit? 

It’s not even Lent yet, and this bastard, towering over all, just stood in my path at Michael’s while I was trying to hurriedly pick up a few supplies for the new project. (Further evidence that nothing good ever came of Michael’s, or Pinterest for that matter. And don’t even get me started on that nightmare called JoAnn’s Fabric Store.)

Now, I thought I’d already banished the Easter Bunny ghosts from my youth, but when something like this catches you by surprise, and it’s so goddamn big… well, one recoils at the horror of it all no matter how far past it one thinks one is


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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

It’s been way too long since I’ve had a massage.

I recently stumbled groggily into a door and thought, “That wasn’t terrible.”


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The Ass Wednesday Post

Oh wait, it’s Ash?

Whoopsie daisy.

Ban me from FaceBook and call it a month.

We celebrate Ass Wednesday here. There’s enough shame in the world. This is where the booty gets down. It’s not our first Ass Wednesday at the butt-baring rodeo. It’s actually not our second Ass-Baring Hump Day either. This is, as far as I can tell from the Ass Archives, our third booty-ful beginning to Lent. It begins with 50 Shades of a Nude Jamie Dornan. He’s shown off his backside here before, and it’s always worth another look

Newer to these pages is Kit Harington and his kingly booty. I have yet to start binge-watching ‘Game of Thrones’ so this GIF will have to suffice. Here’s Mr. Harington’s Hunk of the Day post.

Richard Madden was also a Hunk of the Day. Perhaps more impressively, he was a Prince in Cinderella, and a naked hunk on this website

John Cena may have the most bodacious bottom ever seen on this site, but don’t take my word for it. Check out a naked John Cena here


Back with his brothers for ‘Sucker’ and making his most recent splash right here, Nick Jonas has always used his assets from his first Hunk of the Day post and beyond. 


Backing this post into the end zone (groan if you must, and don’t come for me over bad sports puns that I don’t even fully understand) is David Beckham. More of his bum may be found at this link-filled post.

Happy Ass Wednesday everybody – shake it if you’ve got it! Let’s get our Lent on…

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Tiny Threads: An Insignificant Series

After your mind, the worst thing to lose is your glasses.

Both were missing today.


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Strong Shades, Vivid Intensity

When the outside world grows dull in winter grays and browns, as it is wont to do at this purgatorial time of the year, I look to the local greenhouse to cheer me up with orchids and bromeliads. Faddegon’s just had a sale on these beauties, so I stopped in to get some floral therapy. It always works.

Bright shades of pink do wonders for the winter-weary soul; when framed with green they are even more stunning. While these blooms look impossibly-exotic and difficult to care for, but the Phalaenopsis is an easy-to-grow plant when it gets enough light and humidity. I find in these northern climes, even full sun is not strong enough to bother them. (Usually, if they aren’t performing well, it means they require more light and/or more humidity.) 

Bromeliads also like bright indirect light and lots of humidity, so they’ll do well in a kitchen or bathroom environment. Sadly, we don’t have enough space or light to grow many orchids or bromeliads, but they are a joy to gaze upon in a greenhouse. One day I’ll find a garden room, so let that wish go out into the universe and manifest itself in some lucky happening. 

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The Roaring Recap of the Lion’s Entrance

The madness of March – herald the Return of Spring! – is in full effect as the last week brought about the turn of the calendar page. Hunkering down and getting deep into some project work is the best way to pass these last few weeks of winter. The sun is staying a little longer; the days are beginning to last. We can do this. But first, a quick look back at how we left February in the snow dust.

Let’s begin with these #TinyThreads. (Click on each #TinyThreads link at the end of each to follow the journey of nonsense.)

Lady Gaga & Madonna, together again. 

Morning meditation.

Hot pot

The next time you want pussy

Marches of our world

Questions that need answers.

The magic of Belinda Carlisle

Madonna’s ‘American Life’… en route.

The return of the Jonas Brothers, all grown up. 

Madonna’s best album… to date. 

Gratuitous underwear studs.

Getting my ass out again

Hunks of the Day included Patrick Duffy, Brendan Patrick, Nick Dent, Adam Devine, Michael Kleinmann, and Mike Rickard.

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Friends & Lovers

Whatever came of Gay Lit? It’s been ages since I’ve had the luxury of lazily browsing a bookstore, but I can’t remember the last time I saw a section on Gay Literature. In the 90’s they seemed to be everywhere. Hell, there were entire Gay Bookstores (shout out to ‘We Think The World of You’ in the South End of Boston!) These days, for better or worse, our work seems to have assimilated into the general categories of Fiction or Non-fiction, but rather than getting into some deep analysis of what that might mean to the LGBTQIA world, I’m simply going to offer a reading suggestion which brings us even further back in time to the 1960’s. By the great Edmund White, ‘Jack Holmes & His Friend’ is a look at a gay man’s life during the last half of the 20thcentury. I won’t give much more away; Mr. White has a better grasp of words than I ever could. He gets into what it might have been like for a gay man at that time, how subtle notions of masculinity were both desired and problematic, and ways in which we tried to escape.

“Either you were off everyone’s radar and flying solo, undetectable, or you registered with them and suffered the consequences – you became a character, a type, which was fine except it felt limiting. What he wanted and needed was a buddy, a guy his own age, a masculine guy who didn’t look at you penetratingly and size you up. A buddy who would share with you his interest in books or old movies or fine sports writing. Yeah, you’d catch sight of your buddy out of the corner of your eye as the two of you headed out into the night, collars turned up against the cold and shoulders bumping. Someone who didn’t stare at you and who could watch TV with you and make just the occasion wry comment while nursing a beer. Someone who made you feel like a minor adjective, not a major noun.”

~ Edmund White, ‘Jack Holmes & His Friend’

“I thought about how much work it must be to be the life of the party, even if the party was just three or four friends.”

“He knew he couldn’t indulge his despair even for an hour or the perpetual-motion machine would freeze; he’d never escape the stasis of depression.” ~ Edmund White, ‘Jack Holmes & His Friend’

“I tried to collect my thoughts: It’s true that a gay friend is different, maybe better, because he’s not a rival. He’s not part of the whole dismal system. He’s not one more pussy-whipped churchgoer who’s learned to keep his head, the big head and the little one, in check. Everyone thinks gay guys are sissies and mama’s boys, but they’re actually people who’ve chosen their sexuality over all the comforts of home. They’re bravely obsessional – but at a price.“ ~ Edmund White, ‘Jack Holmes & His Friend’

“There were so few safe ritual male topics available to us that we ended up saying things that were real and personal.” ~ Edmund White, ‘Jack Holmes & His Friend’

He’s one of the rare people I know who genuinely prefer their own company…” ~ Edmund White, ‘Jack Holmes & His Friend’

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