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December 2017

The 3rd Annual Boston Children’s Holiday Hour(s) – Part 2

‘Christmas in a Glass’ is Jamie Oliver’s nickname for his mulled wine recipe, and if it’s good enough for The Naked Chef, it’s good enough for me. It’s certainly fine for staving off a cold December day and warming the cockles of the heart in seasonal jubilation. And when your child is drinking hot chocolate and eating fifty marshmallows before devouring a chocolate spoon, you need a little something to take the edge off.

I’d combined the dry ingredients with the sugar for a couple of days beforehand (making for an easier traveling plan) and the white granules got to soak in all the fragrance and flavor from the freshly-spliced vanilla bean, freshly-ground nutmeg, cinnamon stick, bay leaves and star anise. That alone was heavenly, but when you added the peels of clementines, a lemon and a lime, it was better than a Yankee Candle.

I loved the idea of being the warming stop after a day of Boston exploration, and the condo has always been a cozy place perfect for just such a scenario. Our little guests began arriving, and Suzie volunteered to pick up some last minute food provisions (I provide the hot drinks and fancy footwear – the rest is always up in the air).

(The family that wears the same coats together, stays together.)

As the hours passed, the hot chocolate was devoured, holiday hedgehogs were crafted, Christmas crackers were pulled open with a pop, and the kids made up a game that involved running between rooms. It was the most raucous the condo had been in some time and I was grateful to have had the foresight to invite the twinfants in the condo below to visit at any time. (The key to any party where you don’t want the police called prematurely.)

The light outside went down, while inside the condo candles flickered, Christmas music played, and the sounds of children screaming with laughter (and the occasional bump) filled the normally silent space. At the end of it (and it was a good five-hour stretch) I was drained but giddy with their infectious seasonal excitement. That’s the real reason for the season.

We’d survived another Boston Children’s Holiday Hour, and I was better for it.

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The 3rd Annual Boston Children’s Holiday Hour(s) – Part 1

Despite all outward appearances to the contrary, I lead a largely quiet and calm life. Whatever anyone else makes of my social media shenanigans and website outrageousness, however outlandish my outfits or accessories may get, my day-to-day existence is a rather peaceful one. (That’s the beauty of an outlet like this – I save all the drama for this space and work it out through words and self-analysis, so the rest of my life can sail by relatively uneventfully.)

For my possibly-annual Boston Children’s Holiday Hour, however, I suspend that quiet life for an afternoon of holiday mayhem and celebration and invite the growing cadre of children in my friends’ orbit over for hot chocolate and revelry. Their parents are in tow, so we offer grown-up libations for them, and then before I reach the end of my fraying rope of sanity, we order dinner in, appease the hangry bellies, and send everyone off in more-or-less satiated form. Mostly, though, it nourishes my faith in humanity. My friends are raising some amazing children, and it’s a wonderful thing to watch them interact at this time of the year.

To pull it off, however, requires some planning and preparation – my two favorite things. I did not have to do it alone, thankfully, as Kira stayed around for the whole thing, starting with some preparation the night before, in the form of this holiday libation. Things just run smoother when gin is involved.

The first task, one I had executed a couple of weeks ago, was to find a gift for each child. This is not really a big deal, and I stumbled inadvertently upon a hot-ticket item for kids, or so I’ve been told: magic sequins. I’ve been wearing sequins for years, so I’m not sure why they’re suddenly all the rage, but hey, anytime the drag queens can reach a youthful audience it’s a good thing. (They would also match my shoes for the evening so it worked on every level.)

Then there were the crafts/toys that needed to be on hand to occupy their time while the adults mingled over mulled wine and other things. A holiday hedgehog kit works wonders for such a task (though I warn any novice child-herders to make note of the fine print – you’re going to need glue, glue sticks, scissors, markers, string, a strand of magic beans, and some other nonsense to make full use of the not-so-all-inclusive-$20 ‘kit’, most of which an adult condo in Boston is lacking). I also procured a dozen holiday gift ‘crackers’, the kind you pull apart to release a plastic piece of crap (a yo-yo or protractor or tissue-paper crown for example).

Finishing the scene were the ingredients and accoutrements for the libations. Citrus, spices, and cinnamon sticks for the mulled wine; chocolate mix, mini-marshmallows and chocolate spoons for the hot chocolate.

Kira and I went to bed watching Lidia Bastianich make a plum gnocchi dish, then fell asleep to the first part of ‘Love Actually’.

The next day we finished up our Christmas shopping and took the T to Chinatown for a bowl of pho before the festivities. As we sat there sipping our soup and stirring in the sriracha sauce, I remarked that we needed to enjoy the calm before the storm. In a few hours there would be kids and sugar, and the riotous excitement that the season brings. I also said we may end up looking back at that moment and realizing it was one of the best of the weekend. She laughed it all off. Having raised two girls of her own, she was looking forward to witnessing Uncle Alan woefully out of his element. We finished our soup and hurried out.

The children were coming…

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Solstice of Winter

On this, the first day of winter, the shortest day of the year, the Winter Solstice, I give you a flock of birds, tossed in the blue sky and set free to fly. Let it be a happy harbinger of the sleepy season. Let it bring good luck and warmth and cozy memories to see us through the longest and darkest nights. Most of all, let it be beautiful and calming, and please God let it be quick. 

Winter can be a wonderful time. It gets a bad rap. I’ve talked some serious shit about it in the past. May this year bring about a sincere truce. The world needs a little more healing right now. 

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Break It Off

I’ve taken mini social media breaks before, and one big happy blogging break last summer, and I find myself contemplating similar motions of late. It’s just too upsetting and bothersome sometimes, and at such times it’s good to be reminded that this is all a choice. I’ve long maintained that social media is what you make of it. It doesn’t so much create you as reflect an abstract notion of who you are. If you keep it light and not too serious, it can be a fun and enjoyable way to pass time. 

Yet I find myself being drawn into the toxic tweets and Facebook fights and it’s bleeding into my real life because when you are subjected to so much of it how can it not? That’s when I knew it was time to pull back. 

With all the Net Neutrality nonsense swirling around, the idea that we may have to pay for Facebook or Twitter or Instagram may be a silver-lined cloud. I don’t intend to pay for any of that nonsense, and if suddenly we had to it would be the ultimate sign to let it all go. I’m cool with that, despite what my outsize social media presence might convey. 

Those who know me and know me well realize it’s the truth. My real life happens offline, every moment, every day, and it’s so much richer and more fascinating and exciting than anything I could type or try to describe in photos or blog posts or a mother-fucking tweet. 

The point here is that if suddenly I decide to disappear on any of those social media platforms or this blog itself, fear not. I’ll still be living and creating and loving – and if you’re part of my world you’ll know how to reach me. 

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Post Children’s Hour Recap

Having spent the weekend in Boston for the Children’s Holiday Hour, I’m still recovering and recuperating, so this recap will have to do the work until I’m upright again. 

The week began with the bodacious Ben Cohen in his underwear

A new anthem. 

A shirtless and wet Henry Cavill

Snow party.

Holiday punch with pizzazz.

The Ilagan brothers go tree-shopping. 

Sky geese.

Luke Evans in, and out, of his underwear. 

Christmas recap within a recap. 

Hunks of the Day included Jordie CaskeyKeo MotsepeMikael Daez, Tristan Cole, and Austin Wallis

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A Week Before Christmas

Have you been naughty or nice? 

I’ve done my best, and that’s all anyone can do. The holiday spirit got to me early, and it’s been a more or less fun season thus far. (I write this a few days in advance of today, so who knows what state of frazzled holiday mind I’ll be in by the time it goes live…) But a few fun posts have already hinted at the Christmas good-will I’m doing my best to embrace. 

There was the Holiday Card 2017, a subdued but sparkling affair that everyone loved (yawn). I’ll return to the fun next year… maybe.

There was the Holiday Stroll with my friend Kira, as we’ve done more than a few times before. 

There was this happy highball holiday memory

And there was this mad beginning to the festivities

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A Little More Luke Evans

He made a big blue splash here in a Speedo by the ocean, and also won the coveted Hunk of the Day honor, so we’re bringing Luke Evans back with this quick Sunday post. A lull in your early Sunday afternoon is a reminder that there’s still a little more fun to be had before another weekend retires. 


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Geese in the Sky

The wavy ‘V’-shaped formation undulated slightly in the sky as the sun began its descent for the day, then broke up completely in the high winds. The geese will find their way back into their iconic traveling pattern, in whatever mystical method it happens. This is the sky just before winter arrives. 

Draining itself of light and color, it will soon grow gray and bleak, mottled with clouds high and low, streaky cirrus or cottony cumulus, and then we will wait it out until spring returns. 

The geese, far wiser than us silly humans, will spend their winter in warmer climes. The older I get, the better that sounds. 

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Retro Holiday Punch With Pizzazz

It was a punch that was present at most of our childhood holiday gatherings. The Ko House always seemed to have a bottomless crystal punch bowl in which a fancy ice ring floated, keeping things cool from the very start of a long Christmas Day all the way through to the evening. At various times the pack of us kids would travel by and dip the ladle in to grab a few more drops of sugary sustenance, dodging adults and disappearing into the background, or so we hoped. 

This year I brought back the holiday punch, with a couple of twists. It came about out of necessity, as Andy notified me we had an entire box of Orange Dry soda. In the punch of my childhood, ginger ale formed the effervescent fizz, so the Orange Dry seemed a suitable adult substitution. It also blunted the sweetness, which I did my best to avoid (but really, a punch is designed to be sweet, to go down smoothly). 

The tartness was accomplished by a frozen pink lemonade. The current generation isn’t as familiar with frozen concentrate, and I’m not all that different, but for some reason it works in this recipe. I whipped up a batch of the lemonade, and poured a few overflowing cups of it into a bundt pan, sprinkled in a healthy pile of fresh pomegranate seeds and raspberries, then froze it overnight for the fancy ice ring. I also put a bottle of vodka into the freezer (or leave it outside if there’s no room) to cool that down too. 

Right before guests arrived, I mixed the pink lemonade, 6 or 7 cans of Orange Dry, a few cups of vodka and a cup or so of triple sec (it’s a big punch for a big bowl), then scooped some orange sherbet on top of it all. The ice ring, knocked loose with some hot water and careful maneuvering by Suzie, floated in the middle of it all. 

It wasn’t quite the same as the innocent punch of our youth, but it was close. Its spirit was intact. The memories it conjured were warm and fuzzy. That’s the best one can conjure the older we get. 

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The Ilagan Bros. Holiday Tradition

It was one of the moments that brought my brother and I back together after adolescent turmoil and trouble: our trip to pick up the family Christmas tree. In high school we went our own ways, about as far apart as two brothers could go, but by the time I was spending most of my year at Brandeis, we had grown up a little and were ready to become friends. On an unplanned whim, we both volunteered to go pick up the tree in the mid-to-late 90’s. I still remember the drive, on a bright but wildly windy day, and the twins still ask me to tell the story of how the tree fell off the car before we even got home. 

That story came up again, after we picked out the tree (and by we I mean Noah and Emi) and had secured a table by the fire at our old stomping ground the Cock & Bull.

On the ride over, we passed the frozen pond that I drove by on all my oboe lessons. The kids studied their spelling words, and my brother and I searched for Christmas music on the radio. 

It was a warm tradition still intact, and I asked the twins to tell us some of their stories. At seven they claimed they didn’t have any, but we all recalled the night Emi went backwards in her chair when we picked up a tree a few years ago. They will have more, much more, to tell one day. They have only just begun. 

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The Snow Came Early

It’s our fault.

Really, it is.

Any time Andy and I plan a party there is some sort of weather event, so our holiday gathering this year resulted in that pesky snowfall of last Saturday that saw so many accidents. Usually we just bring the rain and wind for our summer parties, but it seems we can conjure the snow as well.

It did make for a more festive scene, however, and one can’t stay mad at such beauty. It fell into the night, and on the following morning the world was lit up in the magical way that only snow can create…

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A Super Man

It’s not easy to fill the stylized latex of Superman. It takes the kind of consistent workouts and dedication and diet that I will likely never be able to achieve. That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the hard work and efforts of others, particularly when they’re as fine as Henry Cavill. As the big-screen’s reigning Man of Steel, Cavill has pumped up his body to a formidable presence and character of its own. But don’t take my word for it. Go ahead, see for yourself. 

He was shirtless and wet here

He was shirtless and working out here

He was shirtless and naked here (with apologies for the redundancy). 

He was shirtless and bulging here.

He was shirtless and hairy here.

He was almost shirtless and sweaty here.


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A New Anthem

I’m not a stranger to the dark
Hide away, they say
‘Cause we don’t want your broken parts
I’ve learned to be ashamed of all my scars
Run away, they say
No one will love you as you are
But I won’t let them break me down to dust
I know that there’s a place for us
For we are glorious…

Some song memories have yet to be made, and yet to be written. This is one of those songs that, someday, may mean something important and special to someone. For now, it’s on the cusp of meaning something, much like we are at the cusp of something greater on this website.

Things are brewing.

Ingredients are coming together.

The slight semblance of a recipe is appearing on the horizon.

A plan develops.

A plot appears.

A map rises from the dusty parchment.

I have another project that must be done.

This is the most exciting part.

This is the time before the beginning.

This is…

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The Bodacious Ben Cohen

A multitude of thanks to Nick at the Kilted Bros. for bringing this to my much-needed attention. Here are a few teaser shots from the Ben Cohen 2018 Calendar (which may or may not be sold-out by the time you order yours here). Mr. Cohen has returned to fine form just in time for the holiday season, and this calendar is a dream come true for fans around the world. 

For more of Ben Cohen’s glory, check out this epic post.

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A Very Harry Recap

A little extra hair will be especially helpful in what looks to be a rather frigid week of weather ahead. There are Christmas memories to keep us warm, and I’m making new ones every day as I step away from documenting it ad nauseam here. Let’s meet back here on Thursday – until then, a recap.

And a recap within a recap, with this look back at previous Holiday Strolls

Of course, there was this year’s four part stroll: Holiday Stroll 2017 Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four

The ghost of Holiday Cards past.

This year’s Holiday Card.

My Top Nine, my ass

Hairy Harry Judd

A rather limited number of Hunks of the Day included James McAvoy and Ed Speleers.

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