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March 2017

Lazy Kinky Linkfest

My throat is still sore, so posts will again be a little light today. Follow my lead and take the day off too if you can – simmer some soup, put on some tea, and grab a book. I’m going to spend some time navigating a new phone, and possibly focusing on my Twitter and Instagram feeds. Think of this as a Cross-Promotional-Synergistic pollination project. There’s FaceBook too, though to be honest all social media is getting tiresome. I include this website in that too. Give me a couple of days to recuperate and find the muse again.



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Under the (Frigid) Weather

A bright brutally-cold day was greeted with a very sore throat and a lost voice.

This will be a quiet day, in every way.

I’m too pooped to write much, and I can barely speak.

Enjoy this brief respite.

I shall return, and I shall be millions.

Until then, have a cup of tea.


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The Latest Covers

Nobody knows better than Madonna what it’s like to be on the cover of a magazine, and she scored three more with Vogue Germany this month. They are each stunning, as much for the airbrushing as anything else I suppose, but beauty comes in forms fabricated and faux, and if I were on the cover I’d want as much help as possible. It’s time for Madonna to come out with a new project soon, as she’s been relatively quiet since the Rebel Heart Tour ended. (Adopting two kids takes away from creative endeavors too.) Anyway, on this special Madonna Anniversary day, take a look at the trio of exquisite images on the cover of the magazine that gave her a seminal hit. Strike a pose!

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A Light Anniversary

March 3rd is a holiday of sorts for any proper Madonna fan, as this is the day she released what I consider to be her finest album, ‘Ray of Light’. I won’t get into the story I’ve already told a thousand times on how I waited in line at Tower Records in Boston to get it, I’ll merely link to it within this anniversary post. Better yet, and far easier in my sickly state, I’ll link to the songs from that album that have already appeared in the Madonna Timeline. Happy Anniversary, ‘Ray of Light’ – I knew you would last.

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Happiness at Noon

I like a dose of happy in the middle of the day. Usually I find it on a lunch-time walk, a welcome bit of solitude, preferably in decent temperatures. Here’s a story on a very friendly quokka from Australia. Still don’t know what a quokka is, other than a pile of cute.

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Smack Dab Between 5 & 90

Waking up with a throat on fire, and a new regime of physical therapy exercises to be executed every three hours, I found myself feeling all of my forty-one years, and then some. The exercises required warming my back first with a heating pad (hello 90) and the sore throat required some popsicles (hello 5). Somewhere in between them was the height of my middle age. We are here, for better or worse.

I’ve felt like an old soul since I was a little kid, yet the older I get, the younger I feel – mentally that is. Physically I feel the years, the decades. They show in my hair, my laugh lines, the furrow in my brow that doesn’t quite melt away the same way it once did. Aging doesn’t bother me, but the way the body begins its slow decline does. I’m coming around to the fact that no one is immune, and that I may need to modify what I eat and how I exercise, and take steps to improve both if I’m to have a full life. That’s a sobering thought, but one perfectly in line when you’re about halfway between 5 and 90.

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Show Us Your Ass

Happy Ass Wednesday!! Traditionalists would call this ‘Ash Wednesday’ but why in hell would we celebrate ashes over asses? I’ll never understand that kind of fuckery. Instead, we are celebrating the butt, the booty, the banging caboose – you name your euphemism, we’ll bend it over. Here is our beautiful butt brigade, the behinds of the scene that make this website what it is.

Let’s begin with Nico Tortorella, who recently gave us a glimpse of side-ass, a teasing and titillating view that may have you craning to see more.

Two bodaciously-bottomed classics return here: David Beckham and Ben Cohen, who have had a friendly rivalry on this site. I’d say it’s a sexy draw today.

Chris Salvatore released an underwear line a while back, but the general consensus is that he looks much better without a stitch of it on.

Ginger madness is right around the corner, so here’s an advance preview: a naked Greg Rutherford and a nude Greg Rutherford. Both are lovely options of Olympic stature.

One more glimpse of ginger hotness is found in Seth Fornea, another favorite from this blog’s storied past.

A pair of butt-baring beauties in the forms of Joshua Michael Brickman and Philip Olivier.

Stan Wawrinka was one of the ESPN Body Issue boys, and his tush ends this post… almost.

Oh wait, how did that get in here? Who is responsible? Oh well, what’s good for the goose…

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Fantasy House

This would be another dream of mine, though in the original version it was a church that I’d renovate and move into, with Gothic architecture, soaring ceilings, and a few rows of uncomfortable but impressive pews. Check out the amazing work that one person did on this former cement factory in Barcelona, and marvel at how beauty can come from ruin.

I love stories like this.

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The Lion Enters & Sleeps Tonight



It was playing in Banana Republic, back when it used to be all safari clothing and far more interesting stuff (about half the price, too). ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ was on the sound system, and a summer trip to Boston was suddenly and irrevocably bound to the tune. We were finishing a day of shopping at Faneuil Hall, and the last stop was Banana Republic. It was a very different store back then, and the safari motif that better-suited its name was echoed in the surroundings – all raw wood and netting, with trees winding from the ground to the ceiling, branches extending out into the retail space. It was that atmosphere that drew me in when I was not even a teenager. The clothes, in which I was only just starting to become interested, were earthen shades of khaki and olive green – drab and geared toward designer safari-wear, and a far cry from the sophisticated office-chic look they’ve successfully evolved into over the years. Back then I was more interested in how they managed to get a tree into the store, and the majestic and whimsical way in which it overtook the back corner of the store.



In a simple store’s marketing scheme, I found inspiration. Summer was at its height, and when we returned home I set about to recreating that enchanting tree in my bedroom. I scoured the forest beyond our backyard and found a fallen tree branch, about five feet tall (which was higher than me at the time). It would do nicely, but it needed some work. I spent the rest of that summer scraping off the bark with a single straight razor. It was slow-going and dangerous work, and how I managed to retain all my digits is a wonder I could never replicate today.

As summer closed, I brought the tree branch in, but it was still a little too rustic for my bedroom. The cellar was a better fit, in the area that my brother and I had carved out as a play den, and I rested it against the cement wall. Far from recreating the look of the store, it merely looked like an out of place log propped up for no discernible reason. Undaunted, I decided to paint the thing in various bright colors, segmented as the branches thinned and elongated. It was only slightly better, and in the end I chalked it up to a creative experiment that didn’t quite turn out the way I’d hoped. It was the first of many lessons in understanding that trying to recreate an atmosphere with just one or two pieces was almost impossible. The promise of a retail dream seldom comes true, but we keep buying in the hope that it will. In this case, the cost of paint and the waning hours of a summer was a small price to pay for exerting my creative muscles.



It is said that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Personally, I prefer lions. I also like the way Banana Republic has changed. Until I stage some ‘Out of Africa’ moment, I have no need for safari gear or netting. Happy March! (And say hello to Lenox, the lion who was a gift during my birthday stay in the Judy Garland Suite of the Lenox Hotel two years ago. Who better to ring in the month of March?)

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