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December 2016

2016: The Wretched Year in Review ~ Part 4

We have finally reached the very end of the Year that was 2016. It took David Bowie. It took Prince. It took Alan Fucking Thicke. More disturbingly, it put Donald Fucking Trump in charge. How much more can we take? Let’s look back, for the last time, and see what was have seen. If I rush a bit and make this one a little leaner, you’ll understand why. And if you want more, check out Part One, Part Two and Part Three. There’s more than enough 2016 in there.

October 2016:

The Delusional Grandeur Tour was almost done, when circumstances and excitement beyond my control stepped in and extended it for a few more months. That didn’t stop the final section of the Tour Book from being revealed: Flower Bomb Balm ~ Part One and Part Two.

November 2016:

What can be said of November? The less the better. Ever one of the more wretched maths of the year, when the last of the leaves are torn from their branches, the earth is left brown and gray, and no good ever came of such a month.

December 2016:

We have arrived at last – the last month of this annus horribilis – and let’s just throw the baby out with the bath water and be done with it.


So… who wants to go back to 2015? Let’s do it! Part One, Part Two and Part Three.

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2016: The Wretched Year in Review ~ Part 3

Summer bloomed, and the sunny, steamy stretch of months that stretched out allowed for some tranquility and peace: the relaxed hazy state of heat and poolside fun. This summer was a state of suspended emotion, some good and some bad, all of it portending the fall that would inevitably follow. We embraced the sunshine as much as we could.

July 2016:

The Samsara Healing Water portion of The Delusional Grandeur Tour Book continued with Part ThreePart Four and Part Five.

Summer has always meant family gatherings by the pool, and the Ilagan twins continued that time-honored tradition.

The Delusional Grandeur Tour headed into its final (or so we thought) stretch, with the posting of the Spring Thaw Salvation segment ~ Part One and Part Two.

August 2016:

By far the biggest month this little website has ever had, August brought us an Olympic-sized bump (thanks to the Summer Olympic Games) resulting in 20 million hits for that month alone. This sort of thing only happens once every four years (but we’ll try to cut it down to two with the Winter Olympics). At any rate, there were a ton of shirtless and naked Olympians on display, so enjoy.

The Delusional Grandeur Tour continued the Spring Thaw Salvation ~ Part Three, Part Four and Part Five.

In honor of the Summer Olympics, the Olympic Spotlight was a new feature, showing off the talents of Adam Peaty, Race ImbodenMarcel NguyenMarcelo ChierighiniChad Le Clos, Ryan Held, Zac Efron look-alike Michael Hixon, Brinn BevanAmini Fonua, Matt Anderson, Joseph Schooling, Christoph Harding, Anthony ErvinDiego Hypolito, Eleftherios Petrounias, Kristian Ipsen, Marc Minguell, Kevin MayerPhilippe Gagne,

September 2016:

The month that summer officially retired, September carried its own beauty, as vestiges of the heat and sun remained. Too many people throw away this month away too soon, forgetting that there is more than back-to-school specials going on. There are pool days, beach days, sunny days, and summer days still to be had. We had them, and then some.

{One more post to come, and it’s one that closes out the year in dim winter fashion. Fall most definitely fell, and winter was not far behind. Summer always went too soon…}

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2016: The Wretched Year in Review ~ Part 2

If you’ve waded through Part One of this wretched exercise in looking back, bless your patient heart. Here we have Part Two of the Year in Review, when things turn to spring and ripen into summer. This was probably the best part of the year, as we all know how dark things got soon-after. In other words, enjoy this section while it lasts.

April 2016:

It begins, as tradition decrees, with full-frontal male nudity. Soon, we segue into The Delusional Grandeur Tour with the return of the warrior. Specifically, the Warrior Retribution section ~ Part One, Part Two, Part ThreePart FourPart Five, Part Six, Part Seven and Part Eight.

May 2016:

It is probably my favorite month of the year for many reasons, some of which will be seen here. The Delusional Grandeur Tour made a final twist into a prettier moment, which should see us through the end. It started with the Cologne Glamour Fashion segment, Part One, Part Two and Part Three.

June 2016:

Summer arrived with a happy flourish, as the remnants of May shone in all their pretty form. There were also some of my most beloved traditions that lined up for the glorious beginning of the month, including this Boston treat and my Broadway trip with Mom, documented in Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. The Delusional Grandeur Tour got gussied up and continued on its merry way with the spiritual awakening of the Samsara Healing Water section ~ Part One and Part Two.

{The biggest month ALANILAGAN.com had ever seen was still to come… To Be Continued…}

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2016: The Wretched Year in Review ~ Part 1

Without fanfare or hype, without further ado or anticipation, let’s get this fucking year over. Mercury is still in retrograde, and we’ll enter the New Year with the same insanity with which we are leaving this one. I want to fast-forward, but first we have to put this ugly baby to bed. The annual look-back begins now…

January 2016:

It began with the purity and innocence of the paper white narcissus.

The Delusional Grandeur Tour continued, with the Steampunk Birdcage section: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, and this bonus hat post.

February 2016:

The month of V-Day madness began with this delicious, relatively easy (not counting cooking time) version of Vietnamese pho. Such is the stuff of winter recipes and brewing soups.

My favorite section of The Delusional Grandeur Tour Book was posted: Red Riding Wood ~ Part One, Part Two, & Part Three.

March 2016:

It traditionally comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, but climate change has fucked that up so it’s nothing but a crap-shoot now. The Delusional Grandeur Tour continued its Red Riding Wood segment, with Part Four and Part Five.

This first segment of the year in review closes with The Delusional Grandeur Tour‘s snowy section: Winter Top Hat ~ Part One and Part Two.

Stay tuned for Part Two… of freaking four!

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A Single Year in Four Posts

Tomorrow, and for the remainder of the year, we’ll be looking back at all that happened here in 2016. Personally, most of the people I know are quite ready to be done with the damn thing, and I’m in complete agreement. So many other years have been so much better, for so many reasons. Let’s look back over the last few year-end reviews that I’ve managed to recap previously, and see if you agree:

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Chris Pratt’s Naked Ass

Sneaking in one final bit of male nudity before the year is over, Christ Pratt delivers two butt-baring scenes in his new movie ‘Passengers’. It’s been a good year for naked male celebrities, and this one is a very happy addition. (Some others, not so much.) At any rate, check out Mr. Pratt’s first Hunk of the Day post, and prepare for his second as soon as the GIFs of these scenes arrive.

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As If We Never Said Goodbye

‘Sunset Boulevard’ is returning to Broadway this spring, with the same magnificent woman who originated the role of Norma Desmond in its American inception: Glenn Close. Twenty years ago, my Mom and I sat in the last row of the Minskoff Theatre and watched Ms. Close bring the mansion down in splendid fashion, and now we are set to return to the house on Sunset in the next year. (I’ve been holding off on posting anything, as the tickets were a surprise Christmas gift. We shall pair them with ‘War Paint’ on our annual Broadway trip in the spring.)

It is a fitting moment for a ‘Sunset’ post, as I usually put up a ‘Perfect Year’ homage for New Year’s Eve.  That scene remains my favorite in the musical version, for reasons already explained here. Yes, it’s the scene that keeps on giving, and I’ll always be touched by it. Even as my cynicism grows, and fewer and fewer people seem to get it, my heart still believes in that moment, in the moment of hopeful, wistful love. My head now knows better, but my heart still doesn’t. And I will never be sorry for that folly.

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From My Fam to Yours: Xmas Day

The day after Santa arrives is always a celebration, even if there’s the usual deflated expectations of hype and hoopla. This time around there was nothing but smiles, and a rambunctious crew ready to run wild until someone busted a lip open. Such is the excitement of Christmas Day, and the perils of a game of chase.

We’ve come a long way from the days of prim and proper behavior, of dressing up and settling formally into a church pew. I never thought I’d miss that, but part of me does.

Still, there is nothing that can dim the magic of Christmas, especially when you learn to embrace family and friends more than you do throughout the rest of the year. That’s the lesson I’ll try to remember as we begin the long trudge through winter darkness.


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From My Fam to Yours: Xmas Eve

Welcome to the Ilagan Christmas Eve Spectacular!

We have dancing girls!

We have dancing boys!

We have the anticipation of Santa’s arrival, coupled with a fancy surf and turf dinner!

Best of all, we have family!

I got all my sisters with me! (Which are none.)

I don’t know if I get more joy watching the twins open up their presents, or my parents open theirs.

That’s what Christmas Eve is all about.

Hope yours was as lovable as mine.

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The Great Grandson of King Kong

“If you need any help with the coffin, call me.”

Thus spoke the scary butler guy in white gloves as the gloomy mansion spread its dark wings around Joe Gillis for the first time. He had just entered the dim expanse of Norma Desmond’s lair, the surroundings that had haunted and imprisoned her since losing her stardom and fame a couple of decades ago. Shades of Miss Havisham inhabited the place, and a dusty dryness left everything feeling a bit brittle and broken. He expected to find doll limbs or the remnants of tattered crinoline on the closet floors. Instead, a newly-dead monkey lay on macabre display – a monkey that the doyenne of the establishment was clearly upset about.

She set about planning its funeral, plotting what color the coffin lining should be: “Bright flaming red, let’s make it gay!” but her grief, even over a monkey, was palpable. Gillis sensed it had been her only friend. There was an unspeakable tragedy in that, a loneliness that public adoration, especially in its fleeting, temporal form, could never combat.

“Any laws against burying him in the garden?” ~ Norma Desmond

In the movie version of ‘Sunset Boulevard’, the scene is harsher, less sympathetic. Billy Wilder’s acerbic cynicism overrode any vulnerability, the comic relief played in uncomfortable silence. The musical gives Norma a bit more heart. She weeps openly over her lost friend. She sings a song of Surrender. She uses her sunglasses, even in the darkness of the mansion, to hide swollen, wet eyes. It is but a moment.

The survivors – and despite some of her efforts Norma Desmond is a survivor – always get over their pain. Whether they bury it or display it, crumble under it or rally around it, they take their pain and transform it into something that serves their purposes. Sometimes the goal is merely to live for another day.

Though she may have survived, she never thrived. The declining years of fading celebrity must feel like a ghostly winter that never ends. Still, the heart beats, and the heart wants, and the heart carries the only thing that can truly hurt itself: hope.

“And then there was something else: the chimp’s last rites, as if she were laying a child to rest. Was her life really as empty as that?” ~ Joe Gillis

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“ART SEX LIFE” by Ismael Alvarez

Spanish artist Ismael Alvarez has been featured here before, as a Hunk of the Day, but now he gets a more meaningful profile as he launches his latest work, “Art Sex Life” – a brilliant collection of his artistic work that captures the stunning and colorful work that he’s been generating for his entire life. It’s as much a culmination of his output as it is a promise for greater things to come. Alvarez continues to craft pieces of perfect pop-culture resonance and relevance, celebrating the erotic and challenging the notion of the pornographic.

The heads of pop icons like Frida Kahlo and Hello Kitty find themselves on colorfully animated male bodies, jarring and comical and giddily pulling from radical sources of inspiration. Alvarez himself provides ample full-frontal artistry in poses of supreme control and devastating vulnerability. His gaze is alternately intense and removed, sometimes quite literally so. It’s a delicious tension that manages to sustain itself through the complete collection, never finding reconciliation, but always leaving a little want, a hint of desire.

The book is a hefty 200 pages, filled with Alvarez’s illustrations and photographs, a dizzying multi-format representation of an artist who is impelled to create and express himself across forms. It lends a restlessness to the proceedings, as if we were getting an intimate look at how his brain works firsthand, and it’s a wondrous trip to behold.

{‘ART SEX LIFE’ by Ismael Alvarez may be purchased online here, or in bookstores in Spain. Also, be sure to check out his enchanting website, which is a compelling compendium of his artwork.}

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Union Suit, Unbuttoned

The way the cold seeps into the smallest crevice is the most insidious part of winter. An unsealed window, the drafty door, a crack in the wall – all access points for a frigid block of air that seems to want only to take up warmer space. Even though the Boston condo is buffered between two floors – a blessing for the most part – it still has windows at the fore and aft, all of which allow the winter to creep inside. On windy nights, if you sit near the windows in the bedroom, you can feel the cold coming in. In my first winter there, I’d light a sea of tea lights, hoping the small bit of heat they emitted would help things.

Long underwear and union suits helped too, and every year I’d stockpile an additional piece that I’d keep in the closet to amend whatever pajamas I neglected to bring on winter weekends. What had always seemed a rather silly uniform for vintage photo shoots or other nonsense turned out to be quite useful and effective. On one bitterly cold January day, I’d come into town with the sole purpose of visiting the courtyard of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. The Saturday dawned in freezing fashion, and the only way I was going to make the trek to the museum was to pull on a pair of thermal underwear beneath a loose pair of jeans.

On that day, a thermal weave trapped a warm layer of air closest to my skin and I walked in relative warmth to the museum. Once there, the courtyard and its verdant scenery warmed in visual and visceral manner. Ferns and palm trees softened the surrounding stone, while Gardner’s magnificent art collection beckoned along the staircases, drawing me into deeper coves of beauty.

After warming my body and my heart, I ventured back into the winter, hurrying along to the condo. A pot of tea, a book, and a bed rife with blankets awaited my arrival. This was the way through the winter, through the darkest months of the year.

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The Christmas Recap Aftermath

Another Christmas has come and gone, and with it George Michael. Another great musician is taken by 2016. Please watch over Madonna because that will just be too much. On with the recap, because I want this year to be over and done ASAP.

Mercury is in retrograde until after the New Year. Good luck to us all.

Zac Efron took his shirt off, so some things are still sacred.

Shades of gray.

Florida recall.

A glorious pair.

Flashing my booty in a red union suit.


Kids are stupid.

Holiday hunks: Simon & Jake.

The Madonna Holiday Effect.

The 2nd Annual Children’s Holiday Hour in Boston.

Get merry.


All anyone saw was my bulge.

And my ball. (Perverts.)

Now let’s shoot this awful year out of the water.

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My Ball(s)

Calm down.

You know the big ball doesn’t drop until New Year’s Eve…

All good things to those who wait.

If you’re with me, next year will be the perfect year.

As Valentino said, it takes tiles to tango.

Am I losing my mind?


That time of year.

Keep your eye on the ball.

The really big ball.

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Festive Aftermath

As much as I enjoy the anticipation and build-up to Christmas, I find an equal sense of enjoyment from the peace and let-down that follows. Much as I was in my childhood, I’d rather be left alone to play with my toys. Part of it is due to my social anxiety – the holidays are one party or gathering after another, and that can get extremely draining for those of us who, in our heart of hearts, shy away from such interactions. There’s still New Year’s Eve and Day ahead, but once you’ve run the gauntlet of Thanksgiving to Christmas, the hardest parts are done.

Now it’s time to relax, to refocus and get back to basics. One more week to the wretchedness of 2016. We will ride into 2017 on the wings of Mercury in retrograde, but rather than allow it to wreak havoc, I will work to harness its energy and use it to glide higher. Are you with me?

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