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September 2016

Tom Ford & A Naked Jake Gyllenhaal

Our weekend of Tom Ford continues with this promising post. In what has got to be the most eagerly anticipated film for me this year, ‘Nocturnal Animals,’ directed by the one and only Tom Ford, finally gets its first official trailer. His virgin directorial effort ‘A Single Man’ remains a stellar showcase of beauty and ache, but this new one already has critics buzzing beyond that stunning start. Starring Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal (who seems to be shirtless and possibly nude half a dozen times in the trailer below) it is billed as a thriller that captures you at the start and doesn’t let you go until you’ve been ravaged as wildly as the faster rollercoaster, tossed around in a deliriously emotional hurricane, and brought to cantankerous climax.

Did I mention a naked Jake Gyllenhaal?

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Justin Timberlake’s Vintage ManSpread

Giving a retro whirl to the concept of man-spreading, here is Justin Timberlake opening his legs in an old-school swimsuit, complete with jaunty belt. I’ve been searching for similar attire for some bathing-beauties re-creations, but have yet to find anything as lovely as this. I’m assuming this is in service of a new movie…

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Tom Ford Goes Green, and It’s Gorgeous

With his new Vert line, Tom Ford is dipping his fine feet into the pool of green with a quartet of Private Blends that highlights all things herbal and verdant. (Yes, it’s a quartet, much to the puzzlement of the Saks Fifth Avenue sales associates, though only three are currently available stateside.) Out of those three, one spoke to me in the language of beauty and refinement that only a Tom Ford Private Blend can speak: Vert D’Encens. A green incense at a most opportune moment: as a bed of copper-colored pine needles grows beneath the trees, the dry days of summer burn into fall. This scent captures the moment and adds just enough sparkle to see it through to the magic of the holiday season.

Opening with a bright and brash splash of pine, and a smoky edge of incense, this is seriously deep into the forest, where a rising plume of smoke from a stained-glass church lends warmth and comfort to the herbaceous elements. It is a lovely and rich crux of where humanity and nature meet. Once the pine recedes a bit, the incense smolders like it’s some high holy week.

Bits of freshly-cut grass suddenly, pleasantly, and unexpectedly poke through the smoke, reminding of the green that marks its first name. After this magical moment the heliotrope begins to bloom. The sweetness of that, which sometimes veers too dangerously close to vanilla for my liking, is here an integral part of softening that pine resin and smoke. The beautiful battle among them wages deliciously for a good hour or two, before a sweet reconciliation that carries a few hours longer.

By the end of the day, a sweetly delicate musk ensues, as if one has been witness to a glorious autumnal bonfire, and a gentle, glowing bed of embers is all that remains. This is the antidote to any apprehensiveness regarding the arrival of fall. Let it embrace and warm you.

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Macro Blossoms

Some blooms are better viewed en masse, but all are interesting when viewed close-up. These flowers were putting on a show on the grounds of the extensive Smithsonian museums in Washington, defying the close of the season, or perhaps exulting in its firework-like finale.

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A Gratuitous Nyle DiMarco Post

Bouncing from one reality show contest (America’s Next Top Model) to another (Dancing With the Stars) Nyle DiMarco has been a busy guy since he first appeared as Hunk of the Day in these pages. Here is further pictorial proof that he’s got what it takes and he knows how to use it.

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Classic Comfort

Every day I feel the world grow a little dimmer. Maybe it’s this crazy election cycle. Maybe it’s burrowing deeper into my 40’s. Maybe it’s just the turn of the seasonal clock and the arrival of autumn. Whatever the case, at times like this I turn to comfort rituals.

Making soup.

Taking hot showers.


And watching ‘The Golden Girls.’

I’m not sure why that always cheered me, or why it made me feel safe. Perhaps it was the notion of a familial camaraderie that went beyond blood lines, or the promise of an exciting life beyond the age of 50, or all that wicker in Miami. Whatever the reason, it was and remains a comfort – a view of a simpler time when life was about friendship and a laugh-track. We need that now more than ever.

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Embracing My Nature

I’m a Virgo, one of the most annoying and exacerbating signs of the Zodiac, second perhaps only to Leo, of which I am right on the cusp. I got the worst of the worst and there’s nothing I can do about it. For years, I tried to fight such tendencies – now I go with my flow and embrace them. Starting with organization and scheduling. I need to have a structured plan, preferably with a timeline and agenda. I’m just happier that way. More relaxed. And it gives me the opportunity to mellow out and make room for spontaneity. Sounds strange, but it’s what works for me.

To that end, I’m starting my holiday planning now, and have already mapped out and shot this year’s holiday card. I’m also beginning the process for the holiday party plan. Gift shopping is right around the corner too.

Some may scoff at the effort, but when I’m carefree around Christmas time and the rest of the world is scrambling, don’t hate me for making it look effortless. It’s not, and these are the weeks that prove it.

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All Glory & Honor Is Yours Almighty Morning

They grew on the neighbor’s chain-link fence when I was a kid. A magnificent shade of blue, like little portals of sky here on earth, they bloomed early in the day, but lasted longer if the day was dark and gray. Back then they signified summer, and summer seemed to last longer too.

Behold the morning glory. Aptly-named for its blooming schedule, they are gone by early afternoon – sometimes sooner if the day is hot and the sun is bright. Made up of one round petal, they are delicate blooms, but the plant is hardy as hell, re-seeding itself like a male whore.

The traditional blue-hued variety makes up for its simplicity with the size of its blooms. New, more varied strains with powerhouse shades of magenta and fuchsia are much smaller in size, packing their wallop in such striking colors and stripes. I veered in this direction a while back, and haven’t found the energy to go back to blue.

Personally I prefer the old-fashioned variety, even if I haven’t grown them in years. The one you see here is a re-seeded sport that has returned with a darker striped cousin. I tend to weed these out, allowing one or two vines to wind their way up through the Miscanthus and Korean lilac. I should probably provide a trellis and try the traditional blue ones again, but that will have to wait until next year.

For now, it’s almost time to tuck the garden in for a long winter’s nap.

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The Place I Want to Get Back To

“The Place I Want to Get Back To” by Mary Oliver

The place I want to get back to
is where
in the pinewoods
in the moments between
the darkness
and first light
two deer
came walking down the hill
and when they saw me
they said to each other, okay,
this one is okay,
let’s see who she is
and why she is sitting
on the ground like that,
so quiet, as if
asleep, or in a dream,
but, anyway, harmless;
and so they came
on their slender legs
and gazed upon me
not unlike the way
I go out to the dunes and look
and look and look
into the faces of the flowers;
and then one of them leaned forward
and nuzzled my hand, and what can my life
bring to me that could exceed
that brief moment?
For twenty years
I have gone every day to the same woods,
not waiting, exactly, just lingering.
Such gifts, bestowed,
can’t be repeated.
If you want to talk about this
come to visit. I live in the house
near the corner, which I have named

~ Mary Oliver

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The Return of My Gay Roommate

The adorably charming Noam Ash and his smash YouTube phenomenon ‘My Gay Roommate’ have returned with brand new half-hour webisodes. A Kickstarter campaign has just begun as well, to produce a pilot with all the professional bells and whistles that such incredible raw talent deserves. The time has definitely come for this kind of entertainment. The premise of the reloaded show turns the traditional notion of gay-guy-as-outsider on its pretty little head.

Nick and Max are roommates at Tuffet University, a classic liberal arts college complete with battalions of student groups, over-achieving freshmen, upperclassmen burnouts and the self-righteous indignation that characterizes Northeastern academia.

Nick Cohen is a newly out Jewish boy with OCD tendencies, while his roommate Max Finnegan is a broad-shouldered slob who may or may not have peaked in high school. Our unlikely duo takes on a freshman year full of firsts with a rascally band of suitemates: Rupert (an effeminate ladies man), his roommate Dom (the star linebacker) and Ernie (a techie Japanophile). They are joined by Sloane, Max’s no-bullshit upperclassman love interest, and her misanthropic roommate Mildred who become part of the crew.

The world of My Gay Roommate flips the social paradigm: being gay is not an issue, the football players are the underdogs while the a capella singers are the popular kids, the frat boys are the tame and rule-abiding students while the Women’s Rugby Team is the drug dealing muscle.

In this way, the show moves past the cliche gay-best-friend-side-kick and homophobic-straight-man relationship we see so often. My Gay Roommate presents a way of life that’s a little more 2016 – where a gay guy and straight guy are just friends. Best friends.

With all the darkness in the world right now, we need this kind of show: an escape, a glimpse of happiness, a laugh at how the universe should be. Like the best classic sitcoms, there is a heart here that fuels the wit and hilarity, a sense of goodness and friendship that cradles the sexy sauciness and forges a path into a beautifully bold future. To help out, because art is always a worthwhile investment, visit the Kickstarter page and pledge what you can. Also be sure to check out what awesomeness has come before on their YouTube channel. And please spread the good word!

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Aussie Sausage

Answering the eternal question, ‘Boxers or briefs?‘ here is a trio of Australian hunks to give you a mid-day dose of meat, wrapped tightly with their underwear. Many thanks to The Underwear Expert for continuing to probe the defining debate of our time. And an extra-special thanks for showing off former Hunk of the Day Lockhart Brownie (who may be ripe for another showing).

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Die. Faggot.

Such was the succinct Tweet/death threat I received on Twitter the other day. Apparently one of my Donald Trump Tweets hit the wrong nerve with a number of his deplorable followers, as the Trump Trolls have been out in full force condemning my words and demanding my death. This is precisely why a subset of his supporters gets called out for being deplorable. When you’re deplorable, you’re deplorable: own it.

It’s not the first time I’ve been called a faggot and it likely won’t be the last, but this one didn’t bother me in the least. Considering the source, it’s actually a badge of pride, as is any insult that comes from a homophobic or sexist or racist person. Other choice quotes from @AltRightRises (whose account was soon suspended) include his follow-up of “Do you sell your AIDS meds to buy followers?” as well as the following random tweets, gathered from a cesspool of equally-deplorable quotes:

“Your “top class” banter is just you talking like a faggot

“Smarmy faggot about to get stumped”

“Cry more, faggot”

Well, you get the idea.

He wasn’t the only one. Similarly hateful trolls followed suit.

@JewsR2Blame had a litany of Anti-Semitic, homophobic, racist Tweets (as evidenced by that Twitter handle alone) and blamed everything from 9/11 to his/her own sad space in life on the Jewish religion. This basket of buffoons had no end, and across the board they were hateful people who supported Donald Trump.

Some preached the extermination of a certain race or religion, some praised the killing of homosexuals and Jews, some wished for the return of lynchings and hangings; the one thing they had in common was unwavering support for Donald Trump. When someone like David Duke Tweets out the featured pic here, I think that saying that 50% of your supporters are deplorable is an understatement. The fact that they all seem so keen and willing to own such hatred is, indeed, deplorable. Those brave (and stupid) enough to put a face to their real name are a rarity, however. It’s telling in a klan-like way that hardly any of the people used their real name or image on their accounts, because when you believe in such shameful rhetoric and hatred, you don’t want to be known.

Of course I’ll be the first one to be blamed for such secrecy: one woman who did use her own photo as the profile pic challenged me to put my shirt on, as if that’s the best insult she could hurl my way. To my discredit, shame, and quickly-deleted regret I replied, “If I looked like you I would.”

Soon thereafter I realized it was too easy to win when dealing with such idiocy. Ignorance and hate seem to go hand in hand, and while there is some small shred of satisfaction in handily defeating such stupidity, it’s really a losing battle. You can’t fight that kind of stubborn ignorance – all it does is eat up time. (But I’ll say this: if you want to really get under the skin of a Trump supporter, correct their grammar and spelling. Most can’t stand it – and they’ll come back with something along the lines of, “Your a dumb fuck.”) Alas, hollow victories.

I also realize that not all Trump supporters are deplorable. But in my (admittedly limited) experience, it’s been about 99%, and I’ve got the Tweets to back it up. For now, and for my own peace of mind, I’m simply going to block the haters and continue Tweeting the truth about Trump. That’s really what they’re upset about anyway – the fact that their own hatred is real. One simply doesn’t get that angry over something unless it’s true. (And deplorable.)

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My First ‘Porn’ Review

When the title of a memoir is “Porn Again” and the cover depicts the author holding a cock with both hands, one expects a cheeky and salacious romp. What one gets in Josh Sabarra’s case is a whole lot more. There are hot moments to be had for sure, but what lingers after the heat is the layered depth of a Hollywood success story, from a kid who felt like a chubby, queer outsider and who willfully turned himself into something beautiful. The journey of finding out what true beauty is forms the core of his memoir, and the roller coaster ride it took to get there is only partially superficial.

Originally intended as a lightweight summer-read for my beach vacation, “Porn Again” establishes itself as something far greater as early as Chapter 2: Hard To Be Good, in which Sabarra recalls his re-enacting of a flight safety demonstration for several teacher aides: “While their delight more likely came from the sight of a six-year-old boy in shorts, a military hat and glowing high heels spouting pre-flight rhetoric, I was uninhibited and not yet aware of how gender roles applied to the way I moved through the world.”

The awakening of that awareness is the poignant touchstone for this book, and most LGBT youth will empathize with such a tender time. When he is called out as a “homo” at summer camp after simply putting his arm around a fellow camper, the arrival of shame is swift and cutting, and forms the impetus to a mode of survival many of us know all too well: “From the torment, I could feel edges of my personality emerge – pieces inside of me that would sharpen my tongue and fine-tune an innate wit that could eventually slice through unworthy opponents in seconds. A wall of defense was rising from the ground, and my internal artillery was being loaded for the coming years of battle.”

Yet through it all, Sabarra couldn’t help but let elements of his authentic self shine through, such as when he stages his own Hollywood-themed Bar Mitzvah. The act and the party itself may have been tell-tale signs, but it was all still a show for him. “The show was spectacular,” he writes, “but there was nothing of interest underneath. Did it matter, I thought, as long as the outward presentation was enough to grab people’s attention? Was the heart and soul below the surface really that important? Maybe a distracting razzle-dazzle act was my path; perhaps I was the human embodiment of what had just occurred.”

The quest for putting on a good show translates into body issues, and he begins a series of plastic surgery stints designed to achieve the perfection he feels will validate his life. It’s the first time I didn’t think of cosmetic surgery as some vain, unnecessary whim. As Sabarra explains his reasons, it suddenly becomes apparent that this runs much deeper: “I hadn’t processed the cumulative impact of how much I was bullied because of my sexuality. My self-esteem didn’t survive the verbal beatings I had been getting since I was seven, and my attempt to make my outside beautiful and glamorous was the way to bring it back to life now.”

Such self-esteem issues are not uncommon for LGBT youth, and it bleeds into adulthood for some of us too. After successfully navigating his way to a high-powered Hollywood position at an unprecedentedly-young age, Sabarra was still a virgin as he entered his 30’s. That a book entitled “Porn Again”, and carrying such chapter titles as ‘Cumming of Age’, ‘Hard to Swallow’, ‘Things Cum Up’ and ‘Circle Jerk’ has a protagonist who remains a virgin at the ripe age of 31 is a wink and testament to the marketing skills and wisdom of its writer. It’s also a nifty reminder that things are not always what they appear, a lesson that runs throughout the book as Sabarra goes from navigating the shark-infested waters of Hollywood to the shark-infested waters of the gay dating scene.

It’s a gratifying journey, filled with the pathos that, even at this stage in our awareness, sometimes comes from coming out. Most touching in perhaps the entire book is the way in which Sabarra’s family initially dealt with his sexuality. They did the best they could, and their love and concern is apparent even if they were unable to act at the time. A chilling holiday plan for Sabarra to hide his boyfriend from an elderly grandparent is especially heart-wrenching:

“When someone asks you to disguise who you are… it crushes you to a million little pieces. It’s like you’re a damaged collectible that people want to trade in for a shiny, new model they’d be proud to display,” he writes. “For years… many people who suspected I was gay made comments and slurs. That was the reason I knew to keep it secret and let my quick wit be my shield. When your own family reiterates this messaging of ignorant bullies, albeit unknowingly, the sting is hard to bear – especially when you’re in your thirties and finally feel free enough to step into yourself.”

Passages like that make this into so much more than porn. It is the power of Sabarra’s writing, and ability to laugh at himself, that makes such a sexy, enjoyable romp as satisfying and fulfilling as it is entertaining.

{Visit Josh Sabarra’s website here.}


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Magnificent Market

This is the best time of the year to visit a Farmer’s Market. The bounty of summer is in full effect, and the onslaught of winter vegetables and gourds is about to begin. A super-saturated day-glo montage of flowers and bouquets of infinite variety spill out of buckets, and a rainbow of fruits and vegetables overflows from every table. It is harvest time, and summer is going out in a blaze of colorful glory.


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A Recap and a Belated Birthday Wish

It’s my annual belated birthday wish to my father, who has the distinction of being born on a day now marked with infamy – 9/11. As such, he gets his birthday shout-out a day late, but with no less fanfare. He’s never been the biggest self-trumpeter, but without our birthdays we wouldn’t be here, so we celebrate such things with his indulgence. Happy Birthday Dad!

As for the previous week, it was mostly about Washington, DC. From brunch with a baby to dinners with an old friend, it was a typically monumental visit. Everybody needs some time all alone. Farewell for now, sweet whimsical Washington.

Summer started to go to seed.

This I promise you.

Don’t you wanna dance?

How sweet it is.

Eat her out.

The Hunks of the Day were all from across-the-pond: Jack Whitehall, Danny Mac, & Ashley Cain.

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