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August 2016

Big As A Dinner Plate

Behold, the grand bloom of the hibiscus – larger-than-life (or at least my hand), this beauty is relatively easy to grow, provided it gets enough food and water. I’m slightly ashamed to say I’ve neglected this particular specimen, located at a location far from the hose, but it’s come back dependably, and I promise to do better next year. The usual promise of a gardener late in the season. I inserted my hand for a better sense of the scale of its blossom. Immense, imposing, and striking from across the yard, it makes a showy, billowing mass of color that simply riots to be noticed. At this late stage of the gardening game, one appreciates an 11th-hour showstopper.

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All My August Days

How have we come to the end of August already?

I’m none too happy about it.

Yet here it is, and here we are. I’m not quite ready to throw in the beach towel just yet, and I will extend it for as long as possible with this little look back at some of the Augusts that came before…

My rekindled love affair with the beach began here, in August of 2010.

In August of 2011 it seemed I was in reflective state of mind, remembering even further back.

The Summer Olympics first put this blog on the map for many in August 2012. If you recall, Ryan Lochte was there too, but he wasn’t vandalizing things and lying about it afterward.

It was a more innocent time then, when Prince Harry got naked and that was big news.

August 2012 was when I spent my birthday in Provincetown. Or close-enough. It was also when I fulfilled a life-long dream. And said goodnight in the best possible way.

August 2013 found the Monday morning recap in full-effect. Ready to Mount. Inside and outside.

For my birthday in August 2014, I let other guys take their clothes off and show off their birthday suits.

Last year, August marked the kick-off of my final tour. Delusional and grand, it continues to this very day, and our Rehoboth Beach stop will be chronicled in short order. Stay tuned…

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That Nick Jonas Leather Bulge

Move over Britney Spears, Nick Jonas is making his own crotch-grab for attention, thanks to the leather track pants revealed (and revealing) below, which he wore for this year’s Video Music Awards. Personally, I’m not sure what the fuss is all about. Leather is actually less illuminating than, say, sweatpants or lycra, but hey, if the interweb is all over this like wet underwear let’s ride it to its logical conclusion. Mr. Jonas has shown off, and disrobed, for this site many times before. This is just a tease for posts like the one where he went all Marky Mark with his ass.

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Catching My Beach Breath

After six days at Rehoboth Beach, you’ll have to forgive my posts for being a little lighter of late. Allow me a moment to decompress, to come down from this beach high, and to revel in the relaxation afforded by my longest vacation in about ten years. I’ll conjure a few beach posts in a bit, hunkered down in some sad Starbucks and reliving the time that was the sun and the beach and the summer. Somehow, we rescued this one.

As for a brief peek of our trip, let’s just say it started off with a police bang, and I was not the one behind the wheel for a change. A nice change. My birthday dinner at Eden was nice, but dinner the following night at Blue Moon was way better. There were drag shows, dinner for 20, a collection of fun kids, french fries and ice cream on the beach, and a kite flight in the night.

I want to go back and do it all over again, and that’s exactly what this blog is going to do.

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Whose Crotch Did She Just Grab?

At my advanced age, the best way to watch the MTV Video Music Awards is on FaceBook the next day. Miraculously, because there must be a gay God, I caught the snippet of Britney Spears performing live last night as it happened. Good for her,  I thought, as she had another VMA moment: crouching beneath and behind some white rapper, she grabbed his crotch in front of whatever teeny-boppers still watch such things. Turns out the guy is G-Eazy, and this would be a proper christening as Hunk of the Day if his photos weren’t so limited. Until he turns up the heat he’ll have to make-do with this pictorial of his pecs. And that crotch-grab.

(I can’t tag this under my usual ‘Music’ category because, well, Britney.)

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A Recap After Turning 41

This birthday snuck up on me, perhaps because I wanted 40 to stretch on as long as my 30’s did. Well, it didn’t, and we are already on the other side, so let’s recap the week before instead of looking ahead so soon.

Boston welcomed me back by banning my website in Primark. I mean, come on, even H&M allows viewers access. As much as you want to make this a porn site, it’s not. Sorry.

My birthday suit post won’t help matters much, I suppose. But here I go again.

The upcoming fall season already has a fragrance, courtesy of Tom Ford and one of his strongest Private Blends to be released in a number of years.

Just say no.

Read me.

Someone always gets upset over this type of post.

The last days of peace in Boston.

All the gay boys lost their minds.

I want to be where the sun warms the sky

Those sexy, shirtless Chris Pratt GIFs.

Beauty among the faded.

The lucky #13.

The Hunk of the Day feature kept things interesting, thanks to the likes of Lewis Bloor, Luca Lampis, Ronnie Cash, Amir Khan, Benjamin Alfonso, & Wayne Parker Gregory.

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The Lucky Number

Before my current project, The Delusional Grandeur Tour: Last Stand of a Rock Star, comes to a close (in the next month or two, I promise) I offer a day of reading from my last project, 13. Each link tells a story, each number tells a tale.














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Fading Delusions

The Delusional Grandeur Tour: Last Stand of a Rock Star will enter its final stages in the coming weeks, and we are about to begin posting the final section from the Tour Book. It’s worth the usual look back at the Chapters that brought us to this point, because collectively they lead into the grand finale, and it’s a bit of a doozy as far as genuine changes and realizations go. Until then, I invite you to pull up a chair and let’s revisit where we’ve been thus far:


01)  Intro/Curtain – Part One, Part Two, Part Three

02)  Sunset Pool – Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five

03)  On The Road Hotel – Part One, Part Two, Part Three

04)  Rock Star Addict – Part One, Part Two, Part Three

05)  Animal Demons – Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five

06)  Steam Punk Birdcage – Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four

07) Red Riding Wood - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five

08) Winter Top Hat - Part One, Part Two

09) Warrior Retribution - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight

10) Cologne Glamour Fashion - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

11) Samsara Healing Water - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

12) Spring Thaw Salvation – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

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Some Sexy Chris Pratt GIFs

For your noon-time pleasure, here are several GIFs of Chris Pratt, who is just as sexy in motion as he is without a shirt. He’s been a Hunk of the Day here before, and his turn in the ‘Jurassic World’ movie somehow draws me in whenever it’s on HBO. (Ok, the Indominus Rex helps too.) As for Mr. Pratt, he seems cool enough for a movie star, and, as these moving pics will attest, he’s got that star power charisma.


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Where Sea Meets Sand…

I dream of the beach.
White, hot sand.
Crashing blue water.
Broken shells and softly worn stones.

The scent of coconut, echoed by Tom Ford, drifts on the breeze.

A cocktail with a wonderfully-cheesy little umbrella awaits on land.

The pile of books garnered for the summer gradually dwindles.

Sunglasses shade sleepy eyes, and a gauzy white wrap whips around in the wind.

We hold onto summer for dear life.

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Cher & Hillary

Cher and Hillary Clinton held a fundraiser in Provincetown, MA last weekend, which means about a million gay angels got their wings. I can’t imagine what that must have been like, but its proximity to Carnival is simply an act of God. See, He’s with her too.

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The Last Days of Peace in Boston

On one of the last weekends of peace, before the deluge of returning college kids, I make one of the last trips to Boston for this summer. It’s been so nice and hot, I haven’t been here much this season, preferring the comfort and ease of alternating between pool and central AC.
This past weekend I returned for some walking and fall wardrobe shopping – the best of both worlds.
Turning onto Columbus, I passed the first lilac tree I sniffed this season. Thanks to the heat and humidity, it was now a powdery mess of gray and white mildew – a far cry from its shiny chartreuse foliage a few short months ago. Such is the effect of summer on some of us. It can wear the prettiest down.

The city was quiet, as is typical at this stage of the season. The locals have hightailed it out of town, while the coming college crew has yet to arrive. It’s absolute heaven for a shy guy who prefers the peace and stillness. It’s much too warm to be surrounded by hustle and bustle. The streets are deliciously sparse, the walkways wondrously clear, and the bother of a college town has yet to be wakened. I pause to take it all in. The madness will ensue shortly, and all this peace soon will cease.

I’ll put on my guard then. For now, ease and tranquility – for just a while longer.

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‘Priscilla: Queen of the Desert’ Review ~ Clear Space Theatre

Stomping its high heels through Rehoboth Beach in fabulous fashion, and leaving a trail of glitter and feathers in its glorious wake, Priscilla Queen of the Desert: The Musical is the perfect piece of theatrical summer fare, one that manages to both entertain and enlighten with its musical pastiche of pop songs and some pristinely-crafted performances.  As put on by the Clear Space Theatre Company in Rehoboth Beach, it’s a thrilling component of that company’s trifecta this season (which also includes ‘Chicago’ and ‘Shrek’).

The source movie from 1994 is a piece of gay history, and the musical is rightly reverential. Anyone who loved the movie is certain to love the musical (and if you’re looking for a dose of the original motion picture soundtrack, show up early to soak it all in). Essentially a road trip movie (one of the most difficult to transition into musical form), Priscilla somehow defies the odds and succeeds, largely due to its ingenious bus construct and the possibilities such construction affords. Far more than that, however, is the collection of impressive talent on hand to deliver the music and the message.

Awkwardly and endearingly leading the drag queen charge is Jeff Kringer as Tick/Mitzi. Bearing the burden of the centerpiece impetus of the whole show, he must maintain a steadfast steadiness, and still bring home the heart of the winding tale. He manages to do both in a role that Hugo Weaving made so indelible. A tough act to follow, but Mr. Kringer manages to do so with winning and earnest charm.

Bringing a fiery foil to the evening in a fiercely flamboyant turn as Felicia/Adam, Connor Cook struts some serious attitude and gives some lovely vocal prowess to a scene-stealing role. He also manages to suss out some subtle levels of depth and vulnerability to the character, even if seems to be all about those gams.

Simultaneously grounding and elevating the work is the spellbinding performance of Christopher Peterson as Bernadette. In a role that veers from supreme pathos to gut-busting hilarity, Mr. Peterson lends it the sophisticated gravitas and skill to make the over-the-top character wholly relatable and touching. There is a dignity and nobility to Peterson’s expert work here as well, something that is essential to making the entire evening work.

The main trio shines thanks in large part to the ensemble of powerhouse performers, who turn this performance of Priscilla into a thing of exuberance, grace, excitement, and virtuosity. They even manage to fit in a spectacular aerialist bit that drops a breathtaking bit of Cirque de Soleil through the ceiling of the theater (courtesy of the lithe and limber Troy Lingelbach). Somehow it all works, and the patchwork of pop tunes eventually coalesces into a message of love and acceptance, of overcoming self-doubt, and of trusting in friendships new and old. That’s a story that never gets old, and it transcends the mesmerizing power of a man in a frock.

{Priscilla: Queen of the Desert runs through September 3, 2016 at the Circle Space Theatre.}

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Summer Reads 2016

On my summer bedside table reading list:

The Whale: A Love Story‘ by Mark Beauregard

Porn Again‘ by Josh Sabarra

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ by J.K. Rowling

The Soul of an Octopus‘ by Sy Montgomery

“The best moments in reading are when you come across something – a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things – which you had thought special and particular to you. Now here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours.” – Alan Bennett, The History Boys

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The Madonna Timeline: Song #131 – ‘Freedom’ ~ Spring 2004

{Note: The Madonna Timeline is an ongoing feature, where I put the iPod on shuffle, and write a little anecdote on whatever was going on in my life when that Madonna song was released and/or came to prominence in my mind.}

Created during the ‘Bedtime Stories’ sessions, this song was not included in that final funkified R&B slow-swing album, probably for its rather demo-like feel and lack of focus. It was officially released as part of Madonna’s ‘American Life’ follow-up remix EP (the most eclectic and puzzling release ever). It actually would have worked fine as a filler fodder on the original 1994 release, which found Madonna at one of her most casual and carefree musical moments, because it sounds out of place next to almost everything else she’s done (especially the remixed versions of the ‘American Life’ tracks). But no one says no to Madonna, so she had it on.



It’s mostly a rough musical riff or two, stripped down to a couple of guitars and Madonna’s lofty platitudes broken down into simplified cries of “freedom” and “brotherhood” and “justice” – and all of it boils down into a not-so-promising and completely-unfulfilling musical doodle. Bogged down by the whole “justice” angle, this is not one of my favorites.


SONG #131: ‘Freedom’ – Spring 2004

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