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July 2016

Cool Pool Recap

The weather, having been both stormy and hot, made for an interesting week poolside. After work, I’d get home, jump in the warm water, and let the day wash over me. Not that it was all fun and games. I also began cleaning out the attic before we slide completely into Grey Gardens territory and it’s too late to turn back (not unlike this recent battle with the side yard). On with the posts that somehow got posted too…

When it gets hot, the best thing to do is strip off all your clothing and pose for an ESPN photographer.

Tom Daley in a Speedo is always a treat.

Roses, Rufus, and restoring the faith.

Tricky color.

Thyme out.

Hot & wild.

Pablo Neruda too.

Man candy with shades of male nudity.

The Special Guest Blog returned with Colin MacArthur. (Who’s up next?)

Hunks of the Day included: Trey Hardee, David Plummer, David Lurs, Matt Grevers, Seth Rollins, Adam Gumula, and Adam Kenworthy.

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Summer Refreshment

A cocktail off-the-fly. Or is it on-the-fly? No matter. Here’s a quick do-it-your-own-damn-self cob-job of a cocktail that incorporates vodka, limoncello, lemon juice, St. Germain, and a couple of basil leaves – shaken with ice – and poured out poolside to satisfy a summer afternoon idyll. What’s your favorite refreshment for a sunny summer day?

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Special Guest Blog: Colin MacArthur

{It’s been a while since someone has deigned to grace this blog with their writing, so I’m especially thrilled to give today’s post to my online pal Colin MacArthur. I’ll allow him to make the introductions below, but having read his piece it gives me great pleasure to see there are others who defy gay stereotypes, while still managing to embrace them. I’m guilty of at least half of the references (ok, 75% if you want to get technical). The good thing is, there’s room for all of us. And now, without further ado, I give you Mr. MacArthur.}


My name is Colin MacArthur, 45 year old gay man living in Sydney, originally from the UK. I am a dad to twin boys and hope that they grow up feeling surrounded by love.

It is hard work being gay (well by that I mean being what people think it is to be gay)

You have to maintain a 32-inch waist no matter how old and lazy you get (which I am becoming more and more). You have to have a gym membership even if the heaviest thing you want to lift is the post off the doormat. You have to have an assumed knowledge about all things to do with women’s fashion even if you don’t have a single fashionable female friend (if you are reading this you know who you are). You have to know the words to every song ever performed by Kylie, Madonna and Bananarama and at least 3 other 80’s pop stars (I have to admit this does come in handy at trivia nights). You have to know what all the ‘in’ bars and restaurants are, even if you have lived like a hermit for years (or want to live like one). You have to wear clothes that are in fashion, but not look like mutton dressed as lamb if you are an aging gay (note to self). You have to pretend NOT to fancy the hot straight guy in the office (this one I find hard). You have to look at least ten years younger than you are, and make it look effortless. On that note, you have to have immaculate hair even if you have just got out of bed after 12 hours of sleep (I hate product so struggle with this one too). You have to know someone that your straight friends can buy pills from, and I am not talking about headache pills, even if you have never even so much as puffed on a joint your entire life (ok maybe I did, but I did not inhale). And finally you have to be happy in the face of adversity, there is a reason you are called gay, now go face that firing squad with a skip and a hop and a great big smile on your face…

Of course, you can just be yourself and not live up to the stereotype, which trust me will bring you much more happiness and fulfillment.

{Featured photo is of author and his children.}

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Suck on This Man-Candy

It’s summer.

It’s hot.

And this post is only going to make you hotter.

Man-candy. It’s what this website does best. Open up and say Ahh, because he’s another bit of super-hard sweetness to melt in your mouth. We’ve had some major man-candy here in the past, so here’s a look back at some of the favorites. Sticky and sweet, indeed.

Let’s begin with Tyson Beckford, who seems to getting more and more cheeky as his modeling career progresses. One of the OG male super models, he’s still defining what it means to be handsome and beautiful and stunning all at once.

Another classic, Ben Cohen, belongs in the man-candy hall of fame. He’s been missing-in-action these last few months, so let’s rectify that a bit right now.

The majority of man-candy here come in the form of male models, such as Filip Sjunnesson, Rick Fisher, and Americo Neto.

Some man-candy is appropriately named, like Rocco Hard.

Some man-candy can barely be contained in a single post.

And some cannot.

Man-candy might be red-hot.

Or Olympic gold.

But mostly you like it when it’s basic nude.

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The Happy-Sad Cry

Because the world has seemingly gone mad, and in all the wrong ways, let’s begin this Saturday with something bright and cheery, at least when it comes to restoring some faith in humanity. When the evils of the world threaten to bring us all down, I like to think of things like this (and realize that no matter what happens in this country, there’s always Canada).

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Thyme Out

The pale blooming of thyme demands an almost-microscopic view to be appreciated. Summer is sometimes like that, and when I’m outside away from the noise and the constant bombardment of social media and entertainment, my mind is able to calm itself, returning to the way everything was when I was a little kid. The scope of my view shifts then, and I shrink down and begin to notice all the tiny things that escape me in the usual hustle and bustle of this mad world.

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Hot & Wild Mid-July

The summer of ’16 is shaping up to be a rather alarming one. This is a scary time for many of us (and not just because the official Republican Platform includes gay conversion therapy – WAKE UP, PEOPLE) but I’m not indulging in scare tactics here.

Here, life is beautiful.

The guys are beautiful.

Even the orchestra is beautiful.

In mid-July, the garden exhibits its first hints of losing steam. I managed to capture these wild sweet pea shots before they started their decline, so they appear fresh and new, in the hottest shade of hot pink that the garden can muster. I’ll cut them back almost to the ground, as they are already going to seed, and one of these invasive monsters is more than enough.

For now, enjoy their strong color – the perfect reflection of this hot mid-July moment, when the world around us seems to be going up in flames, and the only thing we can do is recoil at the monstrosity and sad beauty of it all.

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A moment of peace in the middle of the day.

We all need one.

A powerful performance of a powerful song.

I always a cry a little at something like this.

A cold and broken hallelujah…

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Tonight I Can Write…

Water lapped at my ears.

A breeze arrived, late after a very hot day.

I looked up, allowed my pupils to dilate, and my eyes to open to the dim early night.

A bank of puffy clouds rose like mountains to my left, their cottony mass illuminated in other-worldly light.

Seeking the source of such brilliance, my eyes traveled to the right, and there, hidden behind a towering pine tree, was a half-moon, glowing the palest shade of lemon.

It turned another group of clouds a soft wintergreen color, a gloriously strange cross between lime and mint green, something that could never be duplicated, that must be enjoyed and looked upon at this one and only moment.

This was a summer night, filled with half a moon, and haunted by a fluttering bat.

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A Tom Daley Treat

Get ready for Tom Daley to make a big splash in just a few weeks, as he squares off in the summer Olympics in Rio. As a Speedo-clad tease to that Brazilian treat, here’s a fun photo-shoot that Mr. Daley recently did. It shows off a cheeky, humorous side that more Olympians need. Mr. Daley is big enough to have his own Category here, just like David Beckham, Ben Cohen, Tom Ford, and Madonna. That’s elite.

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Welcome to the Jungle

It’s amazing how soon nature can reclaim a space, no matter how small or protected. Case in point is our small side yard. It’s outside of the pool fence, and as such it’s outside of my mind, which means it’s had a few years of uninterrupted growth, fallen leaves, and foraging birds and rodents to spread nasty seeds. When I looked out my window and saw a wall of green, I knew it was well past the time for action. We were seriously heading quickly into ‘Grey Gardens’ territory, and though I had the wardrobe and the eccentricities, I was not quite ready to throw in the house and surrounding landscape.

Doused in deet, clothed in long sleeves with pants tucked into my socks, and armed with rubber-coated gloves and pruning shears, I began hacking away at the wilderness. This was awful work. When a mixture of sweat and insect-repellent wasn’t pouring into my eyes, swarms of unaffected insects dove into my ears. Pesky bittersweet vines and Virginia creeper had overtaken much of the open space, while saplings of maple and oak had swelled into trees too big for one man to pull out with his own hands. Thorny things were hidden here too, ready to scrape and scratch and tear away at any exposed skin – and near the back of the property was a thorn-addled vine that was and remains the worst monster I’d ever encountered. There were thorns even on the tips and undersides of its leaves. Not many plants inspire fear in me – I find even the carnivorous ones rather charming – but this thorny terror was another story. I could easily see a nightmare inspired by such a devilish creature.

It took me three full days, thirty-seven large lawn bags, countless callouses, two cans of bug spray and two changes of clothing a day to wrangle the wilderness, but it is now done. I’ve got the war-wounds to prove it.

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Here Comes the Color of the Sun

Tricky color, yellow.

Doesn’t work on everyone.

In the 50’s and 60’s we all painted our kitchens in the shade of sunshine, certain it would lift our morning spirits.

Turns out that yellow, at least according to some inane psychological studies, actually irritates people more than making them happy.

Oopsie daisy.

Me, I have come around to it, especially in these, the sunny summer months.

And I’m not sure I buy the whole color-determines-mood bit either.

In this outfit, I felt happy as hell.

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Body Issue = Naked Issue

Here at ALANILAGAN.com, we love ESPN for one thing and one thing only: the Body Issue of their magazine. Artistically (and gratuitously) displaying athletes in naked poses, it’s probably the biggest issue of their year, and has enough cachet to have gotten the likes of Michael Phelps and Rob Gronkowski totally starkers. In this post, we see some shots of Hunk of the Day Conor McGregor in his altogether – further evidence of the power of the Body. He joins the nude ranks of Evan Lysacek, Giancarlo Stanton, Matt Harvey, Oguchi Onyewu, Greg LouganisBryce Harper, and Kevin Love. Welcome to the Celebrity Skin Jungle.

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Rose Flare

Though June is really the main month for roses, some spill over into July, especially as we had such a late start of spring. These pink beauties were peering over the wrought-iron fence of a typical Boston brownstone, nodding to themselves and to all passers-by in fine and fair fashion.

I was very happy to see them.

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Summer Monday Recap

Mid-July approaches – the height of summer and all its glory – and I’m going to indulge in the season, hence this lazy-ass Monday morning recap. (Though that’s every Monday I guess.) Here we go…

The Olympic Hunk brigade continued its stride toward Rio with Connor Jaeger and Matthew Josa.

This used to be my playground.

A pair of Hunks who brought the wood: Bryant Wood and Jordan Woods.

Adam Lambert got all shirtless & sexy.

Poetry & partial nudity.

A swimmer and a batter: Nathan Adrian and Jake Arietta.

Heaven in the pool.

A hollow bit of heaven.

One last stand

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