Yearly Archives:


Shot Through the Heart

The dangerous rhyme-riddled plague of blame and shame can wreak havoc on the most well-ordered of lives. Even when you think you have the thing beat, it rears its ugly head again, reminding you that no matter far you’ve come you can’t erase the past. In the following song by Imagine Dragons, we find a protagonist giving up and giving in. Such a thing is a horror to go through, but a fascinating process to watch. We are an emotionally blood-thirsty species. We revel in the misery of others. We find relief in any struggle that’s not our own. It’s the wretchedness of human nature, and sooner or later we are all brought so low.

I’m sorry for everything
Oh everything I’ve done…

Am I out of touch?
Am I out of my place?
When I keep saying that I’m looking for an empty space
Oh I’m wishing you’re here
But I’m wishing you’re gone
I can’t have you and I’m only gonna do you wrong

Sometimes you have to give up on things. Sometimes you have to give up on people. It’s the only way to absolve certain issues. Let go and let come what may. There is a strength that comes from owning your fuck-ups, and a grace that results from admitting your failings. Whatever terrors are in the past will always lurk, ready to trip you up at the most inopportune time, unless you face them. The first step in doing that is admitting your own faults and mistakes. No one is perfect. Not all the time.

Oh I’m going to mess this up
Oh this is just my luck
Over and over and over again

I’m sorry for everything
Oh everything I’ve done
From the second that I was born
It seems I had a loaded gun
And then I shot, shot, shot a hole through
Everything I loved
Oh I shot, shot, shot a hole through every single
Thing that I loved

Am I out of luck?
Am I waiting to break?
When I keep saying that I’m looking for a
Way to escape
Oh I’m wishing I had what I’d taken for granted
I can’t help you when I’m only gonna do
You wrong

There are those of us who can’t seem to do anything but hurt others. Even with the best of intentions, even when acting out of a supposed place of love, the end result is always pain. When that happens over and over and over again, something has to change. In certain romantic relationships, I’ve been that bull in the china shop. In certain familial relationships, I’ve been on the receiving end of such harm. Somewhere in-between I hoped to find happiness.

In the meantime can we let it go
At the roadside that
We used to know
We can let this drift away
Oh we let this drift away
At the bayside
Where you used to show
In the moonlight
Where we let it go
We can let this drift away
Oh we let this drift away

To let go, to allow time to pass, to move on along your own path – this is how I’ve survived – and it’s how I’ll continue to survive. A certain courage is required to do that. A fortitude and belief, somewhere deep within, that you’ll be all right, that no matter what happens you can do it. You will be ok, because you have to be.

And there’s always time to change your mind
Oh there’s always time to change your mind
Oh love, can you hear me
Oh let it drift away…

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Tom Ford: The Master at Work

Now this is how you put on a fashion show. Kanye West, please take note and do not attempt this again. Tom Ford brought his runway to Los Angeles this past weekend, just in time for the Oscars, and it was just as spectacular as anticipated. Unlike Mr. West, who brought out the worst in his celebrity attendees, Mr. Ford brought out the absolute best. It’s a sign of Ford’s brilliance that his audience looked just as good, if not better, than those walking the runway (they were all wearing his work).

The collection itself is a stellar study of chic elegance, with some sixties’ patterns and fringe brought into modern-day  relief. Though I’m not a fan of the brief appearance of denim in a couple of the looks, everything else worked wonderfully, right down to the alien-like necklaces set off by gorgeously prominent scooped necks. Nobody does women’s wear better than Ford, and all the celebrities came out to see the show.

Ford favorite Julianne Moore was there, as were Sofia Vergara and hunky Joe Manganiello (sadly the latter was neither shirtless nor naked, as he once was and should be again).

The show apparently brought a smile to the normally taciturn Anna Wintour. Quite a reversal from her dismayed agitation sitting next to Kim Kardashian and her crying spawn at the Kanye atrocity.

Reese Witherspoon was radiant and Jennifer Lopez simply glowed.

Beyonce and Jay Z shined, and even if Jason Statham was unimpressive to my eyes, I know that my friend JoAnn will eat his photo up. All in all, it was a stunner of an evening, and Mr. Ford proved once again that he can do no wrong.


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A Gem Excavated from the Bowels of FaceBook

In preparation for tomorrow’s ‘Special Guest Blog‘ (by a real live pussy no less), here is a brief addendum to the guy and the post that started it all ~ Skip Montross. He kicked off the ‘Special Guest Blog’ feature that everyone seems to love (who knew it was such a relief not to be burdened by my trampy prose?) and when I saw this recent entry he posted on FaceBook I asked if I could put it up here as I needed a little pick-me-up. It gives an idea of the sort of person that Skip is, and why he’s such a valued friend. It’s also just a feel-good read that made me think about the things that really matter.

Mini Guest Blog by Skip Montross

Had one of those take stock of everything kind of life affirming moments this morning. As Sher was getting ready to leaving for work she noticed someone outside rummaging through our recyclables. It’s about 5 degrees outside and probably 20 below with the wind chill. She was a tiny old woman with a tiny shopping cart and a jacket that couldn’t possibly be keeping her warm enough.

I jumped up and did something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. I ran outside and yelled “Hey!” When she looked at me I asked her if she was collecting bottles. When she said yes I told her to hold on. I ran back inside to my basement where I had three huge garbage bags filled to the brim with cans and bottles that I have been meaning to take back for some time. When I went outside I saw that she had already managed to pull her cart halfway up my driveway. When she saw my bags she welled up and said. “Oh my God.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”  Then she did something I didn’t expect. She gave me one of the most earnest and thankful hugs I’ve ever been given. I told her I had one more. When I came back out with my last bag she looked like she was crying and said thank you again a few more times. She spent the next 5 minutes in my driveway figuring out how to get this newfound treasure attached to her cart.

Altruism is something that should be private. You should give because it’s the right thing to do, not so that you can boast.  I’m not telling you this because it will make me seem like a better person than I really am. I am telling you this simply because of how great I feel right now. There were probably $10-$15 dollars worth of deposit returns in those bags. A trip to Dunkin Donuts for me but it meant the world to this frail old woman in my driveway. But that hug man… that hug was more payment than I could have ever imagined.

It was a reminder for me, and maybe now for you, that the smallest gestures can have the biggest impacts.  Do something nice for someone who can do nothing for you as often as you can and maybe you might just get a hug that reaffirms all the good that is still left in the world.

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Sentimental Journey

A few big band tunes played over the radio in the middle of the night, the scratches intact from their original vinyl incarnation. A harsh wind rattled the storm window outside my bedroom perch, but the carpet beneath my feet padded the room with warmth. On that winter’s night, I was awake with the anticipation of a weekend in Vermont. I was only thirteen or fourteen years old and didn’t have a lot of friends. (I still don’t, not close ones anyway. At that time, however, I didn’t see what  a boon that was.

“He who has many friends has no friends.” ~ Aristotle

‘Little Green Apples’ played and then ‘Sentimental Journey’ came on. They whispered of grown-up evenings in dimly-lit clubs, where adults swizzled cocktails and spoke of important adult things. In my mind, such a scene was redolent of sophistication, shot through with gentlemen and ladies who kept elegant comportment. I hurried back under the covers and fell asleep in gleeful anticipation.

The next morning was bright but gray. I don’t remember specifics, only images: dirty snow, charcoal slush, and moon boots spattered with gray salty road spray. I was sitting in the back of a station wagon, and just along for the ride that my Mom was making to take my brother and his friend skiing. We were staying at some dinky two-story hotel, but when you’re thirteen every hotel is an adventure.

After dropping the boys off at the ski slope, my Mom and I would go shopping in Vermont. We stopped at cozy craft-filled stores, like the multi-floored Jelly Mill that stood on its hill looking remarkably like some real-life version of the Gummi Bear house. When I was little I sought out coziness like that – it was a comfort when the world turned cold. Little did I know the real emptiness and ache that comes from being alone. It wouldn’t be eased by the scent of pine and cinnamon or softened by a hand-embroidered pillow.

The scenes so decorously laid out in the flatteringly-lit gift shops didn’t translate to real warmth or safety. They gave the illusion of all of it, but even if you took a candle home with you, or a handful of old-fashioned candy sticks in root beer and watermelon flavors, you could never re-create the magic they seemed to hold. I was forever trying to do that, and forever failing.

I don’t know if there was a roaring fireplace in the restaurant where we ate dinner. I want to believe there was, but that may be a wishful recreation of a scene far less picaresque in reality. The memory is a wild thing, gaining in uncertainty over the years (just ask Brian Williams). Yet while the specifics may be inaccurate, the feeling – that notion of being on the cusp of all that is to come, particularly in the distant specter of spring – that remains true. It’s one of the only things our memories cannot eradicate or modify – the feeling – because if it meant enough to become a memory, it must have meant something.

We want so much to matter.

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The Snowblower: Color of Fun and Danger

Winter wears down the staunchest of characters, and lately I’ve been feeling a bit worn. House-bound and restless, we struggle as the season takes its toll. It could be worse. I could be stranded in Boston right now (I’ve recently changed two planned weekends there because the snow was too much, but I’ll be back regularly once it all goes away.) As such, I’ve been brought low by the uninspired doldrums of upstate New York in the middle of winter.

Lately, a bunny has been visiting the house, a trail of paw prints and poop pellets meanders through the front and back yards. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I can catch the creature in the snowy expanse outside the bedroom window. The sight tugs at my heart, as my tendency towards the anthropomorphic has me wondering if he or she is cold or lonely. ‘Burrow in,’ I want to say, ‘Find your other half and keep each other warm.’ Not that I know any better. I return to a cold bed and curl into myself.

A friend asked me to go to Miami this weekend, and I wish I’d had the funds and time to do so. I could use the sun and cheer. I could use the escape. I could use a moment away. Instead, I’ll exorcise the demons of winters present and past in other ways.

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My Ultimate Fantasy

It’s not as extravagant nor as sexual as some might think.

It’s not a fragrance (in the usual sense).

It’s not a pair of shoes.

Or a coat.

Or a bag.

It is a garden room.

Large and airy enough to house a few lemon trees.

Bright and humid enough to coax a Vanda into bloom.

Warm and comfortable enough to sit for a spell and read a book.

Until the day arrives when I secure that garden room, I’ll have to make-do with orchids like this Oncidium, and trips to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Spring feels far away, and summer a lifetime ago.

“In gardens, beauty is a by-product. The main business is sex and death.” ~ Sam Llewelyn


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Winter Water: L’Eau d’Hiver

“He has the ego to believe that what he thinks is important, the intelligence to make it thoughtful, and the style and skill to put it across in a concise, detailed way. he has the informality of the French, which is to say he has the mode that, in a reactionarily formal culture, acts as a facsimile of informality: Informal interaction is as carefully crafted and ornately stylized in France as its officially formal counterpart; it’s simply delivered in a manner designed to give the appearance of being relaxed.” ~ Chandler Burr, ‘The Perfect Scent’

Ever since reading about the tantalizing ‘L’Eau d’Hiverby Jean-Claude Ellena in Chandler Burr’s enchanting ‘The Perfect Scent’ I’ve been desiring my own taste of that delicious juice. Andy was good enough to make that wish come true for Valentine’s Day, and right now there’s a bottle of Ellena’s ‘L’Eau d’Hiver‘ in my fragrance cabinet. It could not have come at a more perfect time, as many of us are in the midst of a winter deluge of unprecedented cruelty. Sometimes something pretty is all we have to combat this most wicked of seasons.

The origin of Ellena’s L’Eau d’Hiver, a scent he created for Frederic Malle’s ‘Editions de Parfums’ is fascinating, and not what one might initially assume:

“He conceptualized sleeping in hay in the summer. Heat. Sun. A powder that envelops without weight. He began the perfume’s construction with a gorgeous absolute of hay, one of the most sublime of all perfume materials. Hay is, as literally as possible, the smell of liquid summer sunlight. He wanted to create with it the scent of a cloud filled with sun. People expected L’Eau d’Hiver to be a cold water (the name means “winter water”). In fact, he was building the opposite, a hot water for a cold winter.

L’Eau d’Hiver smells of ultrafine ground white pepper and extremely fresh, cold crab taken that instant from the ocean. It is a brilliant, marvelous, utterly strange perfume, unique – it references nothing – and among the greatest ever created. ~ Chandler Burr, ‘The Perfect Scent

I too originally thought that “winter water” was meant to invoke a more literal reading of the season. The notion that it’s more of a talisman of sun and summer in the midst of this damned winter is a wonderful background to such a scrumptious scent. It’s also a quieter fragrance, something I’ve learned to appreciate the older I get. Whereas bangers like ‘Black Saffron‘ or ‘Amber Absolute‘ scream and demand to be noticed, there’s something to be said for a softer attack of seduction. There’s no longer such a need to grab the focus with such blatant strikes of silage, and the wispy yet still-substantial veil of L’Eau d’Hiver is precisely what my current mood reflects.

It’s definitely a diaphanous fragrance, powdery and ephemeral, with a hefty dose of heliotrope, which has always signified summer in the best possible way. How fitting that heliotrope should play such a major part – when all things helios are my sole focus in these frigid times. After a long hot shower, I spray it directly on my chest, and it warms me in the wildest winds. From the heart, it emanates heat and light throughout the day – a skin-close secret that fortifies against the cold.

“Perfume is an adjunctive sense, and time is indissociable from its creation. Time is also a sensual element, a sort of action at a distance which inscribes itself in memory.” ~ Jean-Claude Ellena

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Amid Sub-Zero Temps, a Hot-Ass Recap

Outside, the wind rages and the temperatures go lower than low. Inside, it is hot and electric – and it started last weekend when Madonna turned the Grammys into her own ‘Living For Love’ moment. She flashed her ass, strutted her stuff, sang her heart out, and put on a killer performance. That’s our girl.

Ismael Álvarez kept the inspiration going with his first crowning as Hunk of the Day.

I made this terrible confession, the repercussions of which resonate to this moment. All I can say is that I’m still sorry, and I know I hurt a lot of people. Forgiveness can only come in the form of Tom Ford.

Justin Peck, Matheus Rodrigues and Travis Van Winkle were names I hadn’t known, but put them together with their photos (and bodies) and you won’t likely forget.

Aaron Schock designed his Congressional office to look like ‘Downton Abbey’ but he is most assuredly not gay. I repeat, Aaron Schock is not gay. No way, no how. So not gay.

Jamie Dornan got naked in ’50 Shades of Grey,’ but this is the more gratuitous blog post ’50 Shades of Male Nudity.’ He gets naked in this one too, along with Channing Tatum and Harry Judd.

St. Valentine’s Day was marked by a mix tape, old-school style. Side One had such 80’s champs as Chicago and Journey, while Side Two was a little lighter in tone and artist. Tommy Page anyone?

This week’s Special Guest Blog (Zords Combine!) was written by everyone’s favorite Suzie Ko. She could have spilled a lot of secrets about me, but thankfully kept things on a much higher (and deeper) plane. (She’s just saving the real dirt for her tell-all, which I have insisted she release only after my death.)

Newsflash: Kanye West is still a douchebag.

Finally, I posted the first-ever survey on this site, and it was a question worthy of Presidential import: who should be the first gentleman named Hunk of the Day for the third time? There were a few contenders who have received the honor twice, but it’s up to you who’s going to make the third charmed time. (And if you don’t vote, you’re gonna get a spanky.)

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Kanye West Brings Out the Worst in Everyone, Even Beyoncé

It’s not easy to make Kim Kardashian look more grotesque than she more than manages to do on her own, but Kanye West did just that as she paraded around in one of his ridiculous get-ups. Debuting his fashion line (to the front-row attendance of Anna Wintour no less, who sat unamusedly beside Kanye and Kim’s misbehaving spawn, South West, or whatever they named the poor tyke) Kanye managed to wrangle some big names to his event. The unfortunate aspect is that he seemed to have brought out the worst in everyone. They ALL looked utterly ridiculous, if not completely hideous. Again, when you’re a Kardashian it’s hard to look more nonsensical than you usually do, but here they upped the awful quotient. I mean, Kris Jenner simply looks deranged.

Bonus: Justin Bieber was there to add some class to the event. Now you think about that.

Even Beyoncé got dragged down into the horrendous. I don’t know what the hell that fur thing is but GROIN. (Rihanna has always looked this foolish to me.)

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Zords Combine: Special Guest Blog

{Aside from Andy, she’s probably the person whose presence is most prominent in my life, and on this blog. As such, it is fitting that she finally gets to come out from behind the velvet curtain and say a few words, as only she could. Though she’s appeared here numerous times, and is all over my FaceBook page, Suzie Ko has largely remained a mysterious enigma, an elusive entity who can cut me down like nobody’s business because she is one of the only people who has the background and history to make it count. She has known me longer than almost anyone other than my parents – hell, she was around before my brother was around. And being just two months older than me, she’s been an older-sister figure, a guide and protector whenever I needed it most (which was almost all of the time.) Our time together is rich with memories, from the earliest Mary Poppins moments to family connections to weddings to Harold & Maude and Auntie Mame. We survived gale-like winds on the deck of a cruise ship – in gauze no less – and lived to tell the taleAnyway, now I’m rambling, and that’s really her territory, so without further ado, here she is ~ the amazing Suzie Ko.}


By Suzie Ko

I’m rusty. I haven’t written anything like this in years. But I guess that I can imagine that I am expounding upon an email, a text, sitting here at the kitchen table after 2 cups of coffee and a mug of soup, some rice, bread with avocado and cucumbers. Our dear host will be horrified to read this as he considers our latest texts. Warning: I am a rambler. My husband just gives me an exasperated look now as I leave other people long rambling voicemails, it’s my schtick.

I’m 39. And this is my first blog entry ever. Iâ’ve got a spouse, a couple kids and a jobby job. I think that I live a typical, middle class, middle aged existence. Is this when people start having a midlife crisis? I don’t know if it’s going to happen. I had enough boo-hooing, figuring out who was a jerk and who was sincere and what-kind-of-person-am-I?! in my early 20’s. Since then, I’ve seen a lot of other people suffering with real-life health problems both physical and psychological to feel guilty about lingering too long on myself. The boo-hooing is now at a minimum and usually only triggered by hormonal shifts. But with all the things that I feel like I have figured out, I still wonder why people are such assholes to each other. And I think about it on a daily basis. Like how I imagine other people think about what to make for dinner tonight, which I also consider, so you can imagine how busy my brain is ALL THE TIME.

I don’t really think anyone is a jerk anymore. I think that people act like jerks or do damaging things because they have had either a lack or excess of something in their lives. Lack of kindness, excess of abuse, lack of love, excess of tragedy, lack of empathy, excess of fear, lack of balance, excess of privilege. But I actually think that most of the time people do the crazy shit that they do because of some level of loneliness or isolation. Having moved away from where I had lived for 16 years of my formative years, where most of my college pals settled, where I lived in a neighborhood made up of like-minded people. Now, my days are spent with great, kind, caring, interesting people. But people who think very differently than I do. Everything is gray to me, it feels like everyone else sees things as black and white. The contrast is blinding sometimes (I had to). You’re good or bad, compliant or noncompliant, you’re in or you’re out. It’s challenging to my gray soul and makes me sad sometimes when someone who needs to be “in” is moved “out.” Now, I can’t see myself going on a bender and doing all the drugs that I never did in my 20s, but I can imagine how it could happen when isolation and loneliness are what you feel. And unfortunately it’s like pain, it’s completely subjective.

Recent conversations with my kids have been about Power Ranger Power Zords combined with lunch counter sit-ins.

We exclude people all the time in our society. We determine who is worth quality health care, a second chance, an opportunity, a seat at the lunch counter and who is not. We make snap judgments about who gets a minute of our time based on how people speak, how they dress, how they smell. We shortchange ourselves all the time! (Why did you turn down such a GREAT union, Amsterdam nurses, ARGH?!)

I’m starting to have meaningful conversations with my kids. Usually evenings are too frenetic when things need to get done like time to decompress/tv, homework, dinner, showers, read then hurry up and go to sleep. But sometimes we have conversations that I hope they remember. Why we have to consider other people, their experiences or lack-there-of, why it’s important to band together (ZORDS COMBINE!). Why things aren’t always black and white.

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The Modern-Day Valentine Mix – Side Two

The relatively dark ending of Side One now over (there should always be a dramatic finish to the first act) we turn now to a Valentine’s reprieve in the form of fantasy. When real life doesn’t work out, and more often than not it doesn’t (at least not to the perfect extent that some of us would like) there’s only one thing to do: escape. I’m not talking the well-practiced acceptance speech after winning an Oscar/Grammy/Tony/Emmy award, or the imagined thunderous applause after performing a sell-out concert in Madison Square Garden, or even the perfectly-executed dance routine at a wedding that has all guests gasping in thrilled adoration and awe, I’m talking something more subtle yet just as seemingly unattainable: the perfect guy.



I get lost in your eyes, then I feel my spirit rise

And soar like the wind, is it love that I am in?

I get weak in a glance, isn’t this what’s called romance?

And now I know, cause when I’m lost I can’t let go…

He watches me in the brief moments between classes. Our lockers are across from each other, and out of the corner of my eye I can tell he is pausing, waiting until I catch him staring, at which point he’ll look away or rush off or, on those happiest of days, look back and give a brief smile. He is older than me, but I like that. There is something protective about the way he behaves toward me, something I never felt even from my own parents. His protection was absolute, unwavering, and unconditional. It was simply in his nature.

After school one day he found me sitting by the curb, waiting for my ride. He sat down next to me. The brush of his denim was soft but firm, and he smelled vaguely of warmth – of toast on a cold morning, of apple pie on a cold night, of hot chocolate on a winter day – and of something dirtier.

He makes a bit of small talk, asks about a class I’m in that he took a couple of years ago, then squeezes my shoulder as a way of saying good-bye. I look up at him as he rises, and he has that smile again. And those eyes. And suddenly I am lost.

That night, I lie in bed unable to sleep. The feel of his hand on my shoulder had thrilled me, and I put my own hand on the bony area trying to determine what he might have felt. It is thin and slight beneath my hand, and I wonder at how it would compare to his own broadness and muscles. I feel embarrassed and ashamed, and my heart is in riot and rapture. I try to conjure his scent, try to recall the brief brush of his leg against mine, and only end up pulling a pillow close to myself for comfort. I want to cry.

I don’t mind not knowing what I’m headed for

You can take me to the skies

It’s like being lost in heaven

when I’m lost in your eyes. 

I just fell…

The days pass slowly, filled with the agonizing distractions of school work and classes between which I live in the brief moments that I’m near him. I write his name on scraps of paper that I quickly tear into tiny pieces with less than a letter on each lest anyone piece together the secret wishes of my heart. Alone in my bedroom, I write more than his name.

Love letters and dreams and fantasies of a life together. I write him my darkest fears, tell him my most daring desires, and explain how in the moment he touched my shoulder my whole world changed. I fold it up, seal and date it, and hide it deep in the bottom drawer of my desk. One day I will present it to him ~ maybe when we get married, maybe when we buy our first home, maybe when we celebrate our 50th anniversary – but some way and somehow he must know.




I’ll lift you up when you’re feeling down

Make your whole world turn around

Give my heart and soul to you

Let you know this love is true…

He says hello to me in the hallway, whenever we pass. Sometimes it seems like he goes out of his way to do so, pushing through a throng of students just to get closer to me, then I think it’s all in my head. Why would anyone bother, especially someone as beautiful as him? But then I’m sure of it, certain that he looks frustrated if he can’t reach me before the sea of classmates swirls me away from him. On those days when we both linger after classes are done, I wonder if he too feels shy and excited and reluctant to leave. We begin walking out together, and I admit that I wait if he’s running late, or hurry if some teacher keeps class a little longer than usual. After a few days, it feels like old habit, and soon it is my favorite part of the day. There is a decent trek from our lockers to the parking lot where his car is and where my ride arrives, and I want to believe we both slow a bit near the end, anything to prolong our time together.

One day he tells me he should just drop me off to save my parents the drive. I’m not far out of his way. The excitement of the prospect of being alone in a car with him is matched only by the realization that he knows where I live. In those pre-internet days, before FaceBook and social media left us all transparently visible on a Google map, he managed to find out something about me. That someone cared enough to research where I lived, or at least to ask, touched me more than anything. Most of the time the world – at least my world – didn’t bother to care. Then, just like that, he was driving me home every day. Away from the prying eyes of classmates and the boundaries of school, he was different.

It’s hard to explain – he was a little less guarded, more ready to laugh, and somehow happier. I thought it was just being out of school that produced the giddiness, but a small part of me – the part that struggled to believe whether I was worthy of love – peeked out from years of hiding and allowed myself the possible realization that he was happier because I was with him. No amount of therapy or self-help books would ever surpass what that single moment accomplished. There is nothing quite as nourishing as feeling loved.

One day he doesn’t stop at my house, but glides past and around the block again. I challenge him with a quizzical glare, but his look and subsequent tone are so serious I don’t make a sarcastic comment. He tells me that he has something for me but that it’s not a big deal, just something he made because he saw how I liked certain songs on our rides home. With a trembling hand, he reaches into the glove compartment and pulls out a cassette tape. On the side he has written, “Alan’s Melancholy Mix” and then a listing of all the songs. Most are ones we’d listened to on our brief rides, when he’d briefly sing along and give me a side smile, knowing I was too shy to ever join in.

There were a couple of classic rock songs, some power ballads from the likes of Journey and Chicago, and a few New Wave dance ditties that we both guiltily admired. The smile-inducing if infuriating inclusion of ‘You Can Call Me Al’ (because he knows that you absolutely can’t) rounds out the tape, but the best part is what he writes within the liner notes:

“For a guy who always seems a little sadder than he should be.”




Highway run into the midnight sun,

Wheels go round and round

You’re on my mind

Restless hearts sleep alone tonight

Sending all my love along the wire…

I wear the tape out, getting out of bed multiple times in the night to flip it over and begin it again. I replay the moment he gave it to me, the way his hand touched mine and lingered, as if there was more to be done. Years later, I would reassemble that mix of songs into a playlist and present it to him on an iPod. His eyes would light up as he played each song and we remembered those rides together. Our first kiss, the way he held my hand before it, and the ensuing lifetime of love played out amid the pop songs of the 80’s. We were in a different car, in a different city, and a completely different world, but we’d managed to stay together.

I’m still yours…


You don’t need the whole world to love you, you just need the one.

{PS – None of this fantasy ever happened. No guy ever rescued me from the doldrums and terrors of school. I had to rescue myself, and I did, and if I’m a little bitter about it, well, that’s what Valentine’s Day is sometimes for.}

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The Modern-Day Valentine Mix – Side One

There is no cheesier “holiday” than Valentine’s Day, and while I have no horrible V-Day memories to conjure, neither have I any overtly romantic ones that come to mind. Every day with Andy is like Valentine’s Day. (Awwwww…) This has always been a Hallmark-perpetuated celebration of the hollow and trite, and traditionally I wear black to mark the occasion. It wasn’t always this way. When I was a boy the sweeping grand possibility of romance blasted from the horns of golden cherubs, and I fervently believed that one day my prince would come. As a throwback to that innocent time, to the moments when my jadedness had not yet hardened into its current implacable state, I present to you this modern-day version of a mix tape.

Back when I was a wee youngster, we had cassette tapes. They were small plastic rectangles that slid into a stereo or Walkman and played music from the slow turning of a fine, shiny brown filament. They could hold anywhere from 60 to 120 minutes of music – most clocking in at the 90 minute range. That’s a lot of space to fill with sound, but there never seemed to be a dearth of things to say though music. I won’t put you through anything as torturous or time-consuming as that – in fact, this is more of a super-brief EP than a proper mix tape, but the sentiment is the same. Happy Valentine’s Day.



You know our love was meant to be

The kind of love that lasts forever

And I want you here with me

From tonight until the end of time…

In the scant few years before the boys would square off against the girls, my best friends were mostly of the female persuasion. While any burgeoning physical attraction was leaning toward the guys, I had much more in common with the girls. They found me funny, and I found them more interesting than boys. They cared about pretty things, like hair and shoes and jewelry, and they were less rambunctious and violent than boys. We were not quite to the age where the lines were drawn in the sand though, so my friendships with girls in the class went relatively unridiculed. Such safety and freedom were more fleeting than I realized, and soon enough it would be forbidden to sit at a table of girls until high school. I didn’t know this then, so went about blissfully unaware of the impending end to such easy and sexless camaraderie.

For Valentine’s Day we would create our own Valentine receptacles out of brown paper bags, decorated with construction paper and glitter and doilies – the only time it would be ok for boys to dabble with doilies. I poured my heart into it, making the prettiest bag I could, hoping to attract the most Valentines  ~ not just because of who I was but because of how pretty I could make my bag. In truth, none of this really crossed my conscious mind. I loved a good craft project as much as the next person, but when given free reign I always felt a shiver of panic, particularly when no guidelines or rules were established. A little freedom is a good thing; too much makes me uncomfortable. Chalk it up to my Virgo birthdate.

Looking back, I can see now that I was never as despised as I sometimes felt I was. In fact, my bag was one of the heavier ones. This was a time before we were really hardened by the world, a time before any serious divisive differences. When left to their own devices, most children are pretty accepting of each other. It’s when parental and adult prejudices and influences start coming into play that kids get ruined or enriched.

For those few Valentine’s Days when boys and girls could give loving cards to each other without care or concern, I felt happy and adored. There was a purity in that exchange, something that would be missing after a certain age. We gave our hearts to one another, without reserve, without fear, without judgment.

You’re the meaning in my life, you’re the inspiration.

You bring feeling to my life, you’re the inspiration.

When you love somebody til the end of time…


Track #2: OPEN ARMS


Lying beside you here in the dark

Feeling your heart beat with mine

Softly you whisper, you’re so sincere

How could our love be so blind?

By the last years of our time at R.J. McNulty Elementary School, we were beginning to galvanize into adolescents. The change was sometimes sudden, sometimes slow, and always irreversible. Boys didn’t much socialize with girls except to torment and antagonize. It was playful teasing for the most part, the set-up for more serious flirtations to come. Yet my heart sang a different tune. The sirens that called to me weren’t female, and the attractions I felt toward girls in my class were platonic and comforting, not dangerous or tinged with desire.

At night, the glowing red digital colon of my alarm clock blinked on and off its steady count of seconds. Staring idly at the shaft of hallway light that came in through the cracked door, I listened as Journey’s ‘Open Arms’ came on over the radio. At such a young age, I couldn’t have had the first clue about romantic love, but something in me had always understood longing. The unrequited fancies of a boy too often get lost in the assumed toughness that comes from being a boy. I never had that toughness, so I’d have to craft a cage for my heart for my own protection. I didn’t know that then, and I’m sort of glad.

I opened my heart to every silly crush and foolish infatuation, and fell head-first into the giddy swirling notion of what I thought was love. I pined silently and relentlessly for a camp counselor, a class-mate, and the blonde guy on ‘CHiPs.’ It would be my major downfall in life: to want the ones who didn’t want me back. My heart would never learn. My heart would never quiet. And my heart would never stop… longing… wanting… loving.

So now I come to you with open arms

Nothing to hide, believe what I say

So here I am with open arms

Hoping you’ll see what your love means to me…




How can I convince you

what you see is real?

Who am I to blame you

for doubting what you feel?

I was always reaching…

Shards of ice amid a crazy state of mind. Disconcerting winter thaws and restless summer nights. The shifting of seasons across the mine-field of my heart. The ongoing search for a match. The quest for a partner. The fear of being alone. Such thoughts marred the mind as it tried to empty itself for sleep.

A love song on the radio. Lovers listening on the ride home. And me, not giving a fuck. Not even trying. In black and gray, damning the day of St. Valentine with a vehemence reserved for the bitter and the bereft, I spit out emotional vitriol and the carrion of trampled hearts in my wake.

I was living for a dream,

Loving for a moment.

Taking on the world,

That was just my style…

The random act of violence upon an innocent bystander is somehow easier to take than the sweet stab of veiled aggression by a lover or a family member. The former may leave you with a sickening lack of faith in the world, but the latter always leaves you with a sickening lack of faith in yourself. It is invariably destructive.

A shattered heart can never quite be put back together again.

All these silly love songs, all the cards and flowers and candy, all the jewelry and perfume and cologne – are but masks to disguise the utter emptiness of this holiday. If you’re lucky enough to get to this point in your life relatively unscathed, and if your heart has never been broken, hold onto that. For the rest of us, we’ll just keep looking for a way back to the day our school desks were littered with the innocent love notes of classmates, to a time when love was given without hesitation or reluctance or question, and to the last moment our hearts were full.


[I bet you can’t wait to flip the tape to get to Side Two…]

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50 Shades of Male Nudity

Maybe it doesn’t quite add up to fifty, but there are at least five nude male celebrities in this post, and that’s to count for something. Kicking it off is Channing Tatum, who will be appearing in the sexy sequel to ‘Magic Mike’ as discussed here. That’s fairly safe fare for summer, but Mr. Tatum provides some badly-needed heat for winter fun right now, particularly in the trio of GIFs below. Scroll down… (and keep your eyes peeled for Matt Bomer in the background.)

Another favorite who’s appeared on this blog many times over is Dan Osborne. From his cute diving stint with Tom Daley to his steady flow of underwear pictorials, Mr. Osborne provides regular fodder for eager eyes. Here’s a shot from his latest Attitude photo shoot.

One more across-the-pond hottie comes in the form of Harry Judd from the band McFly. Clearly the most fit of that group of lads, Mr. Judd also likes to engage in some naked horseplay. Can’t fault the man for that.

Speaking of naked horseplay, here is Jake Gyllenhaal in his nude glory. Well, almost nude, as his hand protects what little modesty is left.

Last but most certainly not least is Jamie Dornan, Mr. Fifty Shades himself. He got naked before that movie (as can be seen in the last shot here) and he got naked in it (as can be seen in the next to last shot). There are some full-frontal nudes of Mr. Dornan floating around elsewhere, but you won’t find them here. (Unless they slipped by me in the Archives, but you’ll have to dig deep. Very deep.)

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Aaron Schock Is NOT Gay (And These Pictures Prove It)

Look, I don’t have a problem with gay people. I have a problem with gay people who pretend they’re not gay and then go about trying to deny rights to other gay people. There’s a certain space in hell reserved for such loathsome hypocritical asshats. Then again, internalized homophobia is its own form of hell, created during anyone’s time on earth when they live a life pretending to be anyone other than themselves. When I see that in certain friends, mostly I feel pity. UNLESS the person starts fucking with my rights.

Now, I’m most definitely not saying that Republican Congressman Aaron Schock is gay. That’s the kind of talk that gets people in trouble. And you certainly can’t tell if someone is gay based on their photos or fashion or the fact that they painted their congressional office to look like the set of ‘Downton Abbey’ or were reportedly seen in a naked shower encounter with another gentlemen. What I do know is that Aaron Schock is opposed to marriage equality. In his oh-so-original words: “I do not support gay marriage, and I believe in the definition of marriage being between one man and one woman.” Maybe it’s just a requirement of his political party, or maybe he truly feels that way. Regardless, his anti-gay voting record is shameful for anyone.

He supported an amendment to the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage. He was against the President’s decision to not defend the Defense of Marriage Act against court challenge. He also voted against the 2010 repeal of the ban on gay men and lesbians serving openly in the armed forces.

So until Aaron Schock stops fucking with the rights of gay people in this country, he’s going to have to contend with snarky posts like this (which by no means is meant to insinuate or claim that Aaron Schock is gay.)

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Grey Vetiver Via Tom Ford

These are grey days. They call for grey tweed and flannel, wool and down-lined coats. The sky blends its dull shades into the mournful hues of the earth, and all of it bleeds together in one dismal monochromatic pile of wretchedness. Into this lackluster landscape, an interjection of something slightly sharp is needed, a jolt to wake up the senses, an inhalation to prime the points of inspiration. I thought I’d find it in Black Saffron by Byredo, but that burns almost too hotly and too sweetly for this time of the year. Better to save that for a winter party, where a smoldering bit of pungent fruitiness is more suited to accent an outfit of red. For the average office day of suits and wingtips, I turn to Tom Ford and his ‘Grey Vetiver’ masterpiece.

Like his recent ‘Patchouli Absolu’ Private Blend, Ford takes a classic (read: overdone) and imprints his pristine style and trademark elegance on it. In this instance, the age-old tried and true of elders ‘vetiver’ gets a fresh make-over that refines it for the modern man. (While many of Ford fragrances are deliciously unisex, this one is on the traditionally-masculine side, so entrenched is vetiver in the history of grandfatherly cologne.)

The latter is the reason for my hesitance in coming around to ‘Grey Vetiver’ – it always reminded of older gentlemen and their safe but uneventful olfactory adornments. Ford invests his version with a few updated accents. The sharpness comes in the form of citrus – tart and fresh and bright, like the sliver of sunlight caught in an icicle. Beneath this quick note is the heart of the matter – a creamy vetiver – and it carries for a few hefty hours with vetiver’s traditional potency. A few woody notes lend a wisp of warmth to the cooly elegant proceedings, rounding out the journey wondrously. More pin stripes than herringbone, more cashmere than cotton, ‘Grey Vetiver’ is a modern-day classic, and no one does that better than Tom Ford.

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