Yearly Archives:


Spring Born in the Snow

A fresh blanket of white stuff covers the land, and the first day of spring looks remarkably similar to the first day of winter. It’s a kick in the face to those of us so desperately hoping for something warmer, something sunnier, something less fucking winter-like. Enough is enough.

In honor of this seasonal change, let’s look back a year or two at some other first days of spring. You’ll find it’s not all that different. For instance, in 2013 I seemed to be equally unimpressed with the arrival of the new season. (I’m so bitchy sometimes.) But on that day I had some moving musical memories to keep me warm. (Plus, Hunk of the Day Dylan McDermott was keeping everything else quite hot.)

Sometimes the moon helps ring in the spring season, as it did in 2011 (even if I didn’t show my moon.)

Last year it seems the seasonal shift made no mark on blog posts, as they stayed smutty and shirtless, as in this one featuring Henry Cavill, and this one featuring Hunk of the Day Jason Beitel. To be fair, they were merely  lead-ins for the lead-us-into-temptation bit of this post. (And so we don’t just push you to the edge and stop, the climax.)

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Cuff Me

Last weekend I took my friend JoAnn on her first trip to Saratoga. The rain held in abeyance for the most part, as we strolled along Broadway. We ducked into shops selling incense and spiritual items, browsed several expensive clothing places, and marveled at some of the millinery on hand. Towards the end of our time there, we walked into Saratoga Trunk. It was my first time visiting the shop, and it was absolutely charming.

An entry-room held a number of beautiful pieces, as lovely owner Natalie Sillery (just back from Paris) explained various items and told of the creators behind them. I was taken by a few gorgeous cuffs by Daniel Mozzes – intricately-designed works of metallic splendor and sparkling faux-jewels. We viewed a few of his fashion designs as well – JoAnn was taken with a particular dress in a shade of deep blue. I kept coming back to the cuffs.

As silly as it might sound, there are certain items and accessories that simply call out your name. They tug at the heart with their beauty, offering the crazy notion of betterment and fun and simple enjoyment. This cuff had that power and held that sweet sway over me.

I get a lot of flack for being so seemingly superficial, but even a bauble can have an impact on the world. Like Wonder Woman’s bullet-deflecting cuffs, some bracelets instill the wearer with more than something pretty: they inspire confidence, happiness, joy – and all of that is contagious.

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Helplessly Aware

Once upon a time I was a romantic.

In the summer nights between seventh and eighth grade, on the verge of adolescent angst and leaving boyhood brilliance behind, I wrestled with the bedsheets as the outside breeze rustled the curtains.

The red glow of a digital clock and the yellow light of numbers 87 through 108 from the radio illuminated the inner-sanctum of the room, while shafts of a street lamp fell in through the finely filtered cross-hatching of a wire mesh screen.

Seventh grade had been rather dismal for me, as I struggled with algebra and allergies – the latter of which knocked me out for weeks at a stretch, further alienating me from school-mates who were already feeling distant and less-than-friendly. It didn’t help matters that I was suddenly allergic to cats, and the few whom had found a home with us were slowly being shipped out all because of me and my sickness. The arrival of spring that year marked a new beginning, as our last cat was given away in the cruel month of January.

Now, in the summer stretching out before me, in the darkness and the humid heat of a night in which the screeching of an insect matched the buzzing of the search for a proper radio station, I felt relief and release. The glorious opening chords of a Richard Marx power ballad came through the haze:

Just when I believed I couldn’t ever want for more

This ever changing world pushes me through another door

I saw you smile

And my mind could not erase the beauty of your face

Just for a while

Won’t you let me shelter you

I sensed, even without having experienced the sensations yet, the loss and desire in a song like this. My heart felt something far in the future reaching back and connecting, some foreshadowing of pain and heartache that was soon to come. How I knew to access and fathom that sadness made no sense, but beneath the dim light of the night, I held on for dear life.

Hold on to the nights
Hold on to the memories
I wish that I could give you something more
That I could be yours

I didn’t like boys or girls then. I didn’t know what I liked. Stirrings of fraternal connections made certain body parts tingle, but it wasn’t yet sex or even love I was after. It was closeness. I craved a kindred spirit. I didn’t want to be so alone. And yet I kept a safe distance from kids my age, lazily usurping my brother’s friends when I wanted a bit of adventure. We’d ride our bikes beneath the leafy canopy of Pershing Road, popping wheelies on mismatched sidewalk ledges and skidding out over grassy islands, leaving dirty scars in our wake.

Most boys realize their boyhood in the sun of summer, and though I was no exception, I sought out something more in the night.

How do we explain something that took us by surprise
Promises in vain, love that is real but in disguise
What happens now
Do we break another rule
Let our lovers play the fool
I don’t know how
To stop feeling this way

I breathed in the air in the space between my bedroom and the lofty boughs of an old hawthorne tree outside my window. A dog barked in the distance, a lonely plaintive sound that echoed my own loneliness. In later years, I’d combat that sinking feeling by opening a book, but at that age, in that summer, I listened to the radio and found solace in the noise that masked the heart while revealing it at the same time.

Hold on to the nights
Hold on to the memories
If only I could give you more…

Fleeting moments of friendship flashed across my brain from the previous school year: sitting next to Ann in art class as she created an epic Bon Jovi collage, sharing answers with Jeff for a health test and trying the wrath of a very scary health class teacher, walking to band with Tim and laughing as he mentioned how a certain person was surprised to see the sun come up in the morning.

It dawned on me, earlier than most I suppose, that I wasn’t just trying to hold onto the nights, I was trying valiantly to hold onto my youth. As dismissive as I was of the silliness of being a kid, I knew it was a realm I’d regret having to leave. As much as I wanted to grow up as fast as possible, I was cognizant enough to know how much I would miss it. That awareness was childhood’s greatest – and quickest – killer.

Well, I think that I’ve been true to everybody else but me
And the way I feel about you makes my heart long to be free
Every time I look into your eyes, I’m helplessly aware
That the someone I’ve been searching for is right there.

I had a few more years before I’d leave all that innocence behind. For that night, the summer felt a little endless, and somehow there was comfort in that abyss. We never know what is in store for us. That’s the beauty and the rub. Though I’d never be one to really hold on to anything, I was still just a boy trying to find his piece of the kingdom. “You may know what you need, but to get what you want, better see that you keep what you have.” One midnight gone…

Hold on to the nights
Hold on to the memories
I wish that I could give you more…

Hold on to the nights.

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A Little Bit Dangerous

You pack your bag.

You take control.
You’re moving into my heart
and into my soul.
Get out of my way!
Get out of my sight!
I won’t be walking on thin ice to get through the night.

It was 1990. The dawn of a new decade. I was a freshman in high school. Scared, frightened, meek, but just a little audacious, I wanted to be the girl in this song – the dangerous one. The one who had eyes that hit like heat. There was power in being perceived that way. There was power in beauty – and a sinister elegance in danger. I knew then, however, that true power and danger didn’t need to announce themselves boldly and grandly. They didn’t shout or cause a commotion. They didn’t attack or assault.

It was the quiet ones you had to worry about.

If I portrayed danger, it was in the name of protection, like those poisonous caterpillars who displayed their colorful plumage-like shells to ward off any would-be predators. I was small and slight. Against a brawny football player I didn’t stand a chance. Against a riled-up teacher, I was powerless. It’s a wonder I was so daring and so mean. (Sometimes you have to be a little mean to survive.) That was the business of high school. That was the game.

Hey, where’s your work?
What’s your game?
I know your business
but I don’t know your name…
Hold on tight,
you know she’s a little bit dangerous.
She’s got what it takes to make ends meet
the eyes of a lover that hit like heat.
You know she’s a little bit dangerous.

Popularity was the main currency of those ridiculous high school days. That wasn’t what I was after. Hell, after a while I didn’t even hope for acceptance. Mostly what I wanted to do was survive. I wanted to get through it all relatively unscathed. Brutality waited around every corner ~ the burning end of a cigarette in the bathroom was always attached to the hairy arm of an older boy who would either smile or stub it out on the back of your neck as soon as you took your place at a urinal and unzipped your pants.

In the locker room, in those scant minutes we had to change after physical education, roving packs of pugnacious and puerile boys ran amid the maze of metallic boxes, honing in on their prey and taking their squirming catch around the corner to the showers. I never stayed to watch what happened next.

You turn around, so hot and dry.
You’re hiding under a halo, your mouth is alive.
Get out of my way!
Get out of my sight!
I’m not attracted to go-go deeper tonight.

Somehow I managed to skirt all of that. We’re often a little more popular than we think we are. (And sometimes, a lot less.) I was never great at reading the crowd, so I did my own thing – flagrantly and yet unassumingly. The stray skirmish at lunch, the random bloody nose, the whispers of a knife – they passed right by. I was more cloak than dagger. When I eventually did come out of my shell, I’d already built a fortress around me.

Hey, what’s your word?
What’s your game?
I know your business
but I don’t know your name…
Hold on tight…

A few years later I really did turn a little bit dangerous. I was careless with hearts, dismissive of love, and had a predilection for hurting anyone before they could get close enough to hurt me. Strangely, and somewhat sadly, that sort of danger seems to hurt the one who wields it more than anyone else.

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The Art of the Jockstrap

If there’s one item of clothing this blog has supported wholeheartedly over the years, it’s the jockstrap. Both utilitarian and stylish, useful and sexy, ubiquitous and precious, the jockstrap has proven itself a prime example of when substance and style merge into one iconoclastic item. Andy Boyer aimed, and succeeded, in infusing a brand-new twist into the jockstrap we all knew and loved. He created The Crochet Empire, (taking more orders next month) in which he offers custom-made crocheted jockstraps. His variation on the hallowed athletic supporter is a cozy yet breathable option for those who don’t like the standard scratchiness of traditional jocks. While Andrew Christian has run deliciously wild with design in regards to jock wear, Mr. Boyer offers a painstakingly hand-made interpretation that rivals Mr. Christian in artful intricacy.

Boyer’s work is the result of a sexy template and individually-tailored crochet work. These jockstraps give a little to accommodate your most sensitive organs, while provided enough support to keep them secure and safe. It’s like a little hug for your cock and balls, embracing you as long as you keep it on.

The charms of such artisanal efforts don’t stop at the jockstrap; there are bow ties and belts and other accents available, and custom-options that allow one to perfectly match their underwear with their outerwear. In a world of mass-production, where people have the same Gap shirt and the same North Face jacket, it’s a refreshing luxury to find a place that produces one-of-a-kind items.

The unique slant that Boyer puts on each item, and the hours of work and toil that go into every piece, are evident in the quality and beauty of the end result. It takes a little longer to produce such a masterpiece (the popularity of the product has resulted in a bit of a lag) but it’s well worth the wait. I’m sure I’ve called the jockstrap a work of art before, but I never really meant it until now.

A planned runway show, ‘Super Jocks in Super Jocks’ is scheduled for May 10, 2015 in Chicago. It will be hosted by Bianca del Rio and will benefit TPAN, a local HIV/AIDS organization. Hunky guys will sport a few of the Super Jock designs, and then the jockstraps that they wore will be auctioned off. If that’s not the best mix of sexy and serious, I don’t know what is. Bonus: readers of this blog (yes, that’s you if you’ve made it this far) get an additional 15% off with this code: ABI15. They should be up and taking orders in a few weeks, so check back to check out.

PS – My signature colors are lime green and Tiffany blue, with a dash of fuchsia for some interest, in the hopeful event that someone sees fit to gift me one of these works of art. I’d even model it for you…

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NSFFB ~ Not Safe For FaceBook

With all the stuff I post, I’ve had a couple of run-ins with the FaceBook picture police. While Kim Kardashian can show her booty in all sorts of greased-up, uncovered, ready-for-anal glory, it appears the rest of us mere mortals get spanked for it. I’d just assumed it was because her derriere was prettier and meatier than mine, but what if there’s a double-standard at FaceBook that allows for women to show off their assets but not gay guys? They’ve already shown some questionable targeting of drag queens in their recent requirement for real names to be used (there was never such a stink made when we all changed our middle name to ‘Hussein’ in a show of support for Obama during his 2012 election run).

Now it seems that FaceBook has been selectively targeting gay male photos for censorship. Dirk Caber and Jesse Jackman posted the black and white feature photo above and it was reported as pornographic. Other FaceBook stories involved a gentleman who was banned from FaceBook for posting a photo of two uniformed gay policeman, just because some homophobic jerk reported the photo.

There are spring break shots of ladies that are pornographic, but a loving depiction of two men seems to raise the red flags – such as the ones posted here. Do they push the envelope? Perhaps. Are they pornographic? I don’t think so. Lest anyone think I’m too open and accepting with regards to sexual images, please note that I don’t post full-frontal nudity, male or female, here (nor do I allow it on my FaceBook or Twitter timelines). But I don’t mind a butt shot (hell, it’s practically my livelihood) nor do I find issue with female breasts (what’s good for the goose is good for the gander).

As for these images, I find them beautiful. I find them pure. I find them loving. If you find them pornographic or dirty, that says more about you than it does about me or the gentlemen presented here.

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A Recap for the Last Week of Winter

This is it: the last official week of winter! We are about to kick this motherfucker to the curb because I am so done with it I was contemplating a move to Florida. That’s crazy talk, but we’re in crazy mode until this snow goes. We’re almost there. My friend JoAnn spent the past weekend with us, and it was the perfect reunion – but more on that a bit later. For now, a look back.

Madonna was back in full-force ~ a lovely return to pop culture form that will continue during her appearance on the Ellen Degeneres show all this week. The ‘Rebel Heart’ album is an epic release – her best work in a decade – and one that embellishes and adds to a musical legacy that was confirmed legendary many years ago.

Jason Dundas was lucky enough to interview Madonna, and that was enough to get him christened as a Hunk of the Day.

Music makes the people come together, as evidenced by local luminary Caleb Eick and his senior recital.

Waiting for the end of winter… and this too shall pass.

Boston Renaissance Man Ricardo Rodriguez made his debut as Hunk of the Day, only his latest honor in a long string of accomplishments.

Sunday morning with the Ilagan twins.

This Hutch (Dano) was not made for your dining room (mostly because he’s shirtless.)

We had a gay old time.

One Hunk of the Day by request ~ James Norton ~ and a group of British gentlemen who took it off before.

Boom! A Special Guest Blog by a dear old friend: JoAnn ‘JoJo/Josie’ MacKinnon.

A gift for JoJo: this shirtless post on Jason Statham.

Finally, Max Emerson was honored as a Hunk of the Day for s second time thanks in no small part to his underwear web series.

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Statham, Jason: Shirtless

For my friend JoAnn, who’s visiting this weekend, and who just wrote the Special Guest Blog of the week, I offer these photos of one of her favorites: Jason Statham in various states of shirtlessness. Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of Mr. Statham, but I love my JoJo, so here you go. She’s always liked them a little rough around the edges… and smoking’ hot.

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BOOM: Special Guest Blog

{A friend is someone who sees you at your worst and still manages to see you at your best. I’ve known JoAnn MacKinnon since 1998, and in all these years she’s provided a loyal and lasting friendship in the face of some difficult days. We’ve had quite a few comical adventures together – bumming a light (and a cigarette) off some unamused stranger in Copley Square, locating a bark-less basenji off the Orange Line, and breaking down over the prospect of turning forty (hers was first, mine is coming up). For every bad break-up and every sad loss, there have been healing moments and happy moments, and in the end we’ve built a life shared together – the best and only way to do life right.}

Boom. Chutney. Cheese Pizza.

Guest Blog by JoAnn ‘JoJo’ MacKinnon

Soulmate. When people hear that word they think about it in the romantic sense. Well I am here to say that is not always the case. I believe Alan and I are soulmates without a doubt. Al and I met about 17 years ago which seems like yesterday and at the same time it seems like a lifetime ago. We met while working at John Hancock in Boston which is a blog in itself. The point I want to make, the message I want to convey is that we are two very different people with a deep connection.

It has been known that straight, single women feel that they can change a gay man; they will be the one to “turn him around”. They can get him to fall in love with her. It’s ludicrous and humorous and will never, ever happen. I would never want to change a thing about Al or our relationship. Yes we have been called ‘Will and Grace’ and yes to a degree maybe we do have the stereotypical ‘straight, single woman/ gay male, best friend dynamic’ going on and that’s fine with me. He knows what would look nice on me; he knows what colors compliment my skin, hair and eye color. He pays attention. He is generous. He is always sending me hand-written notes and compilations of carefully-selected music that he knows I will enjoy. He gives me articles of clothing from his private collection and whenever I visit he always has a gift waiting for me in the guest room. When we are together I feel such joy.

I have accompanied Al to many pride events in the Albany area. I enjoy that. It’s important to me. I want to support love whenever I can. I remember at one event I happened to look out onto the dance floor and I saw couples dancing. I saw someone for everyone. I never even saw that they were mostly same sex couples. I don’t see color, I don’t see sexual orientation. I don’t care. What I care about is that you are a kind, honorable, good person. That’s what I care about. It sickens me; it saddens me that people have hatred and prejudice in their hearts.

Why do gay marriage and relationships bother some folks? Why do they care? Why do they spend their time on worrying about two people who love each other? The message I send to those haters is this, there are many things worth worrying about: worry about child sex slaves in the world, in fact get off your ass and find a way to help. Worry about corrupt politicians, worry about our soldiers fighting senseless wars, worry about them dying. Please don’t worry about two people who are in love.

True love is rare. If you are lucky in life perhaps you will experience it and if you do, don’t let it go. Alan is my friend. Alan is my soulmate, and I hope we stay together for a long, long time.

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Classic Across-the-Pond Hunks

Continuing in the throbbing vein of James Norton, these gents hail from the other side of the Atlantic. A quick round-up of British Hunks begins in proper form with the premier gay icon and straight ally Ben Cohen. Mr. Cohen is wildly famous in these parts thanks to posts like this and pics like this. The two shots here should go a long way toward explaining why. A frequent subject of beefcake images and deeper features, Mr. Cohen and his StandUp Foundation have shown the world what a real man can – and should – accomplish.

For lighter fare, feast your eyes upon the soap star studliness of Gary Lucy. I’d move to the capital just to be able to watch his cheesy shows.

Hopefully while there I’d get to run into Dan Osborne on one of his training expeditions. Given the body of work he’s created, I’m guessing he spends a lot of time in training.

Though Mr. Osborne has gotten a little out of hand with the manscaping, Harry Judd knows how to keep things trimmed but not chicken-plucked.

Speaking of fine and fit Harrys, a British tribute to manhood would not be complete without some royalty – and no one is more royally sexy than Prince Harry – especially when he’s giving a glimpse of skin.

Last but most certainly not least, and bringing up the finest rear on either side of the ocean, is David Beckham. While he’s been slightly stingy of late regarding underwear pics, his legacy is set in rock-hard stone.

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Woe Be Winter

This is not over yet, but far from the rallying love cry of redemption and hope in Jason Robert Brown’s similarly titled 11th-hour number from ‘Parade’ (how reassuring to know I can still pull a relatively obscure musical reference out of my ass) this is more of a lament than anything else, as a storm threatens us once again. It matters not, and I mark the inevitable end of winter and ceaseless march of time with a quick time-lapse series of a single day in the snow. Let it also be accented with a quote by Marcus Aurelius:

Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this too will be swept away.

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A Tale of Two Outfits

For this year’s Gay Soiree, I had the privilege of watching Jeze Bel shine in this glorious Glinda get-up, while I stepped out in a houndstooth suit, corset, and ridiculously-heeled boots. All in all, it was a hoot and a half, and a badly-needed dose of glamour and fun in this never-ending winter.

I switched it up from the black lace underwear I wore to last year’s event to something much warmer, seeing as how I froze my lacy ass off that first time around. Wool is a much better choice for a chilly evening in early March. As for the venue, it was in one of those hidden jewels of downtown Albany – in a space that I believe had once been a bank (as so many gorgeous buildings once were). Thanks to the atmosphere and the Wizard of Oz theme, it was a magical night that felt like stepping into a Technicolor fun-house. I’m already looking forward to next year’s event.

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A Mid-Day Late-Winter Poem

Lines For Winter 
by Mark Strand

Tell yourself
as it gets cold and gray falls from the air
that you will go on
walking, hearing
the same tune no matter where
you find yourself –
inside the dome of dark
or under the cracking white
of the moon’s gaze in a valley of snow.
Tonight as it gets cold
tell yourself
what you know which is nothing
but the tune your bones play
as you keep going. And you will be able
for once to lie down under the small fire
of winter stars.
And if it happens that you cannot
go on or turn back and you find yourself
where you will be at the end,
tell yourself
in that final flowing of cold through your limbs
that you love what you are.

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Twinning in the Winter

There’s nothing quite like having a fun Sunday morning after a sleepover at the tail-end of winter. Last weekend we had the twins over and they kept us busy all the way through Sunday. When they asked to stay for a little longer while their Dad had to pick up some wood, I couldn’t refuse. The photographs speak for themselves.

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A Wait at the End of Winter


By John Malcolm Brinnin


What reasons may the single heart employ

When, forward and impervious, it moves

Through savage times and science toward the joy

Of love’s next meeting in a threatened space?

What privilege is this, whose tenure gives

One anesthetic hour of release,

While the air raid’s spattered signature displays

A bitter artistry among the trees?


Thus, in our published era, sweetness lives

And keeps its reasons in a private room;

As, in the hothouse, white hibiscus proves

A gardener’s thesis all the winter through,

So does this tenderness if waiting bloom

Like tropics under glass, my dear, for you.

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